Cannibal riot vs Cannibal ferox amped preworkout



New member
To me is very hard to choose from categories like fat burners and pre workouts especially when you have so many products availabe. They are all different and you just don't know what to pick. And that's why it's always good to make some research before purchasing. I have tried both product Riot and Cannibal ferox amped and this are results that i have noticed personaly. I have already made post about Riot product and Cannibal ferox amped but in this post i will compare both of this products. First of all i would like to mention that they both contain DMHA and Riot contains a bit more of it which i personaly prefer. They both contain a good amount of caffein. But what i noticed at workout is that they both give you **** loads of energy and good focus. But i think personaly i had better workout with ferox and the veins were better at ferox. Also i have tried five finger death punch and unicorn blood taste of Riot but i prefered the taste of ferox watermelon warmachine but that's not important. I think I would choose Ferox over Riot but i love both of them and don't think that you won't be happy with Riot.
Also announced that new edition of cannibal ferox is coming very soon, for which we
are very excited for and can't wait to try it ! If you want to purchase any of those items use our code TeamJacked20 to get it even cheaper on


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