Question on headaches while working out while using pwo supps


New member
Ever since I can remember, I've gotten headaches while working out. It seems the headaches start prior to working out after taking a pre work out supplement and I've always just killed them by taking a pain killer such as Goodies or Ibuprofen. As I think about it, I bet it's due to high blood pressure as I have a very good breathing technique.

My PWO I've used is Jack3d and Muscle Pharm Assault- both having stimulants in it.

My question is, should I take my blood pressure while working out to see what level they are at? If so, what's a safe BP range as any increase in physical activity will raise BP regardless of stimulants. I am thinking of turning to a non-stim PWO such as Ultima to test it out. Thoughts??


New member
I get headache from high amounts of caffeine. Maybe try a pwo without caffeine?


You need to bring this to your doctors attention.


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Ever since I can remember, I've gotten headaches while working out. It seems the headaches start prior to working out after taking a pre work out supplement and I've always just killed them by taking a pain killer such as Goodies or Ibuprofen. As I think about it, I bet it's due to high blood pressure as I have a very good breathing technique.

My PWO I've used is Jack3d and Muscle Pharm Assault- both having stimulants in it.

My question is, should I take my blood pressure while working out to see what level they are at? If so, what's a safe BP range as any increase in physical activity will raise BP regardless of stimulants. I am thinking of turning to a non-stim PWO such as Ultima to test it out. Thoughts??

First of all I AM not a doctor so this is just my opinion. If you have high BP then yes taking stims can make it worse. Depending on age the normal range is around 120/80.

In order I would :
Talk with your doctor.
Change to a non-stim pre workout. I could suggest a few.
Take your blood pressure, pre, intra, and post workout. lt should rise some during your workout, but if it's high before you start then you don't need to be adding stims in the mix.


  • RockStar
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If you have high blood pressure as others said see a doc and see what he says.

Switch to a non-stim pre. There are certain supplements that keep blood pressure in check/ lower blood pressure.


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  • RockStar
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Ever since I can remember, I've gotten headaches while working out. It seems the headaches start prior to working out after taking a pre work out supplement and I've always just killed them by taking a pain killer such as Goodies or Ibuprofen. As I think about it, I bet it's due to high blood pressure as I have a very good breathing technique.

My PWO I've used is Jack3d and Muscle Pharm Assault- both having stimulants in it.

My question is, should I take my blood pressure while working out to see what level they are at? If so, what's a safe BP range as any increase in physical activity will raise BP regardless of stimulants. I am thinking of turning to a non-stim PWO such as Ultima to test it out. Thoughts??
1.) your BP will be higher when you are working out anyways

2.) is your BP diagnosed or do you just think you have high BP?

3.) if you have diagnosed high BP, i would stay away from pre workouts than contain stimulants. also, as long as your doctor agrees, you can take 81mg of Aspirin a day to help control/lower BP

4.) what time of the day are you taking your own BP? always should be first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything.

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