Best aromatase inhibitor or supplement to lower estrogen


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Whats the best aromatase inhibitor or anti estrogen that I can get pretty fast? already ordered letro but its gonna take minimum two weeks to come, want something in the meantime.



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Whats the best aromatase inhibitor or anti estrogen that I can get pretty fast? already ordered letro but its gonna take minimum two weeks to come, want something in the meantime.

Depends on what you mean by best. Letro is the strongest, it also has the worst impact on your health and is not very forgiving if you screw up and take too much. You could very easily crush estrogen to nothing and turn yourself into a miserable prick with a limp noodle.

Exemestane is not as strong but is very forgiving with the dose and easy to correct. It also has the least negative health impact and is steroidal in nature so it potentially could help synergistically with your cycle. OTC stuff is hit or miss, there's certain things ppl like and other people will find the same product useless.

I guess a better question would be what do you need a AI for, knowing that my better help answer the question. What's going on that you want to lower your estrogen


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Whats the best aromatase inhibitor or anti estrogen that I can get pretty fast? already ordered letro but its gonna take minimum two weeks to come, want something in the meantime.

IMO & Experience: Black Lion Research's LETRONE is a great AI to mitigate existing gyno (from puberty etc); or to incorporate into your cycle or PCT to reduce the risks of future issues. Its worth the rush shipping if you are experiencing symptoms or prone. Myself and several buddies I recommended the product to experienced improvement within the first week. EXOTHERM is also a good one to add with further AI effects, and VIRON or REBIRTH may help with anti E and elevating natural test, as they did for me. I'm only speaking on BLR products just because I've had such good results (almost as effective and immediate as pharm AI), and feel qualified to recommend them as I've run LETRONE several times. That said, they are natural alternatives, and even all 4 do not make up a complete or pharma grade PCT. Definitely do more research and stack them with a an ensemble of other products to be safe.
Nolvadex, tamoxifen, Chrysin, Orange Juice, Fasting, Cold showers, Ashwaganda, Pine Pollen, mucuna, mitigating stress hormone, are good key things to look into...

Forgive me if I'm being too presumptuous and simple focusing on the gyno indicator, but thats usually the fear when someone posts on here: "OHFuck shipping takes two weeks! I need an AI ASAP!";
-and you didn't give us too much else to go on. ;)

If youre coming off a cycle, I'd recommend you just run it a little longer till your PCT comes in two weeks, and you feel more comfortable about whats in the stack.

If youre running out, look into the on cycle compounds half life and see if you can stretch it out (exEOD), or try tapering; as well as implementing the PCT supps you do have on hand so youre only rebounding one week in stead of two.

If youre completely out, or have itchy, puffy or tingly nips NOW, I'd rush ship the below products, and hope that the OTC pct can pull its weight until your letro is in.

Hope I'm somewhat on the mark here and any of that helps.


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Iron Legion Virtus is probably the most potent AI available OTC, it is nice because you can fine tune the dose depending on your situation - it's topical and easy to measure with the .25ml measurements on the dropper.



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You could check out the new product Terminate by Hard Rock Supplements. There's a few logs in the supplement logs section on it right now.



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Iron Legion Virtus is probably the most potent AI available OTC, it is nice because you can fine tune the dose depending on your situation - it's topical and easy to measure with the .25ml measurements on the dropper.

This is my go to for any cycle which would need it.


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eat lots of organic white button mushrooms and cruciferous veggies STAT!

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