Erase Pro/AnaBeta Elite/Alpha-T2/DAA/Clen --- Stack Advice



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I'm wrapping up my last few days on Cellucor Super HD, which I loved, and now need to plan ahead my next supplemnt stack for the next several weeks.

Towards the end of my Cellucor Super HD run I started a bottle of AnaBeta Elite. I have been using the AE for about 2 weeks and do not want to stop using it immediately, unless someone can convince me that doing so would be benefitial to my upcoming plans (because I would have an extra 2 weeks or so of product to use).

1x Erase Pro/ 1/1.5x AnaBeta Elite/ 1x Alpha-T2/ 1x Bulk DAA(33 servings)/ Clen x3, 2 week cycles ----- I have all of these in my arsenal and plan to use them with fat loss as the primary goal. Muscle retention will also be a focus, but muscle gain will not. I follow a LeanGains dieting protocol and have a very precise diet. I calculate everything I eat on a daily basis with knowledge of how many calories I should be consuming to reach my goals; this comes from observing past records and also many hours of current calculations. I like to be precise :afro:

This is what im asking: what is everyone's opinion on how I should utilize these products to reap the most beneit from them? I would like to use the clen last, as finishing touch so to speak. I also would like to use either the EP or the AE at the same time as the DAA. Not sure where to put the Alpha-T2 in there. Also, if someone can convince me to stop the usage of AE that i'm using now, I would have about 1.5 bottles of the AE to run instead of only the 1.

There are so many options! The great thing about PES products is that they all seem to work synergistically, which makes this not so much an issue of whether or not I will have results, because I will, but rather how to maximize the results over time!

Chime in everyone! Also, i've been contemplating doing my first ever log on here. I already record my training and diet. I think it would be fun to hear everyones opinions and feedback. Anyone interested in following a log of these products over time?


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I'd honestly probably take time off the stims i'm guessing Super HD by Cellucor is laden with stims. So i wouldn't use the AT-2 just yet. But i don't see a problem with going with Erase Pro, Anabeta Elite and DAA. DAA and an AI are the best way to go anyways. Anabeta Elite is going to make you hungry obviously but Forskolin in AE is going to help you with leaning down also with your EP. No expierence with clen here so i got no advice on that i'll let someone with better knowledge on it chime in.


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I'd honestly probably take time off the stims i'm guessing Super HD by Cellucor is laden with stims. So i wouldn't use the AT-2 just yet. But i don't see a problem with going with Erase Pro, Anabeta Elite and DAA. DAA and an AI are the best way to go anyways. Anabeta Elite is going to make you hungry obviously but Forskolin in AE is going to help you with leaning down also with your EP. No expierence with clen here so i got no advice on that i'll let someone with better knowledge on it chime in.

I dont have a lot of knowledge about forskolin other than its effects on testosterone. Is it known to promote fat loss? or is this a secondary effect of the increased test?


I dont have a lot of knowledge about forskolin other than its effects on testosterone. Is it known to promote fat loss? or is this a secondary effect of the increased test?
The effects of forskolin on testosterone are mild but capable of significantly increasing LBM over a period of 3 months. Both the fat loss and testosterone increases are functions of the boost in cyclic AMP


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Thanks for the reply, mr.cooper69. I got some good reading accomplished since you provided that insight!


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I'm wrapping up my last few days on Cellucor Super HD, which I loved, and now need to plan ahead my next supplemnt stack for the next several weeks.

Towards the end of my Cellucor Super HD run I started a bottle of AnaBeta Elite. I have been using the AE for about 2 weeks and do not want to stop using it immediately, unless someone can convince me that doing so would be benefitial to my upcoming plans (because I would have an extra 2 weeks or so of product to use).

1x Erase Pro/ 1/1.5x AnaBeta Elite/ 1x Alpha-T2/ 1x Bulk DAA(33 servings)/ Clen x3, 2 week cycles ----- I have all of these in my arsenal and plan to use them with fat loss as the primary goal. Muscle retention will also be a focus, but muscle gain will not. I follow a LeanGains dieting protocol and have a very precise diet. I calculate everything I eat on a daily basis with knowledge of how many calories I should be consuming to reach my goals; this comes from observing past records and also many hours of current calculations. I like to be precise :afro:

This is what im asking: what is everyone's opinion on how I should utilize these products to reap the most beneit from them? I would like to use the clen last, as finishing touch so to speak. I also would like to use either the EP or the AE at the same time as the DAA. Not sure where to put the Alpha-T2 in there. Also, if someone can convince me to stop the usage of AE that i'm using now, I would have about 1.5 bottles of the AE to run instead of only the 1.

There are so many options! The great thing about PES products is that they all seem to work synergistically, which makes this not so much an issue of whether or not I will have results, because I will, but rather how to maximize the results over time!

Chime in everyone! Also, i've been contemplating doing my first ever log on here. I already record my training and diet. I think it would be fun to hear everyones opinions and feedback. Anyone interested in following a log of these products over time?
I would probably just finish up this run of Anabeta Elite and then throw the other products in.

Anabeta Elite - 4/4/4/4/4/4
Erase Pro - 0/0/1/1/1/1
Alpha-T2 - 0/0/3/3/3/3
DAA - 0/0/3g/3g/3g/3g

Clen, depending on how much you have you can sprinkle it in wherever for 2on/2off protocol as you've mentioned.

Alternatively, you could grab the carbonite stack and run a natural beta-2 agonist instead of it. Or you can start the AT2 now and sort of "bridge" it into the clen run.


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Thanks for the reply, Kevinhy. I agree with the advice to finish the bottle of AE for now.

However, I was hoping to make this stack last longer than 4 weeks to get maximum effectiveness over time. If I would reap better results using them altogether, then so be it.

I just bought my buddy the carbonate stack for his birthday, I'll make sure to update everyone on how it works for him! I'd do the same, but I've been dying to use this clen for a long time. I ran the clen for 2on2off x 2 late last year/early this year, but due to having higher bodyfat that I ha estimated I did not see as much benefit as I had expected. I've been saving the rest of it for the final touched to 6-7% bodyfat!

It's worth mentioning. I am 5'9 188lbs at ~9.5% bodyfat.


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Thanks for the reply, Kevinhy. I agree with the advice to finish the bottle of AE for now.

However, I was hoping to make this stack last longer than 4 weeks to get maximum effectiveness over time. If I would reap better results using them altogether, then so be it.

I just bought my buddy the carbonate stack for his birthday, I'll make sure to update everyone on how it works for him! I'd do the same, but I've been dying to use this clen for a long time. I ran the clen for 2on2off x 2 late last year/early this year, but due to having higher bodyfat that I ha estimated I did not see as much benefit as I had expected. I've been saving the rest of it for the final touched to 6-7% bodyfat!

It's worth mentioning. I am 5'9 188lbs at ~9.5% bodyfat.
If you wanted to make the run longer you could do this after you finish that first AE bottle:

Anabeta Elite - 4/4/4/4/0/0/0/0
Alpha-T2 - 3/3/3/3/0/0/0/0
Erase Pro - 0/0/0/0/1/1/1/1
DAA - 0/0/0/0/3g/3g/3g/3g

This way you're getting an eight week run out of it, you can recomp/lean out during the beginning with AT2, and then introduce the clen once its finished and you're a bit leaner.


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If you wanted to make the run longer you could do this after you finish that first AE bottle:

Anabeta Elite - 4/4/4/4/0/0/0/0
Alpha-T2 - 3/3/3/3/0/0/0/0
Erase Pro - 0/0/0/0/1/1/1/1
DAA - 0/0/0/0/3g/3g/3g/3g

This way you're getting an eight week run out of it, you can recomp/lean out during the beginning with AT2, and then introduce the clen once its finished and you're a bit leaner.
I like this plan quite a bit. Thanks a bunch for the input!

Like I had mentioned earlier, PES products all work well together. Makes this hard for me to make up my mind. Of the 50+ bottles of supplements I have on my dresser I could probably make up a thousand different stacks easily, because most of the products are only going to serve one purpose. I love that PES products are almost always capable of multiple goal accomplishing. Double edged sword!

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