My cabergolean log



Why is this stuff called Cabergolean?

****ing confusing as **** here. I saw these threads where people taking unreal doses of Cabergolean in an attempt to gain mass and I'm thinking ... "why would anyone take a prolactin antagonist to gain mass".

Then ... I realized ... it's "Cabergolean" and not "Cabergoline" - one letter's worth of difference.

Why do companies DO this? Deliberately choose confusing names. I sure hope some kid doesn't see these threads - and then order a mess of CABERGOLINE and start taking 1000mg's of the ****. That could really **** a guy up.
The product was initially designed to be a prolactin inhibitor, thus the name. It evolved into a GH booster.

Yes, I hope some retard kid doesn't take Cabergoline in copious amounts either based upon what we named out product. Just like I hope the same jack ass doesn't buy IGF2 on the web because he has been reading about the positive effects of App Nuts GH booster or that he doesn't buy and take a ton of IGF1 because of what he read about Now's product or that he doesn't take a ton of nolvadex because he can't find Gasparis product in stores any longer etc, etc....


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The product was initially designed to be a prolactin inhibitor, thus the name. It evolved into a GH booster.

Yes, I hope some retard kid doesn't take Cabergoline in copious amounts either based upon what we named out product. Just like I hope the same jack ass doesn't buy IGF2 on the web because he has been reading about the positive effects of App Nuts GH booster or that he doesn't buy and take a ton of IGF1 because of what he read about Now's product or that he doesn't take a ton of nolvadex because he can't find Gasparis product in stores any longer etc, etc....
Even if it was initially designed to be a prolactin inhibitor - that's not reason enough to name it so closely to a drug that's already established ... Cabergoline.

And - totally agree with you on IGF-1 and Novadex ... that's why I said ... "Why do companies do this?"

Just because everyone does it though - doesn't make it right.


Even if it was initially designed to be a prolactin inhibitor - that's not reason enough to name it so closely to a drug that's already established ... Cabergoline.

And - totally agree with you on IGF-1 and Novadex ... that's why I said ... "Why do companies do this?"

Just because everyone does it though - doesn't make it right.
It may not be "right" but people need to have some common sense man. People get ripped apart all the time on this forum for not doing there research first and taking something or buying somthing w/out really knowing what it is or what it does. I'm not really disagreeing with you... i just think individuals have to have some accountability, don't you think?


Hey bro how did ERGO-BLITZ go?
Really well! I did it for my arm workout last night. I had a great pump that I was able to sustain the whole workout that was awesome. I had ERGO-BLITZ in one bottle and a water bottle as well. Sipped water after every set but in between each different exercise I drank ERGO-BLITZ to have a constant flow of nutrients to the muscle it worked really well


FST-7 (super 7 sets of 12 reps on both exercises ) - Cable curls and overhead rope press

Hammer Strength Bicep machine (one arm at a time) - 4 sets of 12 reps at.on the last rep I held and squeezed for 15 seconds every set

Underhand Pushdowns - 4 sets of 12 reps at 160lbs...on the last rep I held and squeezed for 15 seconds every set

Rope Pushdowns - 4 sets of 12 reps at 100lbs...once again held for 15 seconds last rep every set

Rope Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 12 reps at 100lbs. of course held for 15 seconds last rep

Great workout! I feel sore and I felt very full! I loved the ERGO-BLITZ on this workout. I mean just look at the profile on the product. How can you go wrong? Great pump and it was awesome that I maintained it the whole workout. I have never done an intra-workout drink before but this was great!

ANyone know how to use a camera on the original iphone? I couldn't figure it out I am technologically challenged. I wanna do that set of 315 on squats for you all


Really well! I did it for my arm workout last night. I had a great pump that I was able to sustain the whole workout that was awesome. I had ERGO-BLITZ in one bottle and a water bottle as well. Sipped water after every set but in between each different exercise I drank ERGO-BLITZ to have a constant flow of nutrients to the muscle it worked really well


FST-7 (super 7 sets of 12 reps on both exercises ) - Cable curls and overhead rope press

Hammer Strength Bicep machine (one arm at a time) - 4 sets of 12 reps at.on the last rep I held and squeezed for 15 seconds every set

Underhand Pushdowns - 4 sets of 12 reps at 160lbs...on the last rep I held and squeezed for 15 seconds every set

Rope Pushdowns - 4 sets of 12 reps at 100lbs...once again held for 15 seconds last rep every set

Rope Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 12 reps at 100lbs. of course held for 15 seconds last rep

Great workout! I feel sore and I felt very full! I loved the ERGO-BLITZ on this workout. I mean just look at the profile on the product. How can you go wrong? Great pump and it was awesome that I maintained it the whole workout. I have never done an intra-workout drink before but this was great!

ANyone know how to use a camera on the original iphone? I couldn't figure it out I am technologically challenged. I wanna do that set of 315 on squats for you all
nice! the fst-7 supersets look crucial thanks for the idea! volume for arms is the sh*t! U like the taste of the ERGO-BLITZ? I thought it was pretty good... not really all that strong and super light on the stomach.. almost like just drinking water thru workout def a plus for me! Sorry bout the iphone troubles.. i'm such a idiot w/ technology i can't figure out how to load a pic on this website... yep.. true story lol


Ha! Mike- keep sending me the pics and vids and I will post them for you! Yeah- the taste is different. But I like it (well I better I chose it!)

Sean Campbell helped me design and he wanted to make sure we had less than 5 grams of carbs. So we didn't want to use just a sweetener because 1.) I am not a big fan of that overly fake sweet taste you get from "sugar free" intra-workout drinks that are loaded with artificial sweeteners and 2.) I am kind of leery of pumping my body with artificial sweeteners...and I don't think I am alone on that?

So we have a little bit of sugar and a little bit of artificial sweetener which I think makes it taste pretty darn good and PERFECT for while you are training. So, for example, if when buying Gatorade you prefer the G2 over the original version- then you will like our drink.

For me, I trained without the Cabergolean and my muscular endurance was awesome! I did 405 on squats for 15 reps which I have not done in a LONG time and I had zero DOMS afterwards!!! All this was without the Cabergolean- just the ERGO-BLITZ!!! I am excited to see if I can top 15 reps at 405 on the squats next week when I train with the ERGO-BLITZ and the Cabergolean.

As an aside, 1 scoop is recommended for your training session; however, if you prefer a sweeter taste and/ or you have been taking an intra-workout drink or NO booster already for a while now, then 2 scoops might not be a bad idea.

nice! the fst-7 supersets look crucial thanks for the idea! volume for arms is the sh*t! U like the taste of the ERGO-BLITZ? I thought it was pretty good... not really all that strong and super light on the stomach.. almost like just drinking water thru workout def a plus for me! Sorry bout the iphone troubles.. i'm such a idiot w/ technology i can't figure out how to load a pic on this website... yep.. true story lol


Ha! Mike- keep sending me the pics and vids and I will post them for you! Yeah- the taste is different. But I like it (well I better I chose it!)

Sean Campbell helped me design and he wanted to make sure we had less than 5 grams of carbs. So we didn't want to use just a sweetener because 1.) I am not a big fan of that overly fake sweet taste you get from "sugar free" intra-workout drinks that are loaded with artificial sweeteners and 2.) I am kind of leery of pumping my body with artificial sweeteners...and I don't think I am alone on that?

So we have a little bit of sugar and a little bit of artificial sweetener which I think makes it taste pretty darn good and PERFECT for while you are training. So, for example, if when buying Gatorade you prefer the G2 over the original version- then you will like our drink.

For me, I trained without the Cabergolean and my muscular endurance was awesome! I did 405 on squats for 15 reps which I have not done in a LONG time and I had zero DOMS afterwards!!! All this was without the Cabergolean- just the ERGO-BLITZ!!! I am excited to see if I can top 15 reps at 405 on the squats next week when I train with the ERGO-BLITZ and the Cabergolean.

As an aside, 1 scoop is recommended for your training session; however, if you prefer a sweeter taste and/ or you have been taking an intra-workout drink or NO booster already for a while now, then 2 scoops might not be a bad idea.
That's some heavy d*mn squats bro! I'm sure you'll be moving the weight easier in the coming weeks. That's what i liked about the taste, wasn't too sweet but it wasn't like drinking straight amino's with that bitterness you know? I'll keep updating the vids as the strength goes up which i'm sure it will as bodyweight keeps climbing. Hopefully will catch some crazy stuff this offseason :)


nice! the fst-7 supersets look crucial thanks for the idea! volume for arms is the sh*t! U like the taste of the ERGO-BLITZ? I thought it was pretty good... not really all that strong and super light on the stomach.. almost like just drinking water thru workout def a plus for me! Sorry bout the iphone troubles.. i'm such a idiot w/ technology i can't figure out how to load a pic on this website... yep.. true story lol
I Thought the fact that the taste was on the light side was a good thing. I feel like if it was really sweet I would puke haha!
Ha! Mike- keep sending me the pics and vids and I will post them for you! Yeah- the taste is different. But I like it (well I better I chose it!)

Sean Campbell helped me design and he wanted to make sure we had less than 5 grams of carbs. So we didn't want to use just a sweetener because 1.) I am not a big fan of that overly fake sweet taste you get from "sugar free" intra-workout drinks that are loaded with artificial sweeteners and 2.) I am kind of leery of pumping my body with artificial sweeteners...and I don't think I am alone on that?

So we have a little bit of sugar and a little bit of artificial sweetener which I think makes it taste pretty darn good and PERFECT for while you are training. So, for example, if when buying Gatorade you prefer the G2 over the original version- then you will like our drink.

For me, I trained without the Cabergolean and my muscular endurance was awesome! I did 405 on squats for 15 reps which I have not done in a LONG time and I had zero DOMS afterwards!!! All this was without the Cabergolean- just the ERGO-BLITZ!!! I am excited to see if I can top 15 reps at 405 on the squats next week when I train with the ERGO-BLITZ and the Cabergolean.

As an aside, 1 scoop is recommended for your training session; however, if you prefer a sweeter taste and/ or you have been taking an intra-workout drink or NO booster already for a while now, then 2 scoops might not be a bad idea.
I definitely appreciate this post. I like where you all had your head at when making this product. I try to keep artificial sweetners to a bare minimum and 100% agree I don't want me supps loaded up on them. By the way that is an insane squat! I am not there yet that is for sure. Do you know how to make the very first version of the iphone shoot a video? I wanna get some training videos to you all but I am technologically challenged


Last night I did back and it went well! had a good pump and ERGO-BLITZ helped me to maintain it that is for sure. In this workout I brough the ERGO-BLITZ with me and just threw it in my bottle half way through. Definitely helped power me to the end


FST-7 (sets of 12 reps)- rope pullovers

DB Rows - 60lbs for 10 reps, 75lbs for 10 reps, 90lbs for 10 reps, 100lbs for 15 reps (gym only has db's to 100 so I gotta rep them)

Underhand grip pulldowns - 115lbs for 4 sets with minimal rest

Free motion pulldowns - 100lbs for 4 sets with minimal rest (really pausing and squeezing every rep)

Underhand hammer strength row machine - 70lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps

That was it! 23 sets in under 60 minutes. Not bad! I felt very full and had a pump the whole time. I did not lift very heavy but that was because I gave myself no rest time so it made little weight feel like very big weight!

Tonight I spin at 6:30 and then after spin I will snack and then hit chest. I am out of town (going to california for brothers wedding) friday morning and wont be back till late sunday. I decided to cram in both spin and weights tonight because I will be missing a couple days later this week


All this talk of Ergo-Blitz and I havent gotten mine yet!!! Aarrgh. Patiently waits for UPS guy......;)

Great training and good discussion in here.

As for the cabergolean vs. cabergoline.....cabergoline is a pharmaceutical so unless you are seeking to get a hold of it, its not gonna fall in your lap by accident. However, cabergoLEAN is pretty straight forward to buy. I HIGHLY doubt there could ever be an issue confusing the two.


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All this talk of Ergo-Blitz and I havent gotten mine yet!!! Aarrgh. Patiently waits for UPS guy......;)

Great training and good discussion in here.

As for the cabergolean vs. cabergoline.....cabergoline is a pharmaceutical so unless you are seeking to get a hold of it, its not gonna fall in your lap by accident. However, cabergoLEAN is pretty straight forward to buy. I HIGHLY doubt there could ever be an issue confusing the two.
i made the same mistake the first time I saw the name then was like ah I see ;)


All this talk of Ergo-Blitz and I havent gotten mine yet!!! Aarrgh. Patiently waits for UPS guy......;)

Great training and good discussion in here.

As for the cabergolean vs. cabergoline.....cabergoline is a pharmaceutical so unless you are seeking to get a hold of it, its not gonna fall in your lap by accident. However, cabergoLEAN is pretty straight forward to buy. I HIGHLY doubt there could ever be an issue confusing the two.
Your lifts are going to shoot through the roof with ERGO-BLITZ!


OK so tues I did a spin class and then chest right after...BAD IDEA!! I felt awful. No pump at all and zero energy so lesson learned haha. Yesterday morning I did another spin class and then they asked if I would teach this morning at 5:15am which I agreed too. I skipped the gym last night so that I could sleep and wake up early today. Today I will do shoulders and arms. I will be in California from tomorrow till sunday night!


OK so tues I did a spin class and then chest right after...BAD IDEA!! I felt awful. No pump at all and zero energy so lesson learned haha. Yesterday morning I did another spin class and then they asked if I would teach this morning at 5:15am which I agreed too. I skipped the gym last night so that I could sleep and wake up early today. Today I will do shoulders and arms. I will be in California from tomorrow till sunday night!
Hey bro looks like things are going well. Have fun in Cali bro, training anywhere while you're there? the mecca? Hope it's a good vaca


Hey bro looks like things are going well. Have fun in Cali bro, training anywhere while you're there? the mecca? Hope it's a good vaca

Took the weekend off from training. I flew in friday and left first thing sunday morning. I was also far away from the mecca :( I got sick out there so that didn't help


Back in Florida! My brothers wedding in California was great! I flew in friday and left first thing sunday morning so the whole time I was there I was busy working on his wedding. I got a stomach flu while I was out there and could barely eat :( I took yesterday off from the gym for recovery. I will hopefully be back at it tonight.

Side note - I am going to go from 7 meals a day to 5. They will be the same in calories though. In between meals I wanna do a serving of ERGO-BLITZ. I figured this would be a cool experiment to see if additional bcaa's will help put some more mass on. It will be interesting to see what happens!


Your lifts are going to shoot through the roof with ERGO-BLITZ!
Unfortunately, my days of lifts "shooting through the roof" are over. Ive pushed naturally for so long that i have hit that stage of diminishing returns. And although I steadily progress, its slow. If I can put 10 lbs on my squat or deadlift in a few months of offseason, I am a happy man. I know slow and steady wins the race. I have noticed ergoblitz's ability to help with vascularity and pump though. It is significant and I cant wait to add it to my pre-stage ****tail or at least see how it makes me look when im really lean.......gonna be good!


Unfortunately, my days of lifts "shooting through the roof" are over. Ive pushed naturally for so long that i have hit that stage of diminishing returns. And although I steadily progress, its slow. If I can put 10 lbs on my squat or deadlift in a few months of offseason, I am a happy man. I know slow and steady wins the race. I have noticed ergoblitz's ability to help with vascularity and pump though. It is significant and I cant wait to add it to my pre-stage ****tail or at least see how it makes me look when im really lean.......gonna be good!
How are you going to implement it pre-stage? Interesting for sure!

What is your take on me doing a serving in between meals?


Last night I did back. I still felt a little sick but well enough to hit the gym. I kept everything light and mostly cables. I wanted to workout just not intensely. On top of that it was the wife's birthday so last thing she wanted was to be in the gym forever haha. I feel much better today! I hit a spin class this morning and chest tonight!


Last night I did back. I still felt a little sick but well enough to hit the gym. I kept everything light and mostly cables. I wanted to workout just not intensely. On top of that it was the wife's birthday so last thing she wanted was to be in the gym forever haha. I feel much better today! I hit a spin class this morning and chest tonight!
Hope chest went well, glad you're feeling better. Happy Birthday to your wife, my girls b-day is next week.


How are you going to implement it pre-stage? Interesting for sure!

What is your take on me doing a serving in between meals?
I would use it for its vaso-dialation effects prior to stage. Probably 2-3 scoops 15 minutes prior to stage time.....BOOM! Instant road map!

I was actually thinking about starting to take it during the day, maybe one scoop prior to breakfast. I notice an increase in blood flow even at rest so thats gotta be good for metabolic rate and delivery. Maybe thats a bit of bro-science, but it might be worth trying out. I also notice an increase effect when I have had coffee about 20-30 min prior to taking it during my workout. BUt this might be because I had been using pre-workout and intra workout supps loaded with caffeine and 1,3 di-meth.....and the "Blitz" is stim free. Might take me a while to re-sensitize to stims now that im lowering them little by little.

Funny how we were just talking about getting stronger and I was stating that my strength gains have been coming slower and slower......well, I slapped an extra 20 on the leg press and got it for the same number of reps as I did two weeks ago. So strength continues to rise!! :)


Hope chest went well, glad you're feeling better. Happy Birthday to your wife, my girls b-day is next week.
Happy birthday to her! Chest went better than back. I am just not feeling 100% this week but I flew to california friday and then barely slept and got back to florida sunday night so I was basically set-up to be sick.

I would use it for its vaso-dialation effects prior to stage. Probably 2-3 scoops 15 minutes prior to stage time.....BOOM! Instant road map!

I was actually thinking about starting to take it during the day, maybe one scoop prior to breakfast. I notice an increase in blood flow even at rest so thats gotta be good for metabolic rate and delivery. Maybe thats a bit of bro-science, but it might be worth trying out. I also notice an increase effect when I have had coffee about 20-30 min prior to taking it during my workout. BUt this might be because I had been using pre-workout and intra workout supps loaded with caffeine and 1,3 di-meth.....and the "Blitz" is stim free. Might take me a while to re-sensitize to stims now that im lowering them little by little.

Funny how we were just talking about getting stronger and I was stating that my strength gains have been coming slower and slower......well, I slapped an extra 20 on the leg press and got it for the same number of reps as I did two weeks ago. So strength continues to rise!! :)
tell you what i am day 3 on ERGO-BLITZ between meals and I do notice a lot! I feel more full and vascular and my weight despite being sick has stayed the same. Congrats on the strength increase! Looks like you are surprising yourself haha


Alright so last night was chest. I felt better than I did on tues but I am still just recovering from being sick. I had a stomach flu so eating has been rough. I think I am going to spin class tomorrow morning and then saturday I will get back with the weights. I just need a couple more days to recover so that I can hit the gym 100%. TO be honest I can't even remember what I did for chest last night haha I have been very out of it all week :/

On a positive note I definitely recommend doing the ERGO-BLITZ in between meals! I find that I feel more full and vascular. I am not a veiny person by any means but I have been more veiny than normal. Also like Sean said it should help shuttle nutrients as well. I am loving this experiment


Alright so last night was chest. I felt better than I did on tues but I am still just recovering from being sick. I had a stomach flu so eating has been rough. I think I am going to spin class tomorrow morning and then saturday I will get back with the weights. I just need a couple more days to recover so that I can hit the gym 100%. TO be honest I can't even remember what I did for chest last night haha I have been very out of it all week :/

On a positive note I definitely recommend doing the ERGO-BLITZ in between meals! I find that I feel more full and vascular. I am not a veiny person by any means but I have been more veiny than normal. Also like Sean said it should help shuttle nutrients as well. I am loving this experiment
Curious to see what results you yeild from it... how many weeks do u intend to follow between meal protocol??


Curious to see what results you yeild from it... how many weeks do u intend to follow between meal protocol??
Not sure how many weeks. I am on week 2 now and loving it. My calories are actually lower these past 2 weeks but I have been able to hold 230lbs I think because of ERGO-BLITZ between meals. Also I wasn't training like I should have last week. I mean I held my weight while eating less and training less and I was sick so I would say thats good results haha


Alright guys back on track as of last friday! Hit shoulders/traps on friday and felt great. Hit arms saturday and had an intense pump! ERGO-BLITZ gives me a very painful arm pump haha. Today I will hit back!

Diet as of right now

Meal 1: 2 scoops of myofusion and 7 rice cakes


Meal 2: 12oz of lean ground beef and 1 cup of basmati rice, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil


Meal 3: 120z chicken breast, 1 cup of basmati rice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil


Meal 4(pre-workout) - 2 scoops of myofusion, 8oz sweet potato and gatorade on the way to the gym (with a glucose support for blood sugar)

ERGO-BLITZ (2 scoops during workout)

Meal 5 (post-workout) - 4 eggs, 8oz lean ground beef, 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of cottage cheese with a scoop of myofusion mixed into it

I have never done this diet before this is strictly an experiment. My hope is I continue to gain but also lean out. We shall see


Alright guys I feel much better and had a good workout last night!


FST-7 (12 reps) - v-bar pulldowns at 135lbs

Barbell rows - 135lbs for 12 reps, 185lbs for 12 reps, 225lbs for 12 reps, 275lbs for 12 reps

Wide grip pulldowns - 115lbs for 12 reps, 130lbs for 12 reps, 145lbs for 12 reps (squeeze and pause at the bottom)

Cable Rows - 115lbs for 12 reps, 130lbs for 12 reps, 145lbs for 12 reps

Cable pullovers - 3 sets at 100lbs

As you can see I am still not 100% as far as strength goes but I am working back up slowly after being sick last week. I still feel a little nauseous off and on so I am trying to listen to my body here the best I can. Chest tonight!


Must be nice to have to WORK to hold onto weight. Ive never had that problem!


Must be nice to have to WORK to hold onto weight. Ive never had that problem!
It's a weird thing really. I was a fat kid but when I was 17 I had enough and got really skinny. Then I started bulking up. Now it is a very fine line for me. I can put on muscle very very easily but with it comes the fat :( If I cut my calories too much I lose weight really quick so its kind of like I can get fat quick or skinny quick. The hard part is staying relatively lean while putting on muscle. I try to hit a goal weight and then composition change at that weight.


Chest last night went well!

FST-7 (12 reps) on incline hammer press - 250lbs

Fly machine - 165lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps

DB Press - 80lbs for 12 reps, 90lbs for 12 reps, 100lbs for 12 reps

Decline cables - 60lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps

Incline hammer strength press machine - 100lbs for 4 sets of 12 reps

I am not feeling as sick as this week goes on. I feel my strength is coming back up after last weeks stomach flu. I did a spin class this morning and I think I will take tonight off. I will just watch the World Series instead haha


(We interrupt this thread for this important commercial announcement)

Because the October contest went so well- we figured we would have a November contest as well-!!!

Place an order between now (10/27) and November 30th and you are automatically entered in our contest to WIN A YEARS SUPPLY OF ERGO-BLITZ OR CABERGOLEAN.

We had one winner from last month (member name: AZMIDLYF)- and this month we will have two winners!

All you need to do is order online at and use coupon code AM50. That's it! Then on December 1st, we will reply to this thread with two winners of our contest.

A YEARS SUPPLY OF ERGO-BLITZ OR CABERGOLEAN! We have the science to illustrate its efficacy and the feedback from your peers that cuts thru the B.S. and shows that this stuff works!!!!

Cannot win the contest twice in the same calendar year
Not open to NRC sponsored athletes or employees
We only ship internationally to Canada at this time


(We interrupt this thread for this important commercial announcement)

Because the October contest went so well- we figured we would have a November contest as well-!!!

Place an order between now (10/27) and November 30th and you are automatically entered in our contest to WIN A YEARS SUPPLY OF ERGO-BLITZ OR CABERGOLEAN.

We had one winner from last month (member name: AZMIDLYF)- and this month we will have two winners!

All you need to do is order online at and use coupon code AM50. That's it! Then on December 1st, we will reply to this thread with two winners of our contest.

A YEARS SUPPLY OF ERGO-BLITZ OR CABERGOLEAN! We have the science to illustrate its efficacy and the feedback from your peers that cuts thru the B.S. and shows that this stuff works!!!!

Cannot win the contest twice in the same calendar year
Not open to NRC sponsored athletes or employees
We only ship internationally to Canada at this time


Shoulders went well last night! My wife made this awesome granola that I ate pre-workout and I am hooked!


1 cup of oatmeal
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
2 tablespoons of honey
Vanilla extract

I swear I am going to get fat from eating this too much haha Anywhom my shoulder workout went as so:

FST-7 - Rear Delts with db's (12 reps)

DB Press- 55lbs for 12 reps, 65lbs for 12 reps, 75lbs for 12 reps, 85lbs for 12 reps

Cable side raises - 35lbs for 4 sets of 12 reps

DB Front raises - 25lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps Super setted with Scapular depressions on the free motion - 100lbs for 12 reps

Behind the back shrugs - 135lbs for 4 sets of 12 reps

That was it! It felt good and my strength is coming back by the day...that stomach flu really screwed me up! Diet wise I got my calories back up and thank god my weight stayed the same (has to be the ERGO-BLITZ because I was not eating much)

Tonight is arms!


Rough stuff going on right now. My job is a disaster. I have never been treated so terribly in my life. Basically I am about to be struggling hardcore financially so the stress may or may not take a toll on me. Weight is at 235 which is up 5lbs but it is not a good thing. It is all water from stress. I feel hopeless right now but I know this is just how life is. I am thankfully feeling 100% which is great! I am going to be training tonight going to do back. I managed to do arms this past weekend. When it rains it pours and right now it is pouring so wish me luck!


I hope everything works out for you. I find the gym to be the best stress reliever though. Maybe thats why I cant stay away?


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I hope everything works out for you. I find the gym to be the best stress reliever though. Maybe thats why I cant stay away?
Yea I find that when I'm stressed I just wanna hit the gym harder and more often. Usually not the best idea though lol.

Hope it gets better bro!!


Rough stuff going on right now. My job is a disaster. I have never been treated so terribly in my life. Basically I am about to be struggling hardcore financially so the stress may or may not take a toll on me. Weight is at 235 which is up 5lbs but it is not a good thing. It is all water from stress. I feel hopeless right now but I know this is just how life is. I am thankfully feeling 100% which is great! I am going to be training tonight going to do back. I managed to do arms this past weekend. When it rains it pours and right now it is pouring so wish me luck!
Sorry to hear that things aren't going well man. I hope it works out man, i know it can be brutal when you aren't being treated well at work. Esp when you gotta be there everyday. Hope the back session went well bro


Sorry to hear that things aren't going well man. I hope it works out man, i know it can be brutal when you aren't being treated well at work. Esp when you gotta be there everyday. Hope the back session went well bro
It is one thing to be treated bad but it sucks even worse when the paycheck isn't cutting the bills. It has me in a **** position for sure. We are coming up short every month on bills I am at the point where I am reading self-help books so I don't snap at work haha!

Back went great though! I am working on my deadlift right now because I am not impressive with those.

Deadlifts: 135lbs for 5 reps, 225lbs for 5 reps, 315lbs for 5 reps, 365lbs for 5 reps, 405lbs for 6 reps (next week I do 5 sets of 10 reps using 225lbs. The week after that I will work my way up to using 455lbs for 5 reps)

Wide-grip pulldowns - 115lbs for 12 reps, 145lbs for 12 reps, 200lbs for 12 reps

Hammer Strength underhand row machine - 80lbs per side for 3 sets of 12 reps (pump sets)

Reverse Grip pulldowns - 115lbs for 12 reps, 145lbs for 12 reps, 200lbs for 12 reps

DB Pullovers - 40lbs for 12 reps, 50lbs for 12 reps, 60lbs for 12 reps

Felt good! My lower back is sore in a good way. Weight this morning was 234lbs. It is weird because I feel leaner yet the weight shot up. I figure it is water from stress I might just be holding it well.


I hope everything works out for you. I find the gym to be the best stress reliever though. Maybe thats why I cant stay away?
Yep! The gym has always been a special place for me. When I was younger I was a troubled youth and got into a lottttttttttttt of trouble. I remember I was just 18 years old and living alone. I was in serious trouble and scared out of my mind. That is when I started bodybuilding. I just got lost in the gym until everything blew over. I did my first show prep just to escape reality. It was the best thing I ever did. I completely turned my life around and have been working in the fitness industry ever since!


Yea I find that when I'm stressed I just wanna hit the gym harder and more often. Usually not the best idea though lol.

Hope it gets better bro!!
I am the same way! It is a great way to get the aggression out haha as long as you don't end up hurting yourself. Thanks for the well wishes brotha I greatly appreciate it


Chest last night:

FST-7 (12 reps all 7 sets) on fly machine - 100lbs, 115lbs, 130lbs, 160lbs, 205lbs, 235lbs, 265lbs

Incline Bench - 135lbs for 12, 185lbs for 12, 225lbs for 12, 225lbs then drop set to 135lbs (on these I paused every single rep so 225lbs felt heavier then 275 haha)

Bodyweight dips - 4 sets of 15

Incline Hammer Press - 3 sets of 230lbs for 12 reps

I felt good! Got a nice pump in the area. My back is sore from monday! My weight is still up. Empty stomach first thing in the morning it is 233-234lbs and at night I am hitting almost 240. I thought this was water from stress but I am not really anymore bloated than normal and I actually feel leaner?? Maybe I am growing yet again?


Chest last night:

FST-7 (12 reps all 7 sets) on fly machine - 100lbs, 115lbs, 130lbs, 160lbs, 205lbs, 235lbs, 265lbs

Incline Bench - 135lbs for 12, 185lbs for 12, 225lbs for 12, 225lbs then drop set to 135lbs (on these I paused every single rep so 225lbs felt heavier then 275 haha)

Bodyweight dips - 4 sets of 15

Incline Hammer Press - 3 sets of 230lbs for 12 reps

I felt good! Got a nice pump in the area. My back is sore from monday! My weight is still up. Empty stomach first thing in the morning it is 233-234lbs and at night I am hitting almost 240. I thought this was water from stress but I am not really anymore bloated than normal and I actually feel leaner?? Maybe I am growing yet again?
Lets go with GROWING!! dude... just kill and eat your co-workers!!!! jk... For serious your weight is creeping right along man, good stuff!!.. I'm shooting for 240 myself.. but i'm gonna have to eat till i puke then eat again i think.. im at 5000 cals and lean at 225 end of day lol.. so waking up 220 normally... SO we'll see... but i wanna catch up to ya ;)


Getting to the gym to exercise can be a blessing bro! Get away from the boss/ evil co-workers and just pound the weights!

I don't know what your faith base is, and no matter what it is I pray it provides you the peace you need. As a Christian I have ome to appreciate the verse below:

Philippians 4:6-7

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.

Chest last night:

FST-7 (12 reps all 7 sets) on fly machine - 100lbs, 115lbs, 130lbs, 160lbs, 205lbs, 235lbs, 265lbs

Incline Bench - 135lbs for 12, 185lbs for 12, 225lbs for 12, 225lbs then drop set to 135lbs (on these I paused every single rep so 225lbs felt heavier then 275 haha)

Bodyweight dips - 4 sets of 15

Incline Hammer Press - 3 sets of 230lbs for 12 reps

I felt good! Got a nice pump in the area. My back is sore from monday! My weight is still up. Empty stomach first thing in the morning it is 233-234lbs and at night I am hitting almost 240. I thought this was water from stress but I am not really anymore bloated than normal and I actually feel leaner?? Maybe I am growing yet again?


Lets go with GROWING!! dude... just kill and eat your co-workers!!!! jk... For serious your weight is creeping right along man, good stuff!!.. I'm shooting for 240 myself.. but i'm gonna have to eat till i puke then eat again i think.. im at 5000 cals and lean at 225 end of day lol.. so waking up 220 normally... SO we'll see... but i wanna catch up to ya ;)
Haha I might have to start eating the co-workers! You are eating more calories than me at this point! I mean it is good your body allows to stay lean as you grow so you are gonna look sickkkkkkkk when you hit 240 thats for sure! I am growing off of 4000 calories right now but I want to end up around 240-245 so it is going to take more food than what I am doing! I just hope this growth spurts keep coming. You have put on like 15lbs recently though which is huge!


Getting to the gym to exercise can be a blessing bro! Get away from the boss/ evil co-workers and just pound the weights!

I don't know what your faith base is, and no matter what it is I pray it provides you the peace you need. As a Christian I have ome to appreciate the verse below:

Philippians 4:6-7

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.
Awesome post! I thank you for it. I lose sight of these verses constantlyyyyyyyyyy. The wife and I are stressed but we do have a strong faith base (christian) and I would say we are less stressed than most will be. God has proven to me over and over he will help me through any situation I encounter. Patience is hard but I know he will show me how to survive!


I was exhausted yesterday I have no idea why. I listened to my body and got some more sleep. I took my calories down yesterday as well just because I was not going to be in the gym. My weight is still up there. Almost hitting 240 at the end of the day. Tonight I have shoulders and the day off was good for me because I am hungry for the gym today! I have been putting my resume out there so hopefully my phone rings soon!


Awesome post! I thank you for it. I lose sight of these verses constantlyyyyyyyyyy. The wife and I are stressed but we do have a strong faith base (christian) and I would say we are less stressed than most will be. God has proven to me over and over he will help me through any situation I encounter. Patience is hard but I know he will show me how to survive!
Good that you have that mindset man i have a feeling you'll find something better soon!

As far as calories go i'm not sure how high i'm gonna have to go to get the extra growth i'm shooting for, i feel like i'm gonna want to puke every meal lol


I was exhausted yesterday I have no idea why. I listened to my body and got some more sleep. I took my calories down yesterday as well just because I was not going to be in the gym. My weight is still up there. Almost hitting 240 at the end of the day. Tonight I have shoulders and the day off was good for me because I am hungry for the gym today! I have been putting my resume out there so hopefully my phone rings soon!
If you need a reference let me know bro. I am sure we can figure something out. I would be more than happy to help!


Good that you have that mindset man i have a feeling you'll find something better soon!

As far as calories go i'm not sure how high i'm gonna have to go to get the extra growth i'm shooting for, i feel like i'm gonna want to puke every meal lol
Haha probably bro! That or dirty up the calories a little bit? More cheat meals?

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