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  1. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Arms yesterday, deadlifts today.
  2. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    I hit some bench press and cable rows again last night. Benched from 125 up to 225 doing sets of ten, then a set of 125x40 because sadomasochism.
  3. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    I decided to start logging this at my blog, but would still appreciate and comments or suggestions you guys have.
  4. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Just finished some PM pin pressing to work around the tendonitis. Triples up to 255 with one arm cable rows between sets.
  5. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Saturday was kind of a bust. I went to the garage to lift with my wife before the kids' soccer games, but couldn't get my hips and back to work right in the amount of time we had, so I couldn't really squat. Sunday, the plan was to bench up to a heavy single, then hit it for a handful of triples...
  6. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    I couldn't leave well enough alone and benched again tonight, with a little bit of pain. Triples up to 265, then 285 with the Slingshot band thing. Axle for all sets.
  7. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Pretty decent skwaat session today. I did a bunch of paused singles at the beginning, trying to find a wider stance that works for me. I've been keeping the squats pretty light the past few weeks while trying to relearn them and increase my mobility. I think it's starting to pay off, because...
  8. JohnRock

    Wendler's 5/3/1 Sucks.

    Fair enough. I'm not claiming to be 100% right all the time or suggesting anyone shouldn't use 5/3/1. The point is only that you should like what you do.
  9. JohnRock

    Wendler's 5/3/1 Sucks.

    I don't suppose you read the actual blog post? The title was a bit click-baity, but I am definitely not against 5/3/1.
  10. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Thanks man! This isn't really related to my training per se, but seems like a good enough place to add it. I've started a blog about training and put up the first entry yesterday. I'd be honored if anyone wanted to bookmark or share it. The link is in my signature and the first post is absolute...
  11. JohnRock

    Wendler's 5/3/1 Sucks.

    Apologies in advance for the self promotion, but I recently started a blog where I'll be discussing training for strength sports. The first post went up yesterday and I'm anxious to get some views and opinions. Please check it out if you have a few minutes. STRONKsauce
  12. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    I've been having some pain where my right tricep and delt meet, as well as my left elbow, so the benching plan is a little tentative right now. Last night, I benched 105x50, 25, 25 with matching rows between sets. This morning was supposed to be deadlifts and 10x10 dumbbell bench, but the pain...
  13. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Feeling a little beat up today, but did some shoulders and arms anyway because I hate rest days. A couple drop sets of concentration curls with 70, 50, and 30 using fat grips. I cheated a bit on the 70s...obviously. Several sets of strict BTN press at 105x10. 200 bench dips. 100 rear delt flies...
  14. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Just finished benching. 105x5 up to 235x5, 245x5x3 with Slingshot band assistance. All superset with rows.
  15. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Decent lifting today. I practiced squats again, then went into deadlift assistance stuff. I worked on sitting back more in the squats and keeping my torso upright. I don't know if I'm actually stronger like this or if it's just because it limits me from dropping way below parallel. I was...
  16. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    I'd like to try a real one. I have some cheap red superbands and I just double one over, then loop it from tricep to tricep. It has a tendency to rub the hair off my arms, but otherwise works just fine. I think the key to getting anything out of it is that you focus on getting a good pause every...
  17. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Just finished benching with the axle. 105x10, 125x10, 145x10, 165x10, 185x10, 195x10, 205x10, 215x9, 225x10 (homemade slingshot on final set) All sets superset with 140x20 cable rows.
  18. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Decent lifting today. Front squats and axle c&p. My elbow was in serious pain, so I had to modify the plan on the presses and just bang out some higher reps just to get done ASAP. I still got my 20 in, just not the way I planned. Front Squats: 9x3x255 + 5 on the final set. (superset each of...
  19. JohnRock

    Lifting Log

    Thanks! Today is on the schedule as a rest day, but I haven't needed to take many lately. I decided to use it for some light practice. Back Squat: 225x1x5 w/10s pause, 275x1x5 w/5s pause. Incline Bench (axle): 105x10, 155x10, 175x3, 195x1, 215x1x5, 195x3x2, 105x30 -paused every rep for 1-3s...
  20. JohnRock

    Can I stack Ferox and Permaswole?

    I liked both together. Just gauge how much Ferox you use by your tolerance to stims. I can't see how adding PermaSwole to it would cause concerns though.