Recent content by SRS2000

  1. hey guys

    There is no magic answer. You will just have to try something else and see if you tolerate it. I've never used a weight gain product. I get some simple protein powder and then use stuff like milk, peanut butter, chocolate, cream, oats, etc... and make something if I need it. If your stomach...
  2. ALL HARDGAINERS! Read this article!

    You just have to remember the target audience when looking at stuff like this. It's targeted toward "hardgainers", which is code for really skinny guys who seem to struggle to gain weight. For those that really struggle to gain weight, this can be a decent plan to get a bunch more calories and...
  3. bigger rounder shoulders???

    If you are advanced trainee, I think this can work well since you are likely able to maintain your technique with the heavier weights. Most less experienced lifters try to up the poundages too quickly on the laterals and get really sloppy. It also sounds like you get plenty of volume in along...
  4. bigger rounder shoulders???

    I think you need to go much higher on the reps with the different front/lateral/rear raises. Sets of 20 seems to work better. Save the lower rep stuff for the bigger compound moves and do the raises to really isolate the muscle with alot of volume.
  5. Arm locking up hours after bicep workout

    Also make sure you are replacing your fluids very well. Fluid and electrolyte deficiencies are the most common culprit. I have to absolutely pound fluids for the rest of the evening after a hard training session in the summer months because I sweat so much. Something like gatorade or powerade...
  6. Tricep extension pain

    Lots of people have elbow pain with certain types of extensions. Just use exercises that don't hurt. Get stronger on the big exercises like close-grip benches and dips and then use some type of extension that doesn't cause pain as a finisher.
  7. Barbell Only.....

    That's plenty for most people. If you are a competitive bodybuilder and need absolutely everything at your disposal then maybe you need more. If you are just someone who trains hard and wants to be big and strong then these exercises are plenty if you have a decent progression plan with enough...
  8. I'm Worried I'm Overtraining...

    If you are doing a significant amount of cardio and intense MMA 4 times a week, this looks like way too much in my opinion. You only have so much recovery capacity and you are using alot of it to recover from all the MMA stuff. A whole body lifting session 2x per week would suit your schedule...
  9. help create me a bicep and quad speacialization routine

    I would just do something like was previously suggested only consolidating the upper body work. The days would outline as follows: 1) Heavy legs 2) Upper body: Like a powerlifting workout where you hit a couple pressing movements, 1-2 lat/upper back movements, shoulder laterals, a few sets of...
  10. overtraining

    A little shaking alone isn't enough information to know if you are overtraining or not. The actual research on "CNS fatigue" isn't specific enough to apply to a typically trainee following a reasonable program. The exercises and protocols are simply too different to make direct comparisons...
  11. band training confusion

    Here are the big things to get ready for your first meet. 1) Read the rulebook for the organization and make sure everything is in line. Pay special attention to things like equipment and attire. Everyone will require a singlet but some federations are super-specific about things like...
  12. How does this look?

    I would do something that emphasizes the big lifts more with less isolation work. Really pour your efforts into getting stronger on the main lifts like SQ, DL, BP, overhead press, and rows. If size is your main goal get stronger in the 6-12 rep range on these lifts then add a limited number of...
  13. band training confusion

    A pair of mini-bands are generally what are used for BP and DL. For the SQ average or strong bands are used. For speed work drop the percentage slightly, but ultimately you just have to put some weight on the bar and see how your speed is and adjust from there. If you are lifting or...
  14. Wendlers Templates

    The 3 day a week manual barely mentions anything about 5/3/1 at all. It was written before he even refined the original 5/3/1 stuff. The 5/3/1 for powerlifting is not out yet. The basic template floating around the internet is as follows: 3 week, only do 3 reps on last set, do a couple heavier...
  15. Bench Shirt

    I think the slingshot could work well also. You could also simply buy the cheapest old model inzer blast shirt a couple size too big. Cut the back out so it's easy to get on and off and you are good to go. I would caution you against becoming too reliant on these types of things. You don't...