Recent content by Mrbolt84

  1. Mrbolt84

    integrity labs?

    I’m not sure if he’s on this forum ..but he was on many others ..
  2. Mrbolt84

    integrity labs?

    Integrity was the best...was ..they have been busted.. Used only integrity for years. Nothing but great products.[emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
  3. Mrbolt84

    Start Caber right away?

    You shouldn’t need caber at the low of a dosage. I run tren at 400 mgs and use p5p and zinc to control progesterone...there’s so good info on the web about that combo. I’m thinking about upping the dose to 550 tren for the next 4 weeks..I have caber on hand..but I’ve had gyno surgery so I...
  4. Mrbolt84

    Start Caber right away?

    Wow so 3 120 mg injection a week of tren ace correct? So 360 mgs of tren and 150 mg test a week. Do you like that ratio ?
  5. Mrbolt84

    Start Caber right away?

    How much test are You using with your tren ?
  6. Mrbolt84

    Topicals & that stubborn double chin

    How do u like to dose it ?
  7. Mrbolt84

    Dream cycle

    My dhb experience was terrible ..first shot of 100 mgs ... painful but manageable..second shot was a disaster..200 mgs ass swelled up like a grapefruit..couldn’t walk for 3 days...took 14 days to completely go away
  8. Mrbolt84

    EQ dosage ?

    Should you run test lower than eq? Or could you do a 1:1 ratio?
  9. Mrbolt84

    needle size for trt

    I’ve been doing 1/2 inch 27 gauge in the delts for the last year. Works great ..can’t even feel it. Works great for test cyp. I just run it under warm water for a few mins before injecting I use to do 1.5 inch or 1 inch 25 gauge..
  10. Mrbolt84

    favorite artists to listen to while lifting

    The pre released songs are sooooo good. Huge fan. Got to see them a few times before Tim got locked up. Looking forward to seeing them again. They are amazing live
  11. Mrbolt84

    Unanswered Gyngo. Tamoxifen. Letromina. Aromex.

    Lol surgery...not survey
  12. Mrbolt84

    Unanswered Gyngo. Tamoxifen. Letromina. Aromex.

    I use to use 40 nolva when I had gyno flare ups ...worked great for a while ...fighting gyno just becomes I got the decision ever.
  13. Mrbolt84

    Unanswered Gyno protocol

    Have you done bloodwork to check estrogen blood levels ?
  14. Mrbolt84

    USA WTB Gda’s

    Hit me up. Interested in buying gda’s ...and supernova
  15. Mrbolt84

    Answered SARMS AND PROS?

    I’ve stacked trenavar with rad 140 before. It was amazing. No lethargy, strength was amazing. Note: I’m on trt at 150 mg’s/week