not any significant chance so far on first cycle


New member
I am currently on my first real AAS cycle, today marks exactly 3 wks. My cycle outline is this:

Test e- 500 mg/wk 1-12
Dbol- 40 mg 1-4
Tren ace- 50mg ED 1-5
Aromasin- 12.5 mg EOD
HCG250iu 2x wk

So far I can't see any changes in the mirror, I actually think I look a little fatter. My weight has gone from 191 to fluctuating between 200-205 lbs. All gear is legit, as I have done my reviews, and choose kalpa. I have noticed some good strength though, libido increase, and rock hard erections, just no fat loss, muscle gain or mirror change I can see. Bench went from 245 for 5 to 260 for 6. Db rows- 120x9 to 130x11. Why is it that I can't see much change yet. I'd think the tren ace and dbol would do more than this. Hopefully, some noticeable size and no fat gain, since I'm on tren. I'm in a big surplus every day, macros are 480 G protein, 250 g carb, and 75 g fat. As you an see, I'm eating plenty and will even add calories if I burn additional calories working or whatever. Maybe it's just because I look at myself everyday, but I know my dad ran a dbol only cycle when he was younger for 4 wks and still has stretch marks all over his chest from it. When do you think I'll notice some significant change? Maybe I'm just being a little impatient, but I just don't see much. Just strength gains, no sides, such as tren cough, insomnia, just some high bp.


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  • Established
I am currently on my first real AAS cycle, today marks exactly 3 wks. My cycle outline is this:

Test e- 500 mg/wk 1-12
Dbol- 40 mg 1-4
Tren ace- 50mg ED 1-5
Aromasin- 12.5 mg EOD
HCG250iu 2x wk

So far I can't see any changes in the mirror, I actually think I look a little fatter. My weight has gone from 191 to fluctuating between 200-205 lbs. All gear is legit, as I have done my reviews, and choose kalpa. I have noticed some good strength though, libido increase, and rock hard erections, just no fat loss, muscle gain or mirror change I can see. Bench went from 245 for 5 to 260 for 6. Db rows- 120x9 to 130x11. Why is it that I can't see much change yet. I'd think the tren ace and dbol would do more than this. Hopefully, some noticeable size and no fat gain, since I'm on tren. I'm in a big surplus every day, macros are 480 G protein, 250 g carb, and 75 g fat. As you an see, I'm eating plenty and will even add calories if I burn additional calories working or whatever. Maybe it's just because I look at myself everyday, but I know my dad ran a dbol only cycle when he was younger for 4 wks and still has stretch marks all over his chest from it. When do you think I'll notice some significant change? Maybe I'm just being a little impatient, but I just don't see much. Just strength gains, no sides, such as tren cough, insomnia, just some high bp.
You will likely not see fat lose while on the Dbol, the test E will just be kicking in week 4ish the only odd thing is the Tren Ace I would expect more from it by that point but meh might be under dosed. How is your sleep?

On a side note a little bird told me about a guy who ran Tren ace for 16 weeks and only had the cough once and it was the last of those 16 weeks...


New member
Sleep the same, just much more vivid dreams. My tren I'd dragon pharma Europe. I have a vial of gen shi on the way. I forgot to add, the vascularity in my forearms has increased. I'm also taking some trenavar I had left over.
