alpha/oep/erase stack


New member
Hey just got my supply of 1 bottle each of Alphat2/Oxy elite pro/ and erase going to start this sunday. I am 5'6'' 185 wanna get down to about 160-170. I also have 2 bottles of comp. edge labs e stane and furuza. Should I take all this together or run the alpha/oxy'erase first and then half way start the estane/furuza. I am starting mma training so dont wanna get to big but at a very good solid cut weight. My job prevents me from eating a lot of solid meals so i use a lot of protein bars or shakes during day and my full size meal is at night plus lots of water and powerade zero after workout. I also have 2 bottles of x tren i bought before it was banned if i should put that in there somewhere.Any help is much appreciated Thanks!


  • Established
Hey just got my supply of 1 bottle each of Alphat2/Oxy elite pro/ and erase going to start this sunday. I am 5'6'' 185 wanna get down to about 160-170. I also have 2 bottles of comp. edge labs e stane and furuza. Should I take all this together or run the alpha/oxy'erase first and then half way start the estane/furuza. I am starting mma training so dont wanna get to big but at a very good solid cut weight. My job prevents me from eating a lot of solid meals so i use a lot of protein bars or shakes during day and my full size meal is at night plus lots of water and powerade zero after workout. I also have 2 bottles of x tren i bought before it was banned if i should put that in there somewhere.Any help is much appreciated Thanks!

good questions.
most importantly you need more solid foods in your diet. your big meal should not be late at night. alpha/erase/oep is an awesome stack BUT only when diet is in check. eat 5 to 6 small meals every 3 hours. think low carb high protein. I personally wouldn't add in any of that other stuff you have. Don't really see any benefit to adding it, especially when on a cut, and if all you're doing is mma training it wont give you the results you want.
I would add in some bcaa. there really aren't any bad blends that I've seen but some are better then others.

hope this helps and good luck with your training.

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