Recent content by Terminator LMG

  1. Welcome Applied Nutriceuticals!

    Hey, glad to see that Don and the guys made it over here :) Sweet!
  2. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    Swole210, I have to agree with same_old on this one. Elevated estrogen is going to cause higher levels of water retention, which will likely result in elevated blood pressure. Low estrogen levels, resulting in a net loss of water retention should decrese blood pressure. It is the low...
  3. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    No prob Viper. I forget sometimes and I certainly didn't plan for the conversation to evolve as such. :cheers: I'll rock this party over to a more appropriate forum. :djparty:
  4. H-drol 4th day

    Chief85, What are your stats? By that I mean, an individual weighing 150lbs at 7% bodyfat will most likely respond much better with 50mg than an individual who weighs 230lbs at 7% bodyfat. Individuals with a greater quantity of lean muscle mass on their frame may require more. A higher dose...
  5. H-drol 4th day

    I used 75mg for 5 weeks. I was thinking of going higher to 100mg, but I didn't want to 1) get greedy with gains as I already gained 12lbs, and 2) didn't want to risk anymore internal side effects than I was already incurring.
  6. H-drol 4th day

    I ran Mega-H, a Halodrol clone like H-drol, and the gains were very slow and steady. Nothing explosive like superdrol. I was on for 5 weeks and gained 12lbs. I didn't even notice much of a visual effect until week 3-4. After that is when I felt the compound was in full effect. So, long...
  7. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    Thanks. I think that even if BAM was used in pct, the use of the serm or AI would negate any effects that BAM has on estrogen levels anyways. I think though that adding BAM after a pct would be very beneficial in restoring estrogen levels to a level that is also favorable to healthy cholesterol.
  8. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    Hey, you know, I was just kickin' around ideas and you guys can tell me what you think. I think that Bad Ass Mass would actually be a great addition after post cycle therapy. Reason being is that most of us are still using the designer compounds that tend to negatively affect cholesterol...
  9. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    No prob :cheers: Glad I could help out.
  10. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    No rebuttal was ever necessary on your part to begin with. Objective and verifiable information to support your point was. I understand that companies make false claims and that pct is no time to include new and untested products, hence my continued belief that BAM should only be used after a...
  11. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    *Sigh*....deep breath...dude, this is what Author said. Not me. I'm simply contributing information straight from the horses mouth to this forum. You have posted yet another post with absolutely ZERO information to prove your point...just more speculation on your part. Again, take it up...
  12. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    Nah, I think he's just upset because he can't produce a single shred of evidence against what Author L. Rea has stated about his product. Some people just jump to conclusions and assume the worst with everything :fool2: I bet he's the kind of guy that waits 2 years to try a product and then...
  13. Spirotanes in BAM cause HPTA inhibition??

    You are equating the "insignificant" amount of HPTA inhibition that BAM cause with the massively significant HPTA inhibition that superdrol, PP, ergo, testosterone, Dbol, etc causes. The degree is not the same!! Author has clearly stated that the level of suppression is so insignificant that a...
  14. Superdrol - Phera-Plex - Halodrol 50 for SIZE

    Best of luck to you in your powerlifting competition :) Do you deadlift or bench or do both? Are you lifting for personal records, for state records, national records, or world records?
  15. Superdrol - Phera-Plex - Halodrol 50 for SIZE

    Tom, That's a pretty heavy duty oral cycle you're running. What are your reasons for dosing so heavily, and what kind of cholesterol precautions are you taking? Are you purely after the gains and of the metality that "hey I'm young and it won't hurt me," or are you concerned with long term...