BPC-157 for Achy Knees

Miles Johnson

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I’ve had great results with BPC for a number of what I’d classify as “soft tissue” injuries- inflamed biceps, sore shoulder, elbow tendonitis. I’m wondering if it would be similarly beneficial for my knees. I have had a number of surgeries from my days as a college wrestler and at roughly the age of 45 (I’m 48 now) everything really caught up with me, I’d describe my knees a “creaky”, idk if it’s arthritis or what you’d call it, I just know that if I kneel down I can’t get back up without bracing myself with my upperbody. I almost can’t squat without doing a ridiculous number of warmup sets.

What are everyone’s thoughts regarding whether this is the sort of thing that BPC would help, or is this beyond the scope of BPC?
Appreciate any insights anyone can provide, thank you in advance.


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I doubt BPC would do anything to help this. Unless you have an injury or joint space issues. I suggest rolling your quads a few times a week and stretching them so your heel can touch your butt. Doing body squats where you sit in the bottom and move around for time. When I mean rolling, I mean getting rid of all the deep adhesions by hanging out on the painful areas (especially along the IT band and where it meets the hamstring) until they are no longer painful. Should take about 6 weeks or so. And look at knees over toes guy. Its painful to get things moving again, but the alternative is much much worse.
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Ya, if its a actual injury you may have a chance to heal it. But if this is just years of wear and tear, maybe some arthritis or old injuries the bpc probably wont fix it. It would help with inflamation And that might temporarily make some pain go away. But it's not going to actually fix anything. My knees and ankles are pretty screwed up from wrestling and doing a lot of dumb **** as a kid and Occasionally I'll use some peptides and get some temporary relief, but it always comes back.

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