Search results

  1. Force of Green

    Pump Spray application + daily moisturizer

    I just started Pump Spray today and I am following the twice a day dosage recommendations. I'll even jump in the shower just to open up my pores before my pre-workout application. If this **** works, I'm going to make sure I'm using it properly. That being said, I also use apply lotion or...
  2. Force of Green

    Agmatine Elite - Enhanced absorption with enteric coating

    MST, I've wondered much about the ability of enteric coating to protect fragile compounds such as certain neuromodulators like agmatine - or even peptides - from being completely torn up by the pH environment of the stomach. I'm wondering what kind of tests you did or what was the method...
  3. Force of Green

    RIP William Patrick 'Patman' Belin

    I found an old email from a long time ago when I was friends with Pat and decided to try and contact him again and found out that he had passed away at age 22 in 2010. Words can not express how I feel, but here's his obituary with information for his scholarship for pharmacy students. William...
  4. Force of Green

    Millenium's Entire Lineup - Stronger than ever.

    MST, I just wanted to say that after all these years of being in business, you never cease to amaze me. The quality has always been excellent and the innovation has always been at the top. I wondered, "can it get any better?" Yes, it has been getting even better. Your products are becoming...
  5. Force of Green

    Guys, I need to FOCUS on rebuilding the lost mass *-60 lbs* Force

    Guys, I have come here today in accordance with my agreement to log Intimidate SRT and I need your help guys. I love the members of this board, whether things get heated and we argue or call each other a name now and then, it's all good. I appreciate each and everyone of you whom I have...
  6. Force of Green

    Jack3d Micro

    I am not a huge fan of stimulants and other than green tea, black tea, oolong tea, etc. I have steered away from them for years. I did not care for the YRD fomula and I did not particularly like way Jack3d made me feel either. I would describe the feeling with one word: 'Tweaked'. I received...
  7. Force of Green

    Homemade nootropic capsulation

    I want to achieve the anti-convulsant effects of 2 racetams, noopept and pramiracetam, but I want to get the most out of the compound without upsetting my stomach or wasting any of the powder. I am going to dissolve pramiracetam in coconut oil and noopept in alcohol and emulsify the two with...
  8. Force of Green

    Cordygen NAN02

    I just wanted to say that the Cordygen NAN02 product looks really amazing. You guys really have an amazing thing going on with the naturally derrived and organic ingredients and I hope you keep up the great work with these!
  9. Force of Green

    The United Nations: An Empire Without an Emperor

    I was connecting some dots and worked up an essay and turned it into a project. I wanted to get opinions from the community (my friends) over here at Anabolicminds. It offers some food for thought and if you're interested, please give your feedback. Thanks...
  10. Force of Green

    Oral administration of pregnenolone, DHEA, and GSE

    I got my hands on a bottle of AndroDrive V3 and I am guessing that Prototype will be straying from pregnenolone and DHEA topicals after what happened to Primordial Performance. If I'm wrong, let me know. However, I have a question anyway. I read up on the interaction of grapefruit seed...
  11. Force of Green

    DHEA analogs and suppression

    Hello Patrick and the rest of the forum. In another thread on DHEA, there was a question I wanted cleared up about the suppression caused by DHEA and pregnenolone: Since pregnenolone is not suppressive and...
  12. Force of Green

    Testforce 2 and possible NDMA related hypersensetivity, etc.

    Pat, I am probably a one in a thousand people who may have a link between NDMA receptor agonism and seizures, however, I have noted some things that I have experienced whilst taking Testforce 2 that are both enjoyable in some instances and unenjoyable in other circumstances. I am not making a...
  13. Force of Green

    Force of Green hypo-maniacal, all out warzone TRAINING

    I need very little introduction. I am an experienced, driven, and off-beat individual that is once again reinventing myself. I have a history of rising to great heights, sabotaging myself, spiralling downward, spending too much time in the trenches and rising from the ashes to come out a...
  14. Force of Green

    Thumbs Down To Primaforce (at least for this GPLC)

    Today has been a very rough day for me. The entire morning, afternoon, etc. people giving me crap over trivial delusions and yapping my ear off about a lot of nothing. I apologize for coming off as harsh, but the Primaforce tub of GPLC I bought wasn't even sealed on the outside, the inside...
  15. Force of Green

    Supplement Experience: I've tried too much, ask away.

    Hello Anabolicminds! I figured that I would throw up a thread that is a hybrid of supplement experiences, pitfalls, and progression. I have some favorite products and companies that are based on my experiences with the product results, helpfulness from representatives, etc. I do NOT rep for...
  16. Force of Green

    Strive Observations

    I have recently received an order of supplements on Strive was on my list of next to try intra-workout drinks and will be my last (good thing). I have not stopped Cordygen 5 (great endurance/stamina product) and though I have been also on beta alanine, Andro Drive, and creatine as well, I...
  17. Force of Green

    Andro Drive mini-review

    Hello Anabolicminds! I have been wanting to get to the 3 week point before posting up a review of my observations of this product. This product has been nothing short of outstanding for me and I will say this: Please, do NOT try and improve upon this formulation and if you plan on...
  18. Force of Green

    Transdermal Resveratrol

    Hello Dr. Houser! I remember from LB forums that you were against 'topically administered' resveratrol. I don't quite remember your explanation for this, but I'm wondering why this is? Or did you change your position on the topic? Thanks Dr. Houser!
  19. Force of Green

    Hemavol, Nitroceps, C-Bol, and Power Shock: Increasing vascularity

    Hello All! I am putting together a good supplement stack for increasing vascularity (main goal), endurance, and strength. My diet has been geared towards recomping and my training has been and will continue to be full body workouts on Mon/Weds/Fri. I switch between dumbells, cables, barbells...
  20. Force of Green

    USP Labs Modern BCAA Observations/Mini-review

    Hello all! Another product I have recently purchased it Modern BCAA. I love BCAA/EAAs and I have had my long and successful run with ALRI's Chain'd Out as my BCAA source and now I'm switching it up. I enjoyed VPX Power Shock, but I also heard good things about Modern BCAA and it's 8:1:1...