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  1. 6-OXO, no change in body comp

    No placebo, practically worthless, this implies that there was no change in bosy comp at all when there should have been some change just from the resistance training.
  2. Mestanolone

    This is mdht no?
  3. MDHT whats the verdict

    I loved it, used it for 4 weeks 37.5 mg per day and gained mass lost bodyfat and ate like a pig. Shutdown was almost nonexistent Ive been off for two weeks and my test levels have returned to normal range(bloodtest 10 days after cycle end) I gained about four pounds lost about 2 percent bf I...
  4. results from 6-oxo

    Thats not really scientifically accurate, since an AI will decrease the strogen side of the test estrogen balance a younger persons test will increase. The usefulness of this increase may be questionable but the increase itself is not. I believe that the reason people do not see gains from the...

    Ive used over 900 mg trans 4ad per day, its a nice way to simulate a high dose test cycle, but you should definitely use an AI
  6. combining deca and testprop

    Hell Im 5'7 175 at 10% bf and I almost never get any comments unless U take my shirt off ;-)
  7. Cops Accused Of Using Steroids

    if you think the sf guys dont juice your livin in a fantasy man, i know a guy who was marine force recon and he said that in their training if you werent using in some way you were in the vast minority.
  8. pct and gyno ??

    Do you say this because you doubt the efficacy of 6 oxo or for aome other reason?
  9. St. John's Wort

    Yep natural mao i inhibitor stay away from dopaminergics and sertatonin enhancing drugs
  10. **** these fucking squats.......****

    The slow fast twitch conversion it excepted in exercise science as fact, explosive lifting and sprinting converts slower fiber types to faster fiber types so the sprinter example wasnt a great one. If they train by sprinting and olympic lifting of course they will have a large number of type 1...
  11. What do you eat for breakfast?

    This morning I ate 1 protein shake 40 g whey 1 cup carb right low carb high fiber cereal 1 cup low carb hood choclate milk Im cutting

    Dont taper the fina keep it constant
  13. 5AA Cyp Questions:

    dht derivatives usually dont do well as standalones. Theyre not very anabolic, and they are very androgenic. The best your going to get is probably some hardening. Run it with a decent anabolic to see the best gains.
  14. Good 2nd cycle

    Hey man if it worked do it again, good injectable cycle might look like 1-10 4ad cyp 500 mg injected 2 times weekly 1-10 1-test cyp 100 mg enjected eod
  15. PCT Planning.... advice

    The reasons for using adex: 1. Decreasing estrogen 2. Minimizing water retention(basically an extension of the first) Reasons for NOT using adex 1. Extreme estrogen rebound after cessation, this will reduce T levels again 2. Igf1 decrease this is bad when your other primary anabolic hormone...
  16. M1t / 4AD and Shutdown.. need fast recovery

    NO foremestane can be mildly suppressive
  17. First cycle - T1Pro..

    274 was his starting weight man and hes cutting, or at least recomping
  18. Nutrex 1-TU

  19. Nutrex 1-TU

    oh ok I still think the cyp would be better
  20. Nutrex 1-TU

    You misunderstand, if you are looking for lymphatic delivery you are going to want a molecule with a long ester attatched. 1-tu is an ether I believe but a long ester will also alllow for some lymphatic delivery. So if you bought 1-test cyp and dissolved it in an oil that was safe to consume...