Critigue my cut


Hi guys i have been cutting since january. Was at 24% bf I know its high was relationship gut. Im now at 18.5%
I do 2 days a week at the gym weights and then 20 mins cardio.
2 Days a week Boxing which involves some technique or sparring and the usually a 25 min circuit.
Would like everyone to critigue my workouts.
DB Chest press 10x 3
Incline press 10x 3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10x 3
Arnold press 10x 3
Dumbbell Extension 10x 3
Squats 10x 3
Calf raises 10x 3

Tuesday 1 and a half Hour Boxing training

seated row 10x 3
Shoulder shrugs 10x 3
Concentration curls 10x 3
Hammer curls 10x 3
One arm dumbbell Row 10x 3
Dead lift 10x 3

Thursday 1 and a half Hour Boxing training

Diet is usualy
Morning Bowl of porridge and an apple
Snack handfull of peanuts and an orange
Lunch 2 wholemeal pittas and 100g of Low fat humous
Snack handful of nuts orange.
Post workout Protein shake
Dinner is whatever my mum cooks usualy the typical roast dinner kind of thing.
Snack if hungry later

My goal is to get down to 12% in the future. Im not bothered how myuch I way TBH just wanna loose the gut and double chin.


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makes no sense. you can do this all you want but if youre eating crap, you wont get anyywhere

post diet in diet section


New member
I'd be shocked if you were taking in over 1K calories -simply not enough. Would also be surprised if you were taking in over 75 grams of protein. Spend some time reading in the nutrition section, there is slot of good advice in there.


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diet doesn't just mean cutting calories. a diet is what you eat. you are talking about restricting calories to the point that its detrimental to your progress. if your body thinks it is going to starve then it will begin to store those fewer calories as fat whenever you do eat.

figure out what your maintenance calories are (use google for an equation), and then go from there. not getting enough protein and still working out hard will be bad because your body will try to get protein and energy from other sources (muscles). you dont want to be catabolic!


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Yes sir, you are def not taking enough food in.

You need a whole lot more. You need some more protein coming from meat on your diet. Toss in a burger during lunch time, some more almonds, walnuts or pecans wouldn't hurt your diet either.

Eggs could come in very handy as snacks or at night. You really need to up those calories quite a bit sir. I'm gonna guess at least another 1k of calories on your day.


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Bro you have way to little protein for one thing, lots of fruit (I normally dont have clients use much fruit on a cut) the calories are probably beyond way to low, and the diet has 0 organization. We need to totally revamp this


I have allegedly 144lb of lean body mass, Also I have dinner in there which my mum cooks so that changes Today I had Chicken potatoes and carrots. Could you perhaps point me in the direction of a good site or thread too look at. I have searched but just finding it confusing.


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go joint the football school live wit mommy? ur in hs?
just joint a sport and eat a lot of good clean food. that s all u need


Here are the basics you need to take these and make it a diet that works for u it may take some time but its pretty fun learning how your body works

Here is an article i typed up:

In this section you will learn what BMR is and the steps taken to calculate your BMR. The first step in setting up any diet plan is to figure out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories expended by the body at rest each day. Your body requires calories for respiration, to keep your heart beating, and to maintain body temperature. Several different things can affect your BMR such as exercise, age, weight, height, gender, and environmental temperatures all of these need to be taken into consideration when figuring out your BMR for instance people living in very hot and cold environments have a BMR that 5-20% higher than people who live in more temperate climates.
In order to figure out your BMR you will need to spend the night at a hospital and be tested after 8 hours of sleep in a dark room while sitting still and not moving this is the only true way to accurately get your BMR but there is also a formula that you can use to get an estimate of what your BMR is, you will need to know your current height and weight, I suggest weighing yourself as soon as you wake up because food and water consumption will add extra weight to the scale. Once you have figured out your current weight and height you will need to use a simple formula that I firmly believe in and have always used to figure out my BMR and my daily caloric needs.

English BMR Formula


BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )


BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

Metric BMR Formula


BMR = 655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kilos ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )


BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) - ( 6.8 x age in years )

I have a friend named Ben who is 5ft 6 inches tall and weighs 180lbs and he is 21 years of age by using the English BMR formula for males his BMR would be 1883.2 calories each day to maintain his current body weight by doing absolutely nothing. It is very important to know your BMR prior to setting up any diet plan because if you do not eat above your BMR it is extremely unhealthy and dangerous, loss of muscle, your body will not have enough energy to burn fat, you will be unable to build muscle, and you will be starving your body of much needed nutrients. In this section I have explained what BMR is, how to calculate your BMR and the importance of figuring out your BMR prior to starting any diet plan. In the next part of this section I will explain how to take your BMR and calculate your daily caloric needs

Section 2: Daily Caloric Needs
So you now have figured out your BMR and we are ready to move on to the next step in setting up a successful diet plan, we need to figure out how many calories your body burns per day to maintain your current body weight while conducting day to day activities and exercise. The easiest way to estimate how many calories your body burns a day is by using a formula known as the Harris Benedict Formula, but remember this is only an estimate you may need to raise or lower your calories based on you goal but I will cover that later on in this section.
Harris Benedict Formula:
1. If you are not active (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
2. If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
3. If you are moderate activity (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
4. If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
5. If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9
Remember Ben lets go ahead and use him for this example as well, his BMR was 1883.2 calories per day. Let’s say he exercises 6-7 days a week, he would take his BMR (1883.2) x 1.725 = 3248.52 calories per day to maintain his current body weight of 180lbs but remember this is just an estimate you will have to watch the scale closely and constantly keep a log of your weight to see if any adjustments need to be made. So far in this section you have learned how to calculate your BMR, how to calculate your BMR, the importance of calculating your BMR, and figuring out your daily caloric needs based on your activity level now we will move on the next part of this section and I will teach you how to properly fuel your body throughout the day and how to properly breakdown your calories.

Section 3: Macro Nutrient Breakdown
So not only have you figured out your BMR but you have also estimated how many calories you burn per day to maintain your current body weight, now I will teach you how to properly breakdown your calories into three different categories: proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids (fats). Your body will be the deciding factor on how many grams of each work best for you and how your body reacts to different breakdowns, you will need to constantly log your weight and adjust as needed I will teach you different methods of adjusting your caloric breakdown later on in this section. First we need to figure out how many calories will come from protein, carbohydrates, and fats. I suggest starting with a 40/40/20 breakdown or 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% from fats if your body type is a mesomorph, however ectomorphs may require more carbohydrates and endomorph’s may require something like a 40/30/30 breakdown.
Now to figure out how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you will eat per day you will need to know that for every 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates it equals 4 calories and for every 1 gram of fats it equals 9 calories so to calculate how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you will consume you need to take your daily caloric intake and multiply it by .40 for protein, .40 for carbohydrates and .20 for fats. So once again I will use my buddy Ben, his daily caloric intake was 3248.52 so he would take 3248 x .40 = 1299.2 this is how many calories he will consume per day that will come from protein now he will take 1299.2 divided by 4 and that would equal 324.8 and this is how many grams of protein he will need to ear per day also since he is using a 40/40/20 breakdown his carbohydrates will be the same as his protein so he will be consuming 324.8 grams of protein and 324.8 grams of carbohydrates. Now he must figure out how many grams of fat he will need to consume per day so he will do the same thing but this time take his daily caloric intake multiplied by .20 and that will equal 649.6 now he will divide that by 9 and it will equal 72.17 grams of fat per day. So Ben will consume 324.8 grams of protein, 324.8 grams of carbohydrates, and 72.17 grams of fat per day, this sounds like a lot but the key is to split up your meals into 5-6 meals throughout the day feeding your body every 2-3 hours this is a must your muscles need the nutrients and when you don’t feed yourself your muscles will go into a catabolic state and begin eating away at muscle proteins.

Section 4: Bulking/Cutting Phase’s
So far you have learned how to calculate your BMR and how to calculate your daily caloric expenditure based on your activity level, now in this section I am going to discuss what you need to do in order to gain weight or lose weight at a healthy rate. First I will discuss how to gain lean muscle mass with little fat gain. The basic rule is to eat 500 calories above your maintenance caloric intake, however you may require more but this is a good starting point, like I discussed earlier in this chapter you will need to consistently check your weight each week to see if you have made any progress in this case if you are not gaining at least 1lb a week increase your calories by 100 to 200 more calories this is also called a bulk phase, you also want to make sure you are doing some type of cardio 3-4 times per week to keep your body’s cardiovascular system in shape but remember the more calories you burn per day the more calories your body will require to gain weight, I normally stick to walking at an incline during a bulk phase except after a leg day and its less catabolic on your muscles and it will keep your cardiovascular system in shape. During this phase you may experience some fat gain, I will use myself as an example when I start a bulk phase I am usually around 9-10% body fat when I end a bulk phase depending on how long I bulk for I will be around 15-16% body fat this is perfectly normal some of the excess calories will end up getting stored as fat but it’s not a big deal and nothing to freak out about like most people do that is why you have a cut phase and that is what I will discuss next in this section.
So you have learned how to gain weight or what most people will call a bulking phase now I am going to discuss how to lose weight its basically the same thing except in this case you will eat 500 below your caloric maintenance you don’t want to lose more than 1lb a week because if you’re losing more than that there is a good chance you are losing muscle mass that you have worked hard to gain, now don’t get me wrong you may lose some muscle mass during a cut phase but you want it to be minimal and that is why you need to constantly watch the scale and keep your weightless at a consistent healthy 1lb per week by adjusting your caloric deficit.
During a cut phase there are several tools you can use I am going to give you a couple different ones that have worked well for me. Cardiovascular training is a great tool for increasing your daily caloric expenditure also it will help you burn excess carbohydrates and dip into your fat stores, You will need to find out how many days of cardio you need you may only need 3 days of cardio while other may need 5 days of cardio. I usually do cardio 6-8 hours apart from my resistance training sessions if your schedule does not allow you to do that doing cardio after your resistance training sessions is ok to. Another tool you can use during a cut phase is adjusting your macronutrient breakdown by lowering your daily intake of carbohydrates and raising your percentage of fats but keep your protein high around 40% I would not go any lower than that. One more tool you can use and that I have found very effective is cutting off carbohydrate later in the day, for example if you eat 6 meals a day you first 3 meals will contain protein and carbohydrates and your last 3 meals will contain proteins and fats. You want to consume a majority or your carbohydrates leading up to you resistance training session and then the rest right after, so the rest of your meals after your post workout will only contain protein and fats.
Another important thing for both cutting and bulk phases is to have some sort of low carbohydrate pre bed meal the reason for this is because during a deep sleep is when your body repairs itself the most from resistance training sessions and studies have shown that during a deep sleep your body’s protein synthesis is at its highest. I suggest consuming a casein protein shake that will feed your body up to 8 hours and keep your metabolism running while you sleep if you do not have casein protein available consuming cottage cheese or a serving of natural peanut butter either of these will do. In this section I have discussed how to effectively gain weight and lose weight at a healthy rate and I have also discussed several tools to use during your cut phase and also the importance of a pre-bed meal.


I am getting sick of people just saying your diet is **** or that diet sucks or vague comments such as not enough calories if you are not going to post anything helpful then don't post anything at all thank you

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