First log: Bulking with SNS stack (PA, PrimeXT, XGels, Amento)



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Hey guys, decided to do my first log. Just starting this new stack, and after maintaining weight for a few months, I’m ready to bulk up a bit more and hopefully make some great strength gains. So I figured this would be the perfect time to start a log to contribute to the community and also to help hold myself accountable and stay on track.

Bit of my background for anyone interested: I’m 24yrs old and have had type 1 diabetes for 20 years. Always was pretty active, but not an athlete by any means. In my later teen years I started to get interested in working out, as I was pretty thin (135lb 5’9.5”) but never got consistent unfortunately, and would just work out a little at home here and there. Gained a little weight slowly over my early 20s, and by the start of 2023 I weighed 148 and was getting more serious about lifting and eating to put on some size, but was still working out at home. Definitely didn’t have things as dialed in as I could have, although I was making progress. On oct/6/2023 I decided to finally get a gym membership and I weighed about 157 by then. Since I got the membership, I’ve been very consistent with my workouts, I try to go to the gym daily, unless I’m feeling too sore or had to do something physically active most of the day, then I’ll take a day off. As of this morning (June 27th 2024) I now weigh 173.6 and am still relatively lean although I have gained a little bit of fat as well, which I don’t mind at all right now, as I can still see my veins and abs. I’m very happy with my progress, but I know I could be eating more. I enjoy working out, but recently getting enough calories to keep bulking has been my main struggle and I’ve been in the 170ish range for the past few months. Although the impatient part of me wishes I had kept the calories up consistently, maybe it was for the best that I eased up for a few months to let my body adjust to the new 170ish weight level. Now after having a few months of maintenance, I’m ready to get to 180.

So I will be attempting to increase calories, (and track them, as I’ve been struggling to track consistently). I’m also implementing this sns stack, and will be tracking my workout progress, as recently I have just been going with an intuitive approach these past few months, not recording anything. This log will hopefully help me stay on track with all this!

The stack:
SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT
SNS Prime XT
SNS Amentoflavone XT
SNS X-Gels
SNS PEA Relief
SNS Kidney Assist XT

Today is the third day of PA and PrimeXT, I’ve been taking double the dose of PA and will continue to do that for a few more days to help saturate quicker as recommended by Steve. Taking amentoflavone pre workout. PEA + kidney assist at night (obviously these two won’t help the gains much, but wanted to add them for overall health and hoping the pea helps with little pains here and there). I’ve held off on the X gels so far because I had a little bit of pain in my left elbow and wanted to clear that up before adding the gels in. It already feels like it’s getting better, so I’m planning to add the X gels after a couple more days.

I will be posting each workout as a separate post, on the same day of the workout. Decided to stick to a relatively intuitive approach for now, but track everything so I can gauge progress. This means that I won’t be following set-in-stone rep counts/sets, but most importantly I will always try to do better then whatever I did on the previous workout, and as a bare minimum match it. If I improve on at least one exercise each workout I’ll be happy! Excited to see how fast I progress once the supplements start kicking in. Anyways, this first post went on a lot longer than I expected, hoping to have a consistent and successful log here, thanks for reading!
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Today was leg/core day, I wouldn’t say legs are my strong point (neglected them for a while) but I felt pretty strong today and it was a good leg day for me. Maybe the PA and Prime is already starting to do something, who knows. All numbers are in LBs, bw just means body weight only. Each exercise was also started off with a super light warm up set, which I’m not bothering to record.

Leg press 308x10 286x15 264x15

Decline sit ups 45lbx20 25lbx20 30xbw

Leg curls 100x8 80x12 60x10

Leg extensions 170x10 100x12 60x12

Back hyperextensions 15xbw 15xbw


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That's a great stack. I hope that you'll like it.

I'll be following along. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm glad to help in any way that I can.


New member
That's a great stack. I hope that you'll like it.

I'll be following along. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm glad to help in any way that I can.
Appreciate it, I’m excited to see how this goes! Since I haven’t added the X gels in yet, I think the effects will really start kicking in around the same time as the pa and prime (X gels kick in a bit faster than those two if I remember correctly). Should be interesting to see what kind of a boost I get once all three are fully kicked in 😁


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In on this for sure!


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Felt tired this morning, kinda sore, and just not particularly strong or energetic. Was thinking about taking a day off, but at the same time wanted to work out still because I enjoy it and gives me something to look forward to. Decided I was gonna push through.

I was too impatient to wait any longer to start the X gels, so I took my first dose about 45 min before the workout (4 gels/1000mg). Also had my usual pre workout (pump addict) and the 2 caps of amentoflavone. I should also note that I take creatine daily since I didn’t mention that in the initial post.

To put it simply, had a much better workout than I was expecting given how I felt before hand. Was motivated, felt pretty strong, great pump. All around above average workout in terms of how I felt, really enjoyed it. Not sure if the X gels had any effect already, but man if they were doing something on the first dose I’m excited for what’s to come based on how good this workout was. Of course it could have also been the PA, Prime, Amento. Hard to tell when stacking stuff. But maybe it wasn’t a coincidence that I had an unexpectedly good workout the first time I took the X gels. Time will tell!

Anyways here was today’s workout. Could have done more dips, or body weight dips instead of assisted, but they cause a little bit of joint discomfort sometimes so I decided to keep it light on those.

Bench press 185lbx8 185lbx7 135lbx12
Shoulder press machine 170lbx8 170lbx8 150lbx12
Assisted dip 60lbx15 70lbx15
Rope push downs 85lbx10 65lbx12 45lbx15
Chest fly machine 170lbx10 150lbx7 120lbx7
Ez bar skull crushers 70lbx12 50lbx15 40lbx10
Side lateral raises 25lbx12 20lbx15 20lbx20

Was feeling pretty pumped after the workout so took a pic which is attached 😁


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