PES Erase to get rid of Gyno from Animal Test


New member
Hey, so I took Animal Test back in September and finished it over a month ago. I didn't take a PCT cause everything I read said it was unnecessary. Well, three weeks after I finished Animal Test, I ended up getting a small pea sized lump in my left nipple (It's gyno, I went to a doctor and got all sorts of tests confirming its gyno).
I called up a supplement store and told them my story and they said Erase by PES will get rid of it. My questions are as follows:
1) Is it too late to take an anti-estrogen/pct?
2) Will Erase actually get rid of the gyno?
3) Will Erase kill my sex drive given that it's an anti-estrogen?
4) Are there any test boosters in Erase? It claims to boost testosterone, but that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want a test booster. I'm guessing it boosts testosterone by nature of it lowering estrogen.
5) Are there any other supplements that get rid of gyno?
6) Will my estrogen levels shoot right back up after I finish Erase?
7) Is Erase a PCT? If not, while PES says you don't need a PCT after taking Erase, should I anyway?

Thanks a lot!


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Sounds like a good question for Patrick Arnold.


Idiot Savant
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1) Is it too late to take an anti-estrogen/pct? Depends. Some would say no.
2) Will Erase actually get rid of the gyno? In theory, anything that decrease estrogen and decreases ER expression should help.
3) Will Erase kill my sex drive given that it's an anti-estrogen? Dose dependent. Stick with the standard dosing on label and you shouldn't have a problem.
4) Are there any test boosters in Erase? It claims to boost testosterone, but that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want a test booster. I'm guessing it boosts testosterone by nature of it lowering estrogen. Correct on the latter.
5) Are there any other supplements that get rid of gyno? Androhard is being touted as such. Tried and true letro has been the standard for some time.
6) Will my estrogen levels shoot right back up after I finish Erase? They will return to normal as per homeostasis level after stopping any such product. If your worried about E rebound, tapering will ensure that you don't have a problem.
7) Is Erase a PCT? If not, while PES says you don't need a PCT after taking Erase, should I anyway? Nope.

Thanks a lot!
^^^^^ bold portions.


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Hey, so I took Animal Test back in September and finished it over a month ago. I didn't take a PCT cause everything I read said it was unnecessary. Well, three weeks after I finished Animal Test, I ended up getting a small pea sized lump in my left nipple (It's gyno, I went to a doctor and got all sorts of tests confirming its gyno).
I called up a supplement store and told them my story and they said Erase by PES will get rid of it. My questions are as follows:
1) Is it too late to take an anti-estrogen/pct?
2) Will Erase actually get rid of the gyno?
3) Will Erase kill my sex drive given that it's an anti-estrogen?
4) Are there any test boosters in Erase? It claims to boost testosterone, but that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want a test booster. I'm guessing it boosts testosterone by nature of it lowering estrogen.
5) Are there any other supplements that get rid of gyno?
6) Will my estrogen levels shoot right back up after I finish Erase?
7) Is Erase a PCT? If not, while PES says you don't need a PCT after taking Erase, should I anyway?

Thanks a lot!
Im really uncertain how animal test caused gyno in you, and i cant guarantee Erase will eradicate it.

1. An antiestrogen started now may help stop the progression, and it may help with gyno reversal, but nothing is for sure, even if you DID start immediately.
2. Cant say for certain.
3. Erase typically boosts libido in the majority of its users, there are a small amount however that get worsened libido after so long from the reduction in estrogen. This goes away upon sessation or reduction of dosage.
4. Its strictly an anti-estrogen, which is the pathway used for boosting testosterone. Erase is only one ingredient.
5. None that are guaranteed, maybe high dose stano-drol or androhard.
6. No, Erase is a suicidal inhibitor. This means the body requires time to manufacture more aromatase enzyme to continue with estrogen production. The time required for that provides a steady increase in estrogen to baseline, no spiking.
7. A lot of people use Erase in PCT because it can lower estrogen, boost testosterone, and also mitigate the catabolic hormone cortisol. No PCT is needed for a product great for PCT.

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