Deployment stack


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I'm going on my first deployment at the end of this year. We'll be on ship most of the time and I thought why not use that time to get into even better shape? I tried M1-D and Natadrol before with good results, but now I've seen M1-D black and substerone and i thought I'd give them a try too. While on ship I thought I'd go with a stack of M1-D black and natadrol with Formadrol Extreme as my PCT. Now, I was considering getting substerone along with those. My question is, when would be the best time to take the natadrol and what would be good dosings for the m1-d and natadrol. I played around a bit with dosings when i took natadrol, but i never got a definitive answer on dosings. also, what would be a good duration to use these products and would this be better for a bulk or a cut. haven't tried sups like these in a while, so I'm full of questions.

Thought I'd give these a go along with:
Green MAGnitude
White Flood
Dymatize Elite Isolate
Allmax Micronized Glutamine


New member
I'm going on my first deployment at the end of this year. We'll be on ship most of the time and I thought why not use that time to get into even better shape? I tried M1-D and Natadrol before with good results, but now I've seen M1-D black and substerone and i thought I'd give them a try too. While on ship I thought I'd go with a stack of M1-D black and natadrol with Formadrol Extreme as my PCT. Now, I was considering getting substerone along with those. My question is, when would be the best time to take the natadrol and what would be good dosings for the m1-d and natadrol. I played around a bit with dosings when i took natadrol, but i never got a definitive answer on dosings. also, what would be a good duration to use these products and would this be better for a bulk or a cut. haven't tried sups like these in a while, so I'm full of questions.

Thought I'd give these a go along with:
Green MAGnitude
White Flood
Dymatize Elite Isolate
Allmax Micronized Glutamine

my bad, when would be the best time to take the substerone? with the NataD and M1-D or with the PCT?


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I think you should run the Sub Sterone during PCT, i'd advise adding it the second week of PCT in fact. As for the other products you mentioned, use them if you've already bought them. Green Mag is solid, White Flood is solid, Dymatize is a great protein, Xtend is a fantastic BCAA product, Glutamine is pretty much worthless, and Opti-Men is a crappy multi. I'd recommend buying Anavite or Orange Triad, and also adding Orange OxiMega for EPA/DHA.


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i already have the opti men, but the rest i was gonna buy about 5 weeks prior to stepping on ship. between triad and anavite, which would you recommend overall.


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They both offer different benefits. Orange Triad provides joint support and a digestive/immune support complex. Anavite provides LCLT (l-carnitine l-tartrate) and BA (beta alanine) among other performance enhancing ingredients. At a full dose Orange Triad costs 24 bucks for 45 days. At a full dose Anavite costs 20-24 bucks for 60 days. I typically use the basic dose for Anavite, although i know guys who double up, and at 20 bucks for 30 days it's still a great deal. That being said, buy which ever one you think will help you. I did notice less joint pain while on Orange Triad, but i've also noticed good things on Anavite. Which do you think will benefit you most? Placebo aside, i think Orange Triad is the best bet, although i do think that adding a constant supply of LCLT and BA has improved my training.


New member
well, i haven't really had join pain as of late, but that doesn't mean i won't especially considering the toll that pre-deployment training may have on me. but anavite is more cost effective and since I'm only a PFC and make around 1300 a month after taxes, i think I'll go for anavite. also, have you used green bulge? You said green mag is solid but I'm also wondering about green bulge. the reason for asking is we can only store so much on ship and i'd rather take up as little space as possible, although i could put the mag in a zip lock bag to eliminate the larger container factor.


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Ya go with the Anavite then, that will last you 2 months for 20 bucks. Green Bulge is fine, but if you're on a budget i'd recommend AllMax creapure creatine. Dirt cheap for a bunch of servings of creapure. Again, drop the Glutamine, and add some fish oil, i really recommend Orange OxiMega by CL, we need EFAs. I'd also drop the Xtend if you're on a budget. No hate, it's a fantastic product, but your money can be saved and spent elsewhere for more benefit in my opinion. That will also save you some space.

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