

  • Established
Just wondering if anyone has used this product and if it really works or not? Thanks


Applied Nutriceuticals Rep.
  • Established
I got about a months worth of samples sent to me at my store. They came in a nice chrome looking briefcase, so I do appreciate the gift from NxLabs, but the product didnt do much for me. I only dosed it twice, but I didnt really see much. I may have had a small increase in pumps, but definately nothing extraordinary. I wont be able to use them for a while since Im testing right now, but Ill update when I get a chance to try it again.


  • Established
sweet! that would be great brother! Im thinking about trying this product out but it would have to wait for 2-3 months, so thats why I was looking for some feedback on it.


  • Established
I wouldn't recommend buying Plasmavol.

Do you guys know what unparalleled crap this product is? Mannitol, glycerol, and creatine. This product has less than $1 in ingredients and sells for 70-90 dollars. For 18 servings? That mannitol, which isn't listed in calories or dose (illegally), is over 30g from what I've heard in the industry. A whopping dose of diarrhea and worthlessness that may get you swollen, but also dehydrated (creatine and glycerol and mannitol...oh my). Enjoy the runs, a lot of money gone and absolutely no performance gains or real muscle gains whatsoever on this rediculous product.
Mannitol is used clinically to reduce acutely raised intracranial pressure, until more definitive treatment can be given, e.g. after head trauma (although significant controversy exists over this use), and to treat patients with oliguric renal failure. It is administered intravenously, and is filtered by the glomerulus of the kidney, but is incapable of being reabsorbed from the renal tubule, resulting in decreased water and Na+ reabsorption via its osmotic effect. Consequently, mannitol increases water and Na+ excretion, thereby decreasing extracellular fluid volume.

Mannitol can also be used to open the blood-brain barrier by temporarily shrinking the tightly coupled endothelial cells that make up the barrier. This makes mannitol indispensable for delivering various drugs directly to the brain (e.g. in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease).Mannitol is also used as a sweetener for people with diabetes. Since mannitol has a negative heat of solution, it is used as a sweetener in "breath-freshening" candies, the cooling effect adding to the fresh feel. In doses larger than 20g, mannitol acts as a laxative, and is sometimes sold as a laxative for children.
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