Search results

  1. D_town

    Russianstar :Ostarine/Mk-2866 Vs. Pro-hormones

    I have been reading into Ostarine on many other forums as I really want to fully understand it and know the optimal time to take it. PA has strongly stated that he believes Osta to be suppressive at moderate doses and therefore not something to be used in PCT. As stated earlier, I am wanting to...
  2. D_town

    Anyone use Tren Liquavade?? Dosages and results?

    There is not much information around on this short release product and threads I have found simply market and promote the product. Did anyone actually use Tren LV? If so, some conclusions would be much appreciated.
  3. D_town

    Russianstar :Ostarine/Mk-2866 Vs. Pro-hormones

    I have yet to read much about the idea of stacking IGF-LR3 with Ostarine... Any ideas regarding a synergistic relationship or reasons NOT to stack them?
  4. D_town

    Ostarine and muscle fullness

    What was your reasoning for lowering dosage? I'm not questioning you for doing so, just curious.
  5. D_town

    Ostarine and muscle fullness

    S-4 is rumored to cause a yellow tinted vison (nightvision), from logs I've read on Ostarine, this does not seem to be a problem. I'm extremely curious and interested...
  6. D_town

    My Sarms S4 Log 12/6/2010

    BUMP for update
  7. D_town

    Review on Prohormone oxyguno or hemaguno

  8. D_town

    is cinnamon bun good?

    Very good tasting protein, especially as a meal replacement for breakfast.
  9. D_town

    Vida Text. "Androgens and Anabolic Agents"

    Or you could ask one of your bro's here at AM for a copy. ; )
  10. D_town

    best steroid for strength

    Welcome to AM... don't imagine you will be around for long with sh!t like that.
  11. D_town

    Smeton's Pslin and Yellow Gold log-Unsponsered

    Is your YG pre-capped. When you say 2 caps, how much is that, mg-grams. I bought bulk, use size "0" and take 8-12 per day. When I make them, I add a lil K-R-ALA to the cap. I have not hardly noticed anything at about 3 weeks. Iything, all the carbs have me looking bloated.:think:
  12. D_town

    Smeton's Pslin and Yellow Gold log-Unsponsered

    When you say " took a YG", what do you mean? How much are you dosing per dose/ day? Are you taking before carb loading or meals? Are you taking anything with it, such as biotin or querectin? Have you had any noticable effects yet?
  13. D_town

    Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles

    As stated by LME, I was not intending to insult you. I have sarcasm deeply seeded in my veins. I figured you were talking about someone besides you. I just couldn't pass at the alley-oop I was served. You know, funny, haha. I answered every question you posed, in brief answer form. There...
  14. D_town

    Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles

    First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts. There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many...
  15. D_town

    Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles

    I don't spend as much time on AM as I used to, but I don't think the answer to what exactly it is(was) was ever released and a couple people stated that wanted to run lab testing, but I never heard of tests being performed. There are plenty of people that have run it and varying degrees of...
  16. D_town

    Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles

    Running a Superdrol clone and Phera-Plex clone simultaneously would not be advised by very many, if any on THIS board. The problem that would arrise is that too much of each product would be taken. Have some done it, yes. Does the potential to hazardous consequences increase, definately. And...
  17. D_town

    Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles

    As reiterated all over the board... The compounds that you inquire about are technically and chemically steroids, very few 'pro-hormones' are left on the market. They are different formulations upon and modifications of things that you have probably already had experience with. Many of the...
  18. D_town

    Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles

    A simple google search will come up with much of the products, some can be difficult to locate if discontinued, and our sponsors definately have some of the products listed. Welcome to AM.
  19. D_town

    What to add to Eggs???

    black pepper
  20. D_town

    OTC drugs for sleep

    That is the primary use. Sleep induction is a nice secondary one... Got kids? LOL Melatonin rotated with Ambien (not OTC) work great for me. Whenever I first take Melatonin after long periods off of it, I have CRAZY VIVID dreams on the borderline of nightmarish. However, when I scare myself...