Recent content by 2gcorey

  1. Sports Doctor?

    I had a physical 6 weeks ago and my liver enzymes were high. AST was around 85 and ALT 65. Did bloodwork a month later and was down ALS 55 and ALT 45. Now two weeks after that and taking milk thistle, etc my levers are back up. ALS 105 and ALT 67. I have a feeling it's due to working out and...
  2. On TRT And HCG question

    I switched doctors and my current doctor said he would write a prescription for hcg, but that it's normally stupid expensive like nearly 1000 dollars. He said maybe if I find a "compounding" pharmacy he would send it there and it would save me money. Now my question. I saw on a forum about...
  3. TRT & Prohormone Tapering

    8 weeks between bloodwork first 4 weeks on a PH last two weeks of the PH I started a little extra AI over what the doc says going to run this extra AI for two weeks after the PH use Then two weeks on just what the doc has, then more bloodworks. So two weeks at what the doc had me on should...
  4. TRT & Prohormone Tapering

    Thank you!
  5. TRT & Prohormone Tapering

    I'm just curious if my logic is on or off here. I do TRT through a clinic here. I get bloodwork every 8 weeks. I am running a PH cycle the first 4 weeks, I will then raise my AI dose a hair 2 weeks after to help normalize things then 2 weeks with the AI dose they give me prior to my bloodwork...
  6. 1Alpha Max

    After some research looks like epi would be a good one?
  7. Help with getting back into it

    My diet is clean I was getting great gains and everything is up. Been lifting hard for 1.5 years now and almost a year on TRT. Just looking for a boost to help through a plateau. Was at 235lbs at 5'9" and about 15% bf while bulking. down to 215lbs now and hoping to get back to 230ish around...
  8. Help with getting back into it

    I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I've been out of the prohormones since around 2002. Been lifting now a year and the gains are getting slower. I'm on TRT right now so I'm not looking for anything to raise my test levels (i get bloodwork done every 6 weeks). Also in a few weeks i'm...
  9. 1Alpha Max

  10. 1Alpha Max

    Quick question. I'm on TRT so I won't need PCT correct? Also, is this prohormone known for causing gyno? I'm trying to find a good PH that won't raise my test levels (bloodwork for TRT i dont' want setting off alarms) and also something that isn't known for causing gyno? I realize anything...
  11. TRT

    It's every 7 days. I just found out i'm getting 100mg injections. Is this a pretty low dose or?
  12. TRT

    I told the doc injections only as I work in a warehouse and sweat a lot. Also more consistent I believe. I forgot to ask the dosage I'm on, but next time I go next week I'm going to ask.
  13. TRT

    I got my first shot from the doc today. I didn't ask how much or what as I forgot. Nurse said "it's a low dose so if you don't feel much in a few weeks let us know and we'll raise it". However, he said in Nov he wants blood work again and estrodial is on the paperwork so this guy seems pretty...
  14. TRT

    History: Nearly 35 now (months away). Took prohormones for about 6 months (on and off and did pct) when i was about 22-23. However, the last year or two I have been taking more naps, less energetic, etc. Was fine for years up until now. Anyway, I had my test level tested and i'm at 150. my...
  15. new cycle

    yah, i'm researching cycle assist now and will be picking it up as well. Thanks for the heads up on that. I'm going to call LG tomorrow to discuss that new product they are taking preorders with and also about other products.