Recent content by wedlund6

  1. lossing stength

    i thought i would loose a couple reps or mayb 10% like i mostly do when i get off a cycle not 25% thats alot also i droped slowly i took 4 monthes to go from 800 to 240 but i guess it could b normal i dont like it
  2. lossing stength

    hows everyone doing? its been a while i have been on self hrt for 9 month now i was up at 800 mg of test e a week in january i have been droping down like 200mg a week im on 240mg a week right now just cruising for the summer i lost aboot 25% of my stength in the last month. i took a week off...
  3. Help with CyCle for begginer. Thank you

    if you get your diet right and workout right you could put on 10 ibs in 6 months then you hit the roids and add another 10 ibs all your doing by running a cycle now is putting jet fuel in a vw bug it will not get you anywere
  4. Coming up on 57 years......

    57 nice bro
  5. I'm in the Club ...35 and over!!!!

    hair die
  6. Noob Havoc Log (and help, please)

    i have ran many epi cycles i tried pulse once and did not like it at all (i feel bad on days off) some ppl here like pulse so they can help you there i chimmed in cus you say you want to go otc. whats you PCT ? you need to run one with epi. i have ran 4 otc pct after epi with good results if...
  7. post cycle side effects..

    some ppl react different to different thing i can not handle clomid it makes me cry alot
  8. post cycle side effects..

    i think if you pop clen at 8:30 at night by 1 am you would still be up thinking this afu but ya i would stop the nolva
  9. Can you die from reducing your bodyfat too low?

    you do not just die from malnutrition you would get vary sick but that low of body fat does mess with your hormone production
  10. post cycle side effects..

    i would stop the nolva a couple days early is not going to make a differance with that and try working out without the superpumps and see how you feel. and get your bp checked home monitores are pretty cheap i got one if you arms or over 18 inches you need a oversized cuff
  11. on cycle and fukcinn sick :( need advice

    how long was your cycle going to be? did you bridge to the epi yet i get sick on cycle offen (not as sick as you) imo i assume you ran your sd 3 weeks and are bridged over to the epi i would stop my cycle and start my pct
  12. Need help with building mass!

    that and food good clean food and lots of it
  13. Building Muscle questions

    so in you mind a women should not ever workout cuz they can not build muscle if you don't want to workout don't
  14. Beastdrol / Clen

    i ran sd 20/20/30 clen weeks 1 and 2 and clen weeks 3 and 4 of my pct by alot of taurine you will need it. cramps so bad i stoped in the middle of my workout and said f it. never again if i run a cut cycle like that again it would be albuterol and epi. and yes i have a home bp checker and...
  15. All SNS products at the Planet

    nice prices