Cutting Andro Kit


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So I spent the winter bulking with daa and anabeta in the late fall, took some time off from supps and then recomp/bulked used the MAN Sports anabolic algorithm with daa in the late winter/early spring. I was moderately happy with strength and size gains i was able to make through sweater season but as it tends to go after a prolonged high everything diet i was a bit flabby.

Over the last 6 weeks i have eased into a cut, 2 weeks just with staples and only verry moderate carb and calorie restrictions and the last four with PES alphamine and a progressively more strict diet utilizing some IM and carb cycling. I am supper happy with the way that alphamine has helped me to get to a lower bf% while maintaing muscle (I am down to a harder 185-188 from a softer 195-200) but i am getting a bit deeper into the leaning out process and i have noticed a fair bit of lethargy (even with a 1.5 dose of Enhanced pwo, i need to cycle of stims) and lack of aggression and at times strength. I have combated this by increasing my carb intake in hours prior to training sessions.

Because I want to bust through this wall and proceed to attain a shredded physique I picked up LG Sciences Cutting Andro Kit from another site at a pretty good price. I'm super stoked about it as it may be just what the doctor ordered. it seems the epi andro should help me to get some intense workouts while on a calorie deficit and the 17 Pro Andro and 1-Androstenolone should help with strength and hardness. Over this cycle i would like to maintain or slightly lower my body weight while increasing strength and maybe putting on a couple of pounds of hard muscle.
My question for y'all is how would you dose the kit?

1. Run all three simultaneously at rec dosage? Maybe get another kit and run all three at rec for 8 weeks and then pct for 8 with DAA and the two form-xt's from the kits? (the 1-androstenolone is dosed on the low side from what is included in the kit)
2. stagger the kit and run it for 6 with a 4 week pct? how would you stagger it?
3. Run the kit for 4 and then pick up a 1-Andro bundle to finish up for 4? maybe stack with 17-pro andro for the last 4?

*P.S. I don't want to just spend money unnecessarily, but I'm down to drop some cash if it seems like it will help in an efficient manner


  • Established
i'd get another and run it for 8weeks at full dosage, means getting more 1-andro too

good idea to get a serm to run alongside formxt for pct


New member
Thanks for the advice. so you would get another cutting kit and also an additional 1-andro to enable me to run the 1-andro at the full 4x per day dosage for the full 8. (The bottle in the kit is only 118 ml.)
I wasn't thinking a serm would be necessary with these products but i guess that it was in reference to those taking 1 or 2 substances. I would definitely rather be safe than sorry though


  • Established
^^Yep, you got it. With a longer, harsher cycle like the one you just outlined, i'd personally add in a serm. Anticipated benefit outweighs minute cost.


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Update: I'm two weeks in and am liking the effects. I've switched over to a more demanding workout regimen. (6 training days per week, 3 day split, compounds in the beginning of the week, isolation lifts 2nd time through, 1 min cardio exercise between every set) My body is adapting to the change much quicker than i would have thought. Have grown more defined, lines and striations are more pronounced. strength steady to slightly improved. greatly improved aggression. Am able to keep up a great pace throughout workouts despite being in a calorie deficit, an area I was struggling with before starting the kit. Excited to see what progress I will be able to make over the next six weeks.


  • Established
make sure you get enough rest and sleep

and get enough good food to support your goals


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So I've ran into a bit of trouble finding a distributor with the kit in stock. I think I may just go with the 1-ando and ph17andro for the second half. Thoughts?


  • Established
So I've ran into a bit of trouble finding a distributor with the kit in stock. I think I may just go with the 1-ando and ph17andro for the second half. Thoughts?
sounds like a fact, i sorta like this setup even better :thumbsup:

you gonna go full 8wks?


New member
Ya im planning on it. I'm feeling the effects and seeing more changes, feels like its just getting started. Just got an iPhone so il b tracking more data over the second half. Interested to finally judge results by hard stats


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I just want to make sure I'm understanding this're running the two ph's for 8wks then a pct or 4 and 4?


New member
I'm doing an 8 week cycle and then pct. I plan on taking measurements and give a progress report this week sometime.
PCT question though, are there any non-rx serms you would recommend or I should I seek out some nolva? I'd prefer to go over the counter


  • Established
for a longer cycle like this, its advisable to run a low dose serm with a testbooster/daa..

people who've done bloodwork confirm that you do get moderate shutdown so i'd try and get a serm

if you try otc, you'd end up spending 2-3times more and not be very certain of the outcome


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I'm doing an 8 week cycle and then pct. I plan on taking measurements and give a progress report this week sometime.
PCT question though, are there any non-rx serms you would recommend or I should I seek out some nolva? I'd prefer to go over the counter
you could run the DS stack.. triazole AX and LX.. these products when taken correctly make for a stellar OTC ... also you could get some BBS Complete PCT.. either of these protocols will do the job as long as your not using heavy methyls


New member
The DS stack looks intriguing. A bit expensive for a pct but I've been wanting to try out those products anyways, might as well be now. I have some form-xt and infinite labs' daa based test booster dagger on hand currently. would you recommend including these anyplace?

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