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  1. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 7 Weight: 211 lbs Mood/Focus: Good Strength: N/A Endurance: I was able to make it through 3 hours of church. Workout: Rest Day I love being able to rest and recoup on Sundays. I actually felt like I wanted to go to the gym today but I resisted. I think it's better that I just rest up...
  2. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 6 Weight: 210 lbs Mood/Focus: Great Strength: Good Endurance: Felt fine in the gym. Workout: Squats 4x6/5/4/3 (last set with 225 lbs.) Front Squats 3x10 (135 lbs.) Leg Curls 4x12/10/8/6 Leg Extensions 4x12/10/8/6 DB Stiff-legged Deadlifts 3x12/10/8 Hammer Curls 3x12/10/8 Barbell Curls...
  3. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 5 Weight: 208 lbs Mood/Focus: Fair Strength: Great Endurance: Good Workout: Behind the Neck Military Press 4x10/8/6/4 (last set was with 225 lbs.) Wide-grip upright rows 4x8/8/6/6 Seated Arnolds 4x12/10/8/6 DB Alternating Front Raises 3x12/10/8 Standing DB Laterals 4x12/10/8/6 Barbell...
  4. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 4 Weight: 207 lbs Mood/Focus: Not quite as aggressive today. Strength: Very Good Endurance: Good Workout: Bench Press 6x15/10/6/4/4/3 Incline Bench 4x8/6/4/3 Flat DB Bench 3x10/8/6 Incline DB Flies 3x10/8/6 Cable Crossovers 3x12/10/8 Skull Crushers 4x10 One-arm reverse triceps pushdowns...
  5. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 3 Weight: 207 lbs Mood/Focus: Pissed off! Strength: Good Endurance: About the same Workout: Front Squats 3x12,9,6 Leg Extensions 4x12,10,8,6 Seated Leg-Curl 4x12,10,8,6 Calves Abs Run 5.5 miles For some reason today I was very irritable. Even the slightest little things were setting...
  6. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 2 Weight: 207 lbs Mood/Focus: Very aggressive today Strength: I felt pretty strong Endurance: I didn't run today, but my endurance while lifting was way up. I am sweating like crazy too! Workout: Wide-grip Pull-ups 3x12 T-Bar Rows 4x12,10,8,6 Behind the neck pull-downs 4x12,10,8,6...
  7. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    Day 1 Weight: 206 lbs Mood/Focus: Good Strength: Probably just placebo effect, but I felt very strong today. Workout: Bench Press 5x15/10/6/4/3 (last set was with 320 lbs.) Incline DB Bench 4x8/6/4/3 (Last set was with the 120s) Incline DB Flies 3x10/8/6 Weighted Dips 3x10 Skullcrushers 3x10...
  8. coug42

    Thread for X-Mass Logs

    Log starts Tomorrow! Here's the link:
  9. coug42

    Coug's GL X-Mass Log (sponsored)

    I want to thank GL for the opportunity to log this product. I have not run a ph/ds for a while and I'm stoked to see what kind of results I can get out of this cycle. I have a very busy schedule with school and work and watching my little girl, but I love to lift/run. My main goals for this...
  10. coug42

    Thread for X-Mass Logs

    Just recieved my goods Today! Thanks again GL for the opportunity to log this. I've got a big biochem test on Friday, so my log will start on Saturday.
  11. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Thanks, I think that most of the reason I've had to dose it so high is because of attenuation to the Geranamine. I have been using it Monday-Saturday and only taking a break on Sunday. I think I may need to try something like reset-ad to help me get more sensitive to stims again. I still...
  12. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    FINAL REVIEW Well I finished up my bottle of x-force today. I would like to again thank LMD and IBE for letting me try out x-force. It is, in my opinion, a very solid focus supp which has helped me get through a rough couple of weeks of school. I ended up doing well though on my exam today...
  13. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Days 8-11 I know it has been a few days since I have posted. My inernet has been down for a couple of days and I have been crazy busy with classes. The good news is that I can't say enough good things about x-force. I'm loving the fact that after a long day of classes and what not I am still...
  14. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Day 7 Yesterday was a rest day, so I took a break from the x-force to save it for the days when I really have to hit the books hard. Today was a pretty busy day and I didn't have a lot of time to study and I also a pretty big quiz in func. anatomy. I dosed my 3 x-force in the morning and I...
  15. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Days 5&6 As busy as my schedule is, it just seems to keep getting busier. These pas two days were pretty good. Same story as the previous day. I can really tell that I have enhanced focus if I dose my x-force about 45min before I hit the books. I went to a few reviews this weekend for an...
  16. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    I'm taking it on an empty stomach. I start feeling hypoglycemic about 30-45 min after dosing and then I just get really hungry. I was starving today. I just couldn't seem to get enough food.
  17. coug42

    iForce Lottery Back Again!!!

    Bold 200
  18. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Day 4 I had another good day today. I actually dosed 2-1-2 today. I took my first dose pre-workout, then the second around noon and the third at about 3:30pm. I was able to get a lot of studying done this afternoon in my research lab. Good clean energy with no crash.
  19. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Day 3 Today was a pretty good day. I'm pleased to say that I did very well on my anatomy practical exam despite it being held at 5pm. Usually I am pretty tired by then and it is hard to focus. Today I took 2 x-force in the morning and then I took 3 at 3:30pm. The energy was clean and I...
  20. coug42

    Forced to Focus with IBE X-Force (sponsored)

    Day 2 I had a really long day today but the x-force helped me get through it. I dosed 3 caps in the AM and 2 caps in the PM just like yesterday. The focus effect was a little weaker today but it was still pretty much there throughout my morning classes. I did notice some appetite suppression...