Not your average SARMS Cycle- thoughts?


New member
Hey guys, I'll get right to the point. I have some legit leftover research chemicals that I am trying to make the most of. Thinking of doing this cycle to get my feet in the water.

15mg Ostarine for 5 weeks (Cut/Recomp)
40mg (20/20) S4 for 4 weeks (Lean Bulk)
Mini PCT (Clomid) 50/50/25/25

Not the ideal time lengths I know. But with the right training/diet I think I can make it a productive 9 weeks.

I'm a firm believer in the effectiveness of lowered dosages especially when trying of mitigate negative sides, but would this be worth it? Should I just stack them instead? Looking to make the most out of what I have. Thanks!


I'll probably come off as unpopular like I have before, I'm not a huge fan of stacking.

Sarms generally affect your Androgen receptors in the same way, with the exception of things like yk11 .

if it's your first time ever? Stacking is an even worse idea because you don't know what compounds are affecting you and what way.


New member
Thanks for the response. And good point(s), I’ve read a couple places most different SARMS, although serving different purposes, typically target the same receptors. I’m not certain this holds back the benefits of stacking though.

Would you recommend separating and doing the ost first and s4 after? (9wks total) Followed by pct?


Thanks for the response. And good point(s), I’ve read a couple places most different SARMS, although serving different purposes, typically target the same receptors. I’m not certain this holds back the benefits of stacking though.

Would you recommend separating and doing the ost first and s4 after? (9wks total) Followed by pct?
It will depend on your diet. If you only need to diet sixteen weeks, then I'd look starting the diet without anything but the diet and a good workout program, then when you have it dialed in and want to fine tune or kick it up, you can add the ostarine to the mix.

I recently participated in a long thread here about using a serm during a cycle and it's pretty convincing, so either run the serm pct or do it after 4 weeks on ostarine when you'd start to get suppression and then keep it through the end of the cycle.

Post Diet

After the diet, I would suspend the sarms and do 3-4 weeks pct and taper your diet back to maintenance calories for a month or so, then after time on = time off, start again with your muscle building cycle.

(Time on = time off implies you rest an equal time off any anabolic to reset your endocrine system. Example, a ten week cycle = ten weeks no sarms before starting again).

You'll hear that you can start earlier and maybe yes, but if you don't have the budget to do bloods more than twice (start of and end of cycle), then a good rule is time on = time off.

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