New haul of SNS supplements on the way, looking for stack advice!



New member
Hey guys, hope you all are well. Posted in here some months ago when I got my previous haul of supplements and you all were very helpful! I can’t say I felt anything “kick in” that strong last run, and didn’t notice a whole lot right when I ran out, but recently I’ve been feeling like my appetite hasn’t been great, my energy in the gym isn’t optimal a lot of days, and in general just haven’t been in the most motivated mood.

Been wondering why, and then it hit me that maybe the supplements were helping me and it just wasn’t an in my face effect so I didn’t notice it that much, and now without them I’m missing the benefits. This is very plausible as I do realize these are natural supplements and not something that’s gonna kick in super fast usually. Obviously im making assumptions so I don’t know anything for sure. But I’ve been itching to try out some new supplements and see how I feel compared to the first run I tried.

Anyways, here’s what I got this go around, just wanted to make sure these can be combined safely, and if there’s any I shouldn’t be using at the same time. Any other tips or advice, (or just thoughts regarding this stack) would be appreciated as well. Thank you!

SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT
SNS Prime XT
SNS Amentoflavone XT
SNS X-Gels
SNS PEA Relief
SNS Kidney Assist XT

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