USPowders DominATP-The Strategic Powder Mix by StrategicMove-Q and A by Mulletsoldier



DominATP Write-Up

Following the extremely successful debut of our stimulant pre-workout product, Jack3d, we received many requests from loyal USPlabs and potential customers requesting a solid and effective non-stim pre-workout formula with proven ingredients that could be stacked with Jack3d or any other stimulant containing pre-workout formula, that could be used solo during post-afternoon training sessions, or that could even be used on resting days. In effect, you asked for a potent non-stim pre-workout blend that combines not just proven ingredients at effective doses, but that is also affordable. We went to work and are proud to present you with our response: DominATP! Composed of carefully selected proven ATP synergists, anabolic and anti-catabolic cofactors, as well as hormone-modulating agents and recovery enhancers, at effective doses, DominATP is like nothing you have experienced before.
You will feel the impact hit you after the very first dose. From that point onwards, your dominant mode will be turned on, and you will demand nothing less than crushing your workout. And with the synergistic post-exercise recovery agents included, DominATP makes you look forward to your next workout! Every time! Your personal experience is your best feedback!

DominATP delivers:
  • Powerful triggering and modulation of protein synthesis and reduction of muscle degradation via proven synergistic anabolic and anti-catabolic agents
  • Significant boost in phosphocreatine synthesis, ATP regeneration, and VO2 max, for heightened strength and endurance
  • Dramatic improvements in muscular integrity, muscle contractions, and muscular capacity
  • Radical preferential stimulation of fast-twitch muscle fibers for explosiveness and power
  • Boost in mitochondrial respiration, oxygen utilization, aerobic and anaerobic capacity
  • Dramatically postponed onset of muscle fatigue and muscle failure
  • Enhanced secretion of growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone
  • Improved insulin response
  • Elevated endothelial nitric-oxide synthesis, vasodilation, and muscle fullness
  • Powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune, and anti-aging support

The ingredients:

DiCreatine Malate Creatine (methyl guanidine-acetic acid, or
N-(Aminoiminomethyl)--N-methylglycine) is a naturally occurring metabolite found in red muscle tissue. Creatine can be obtained from endogenous synthesis, from diet, and from supplementation. Endogenously, creatine is metabolized in the liver from the amino acids glycine, arginine, and methionine. It is then released into the blood stream to be absorbed into muscle cells. It can also be produced in small amounts by the kidney and pancreas, in exceptional cases. As the body is unable to synthesize adequate amounts of creatine and creatine phosphate
(phosphocreatine) during times of high-intensity exertion, creatine supplementation becomes crucial. It has a substantially well established status as a strength and endurance booster (via its role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis), a cellular hydrating agent (or cell volumizer), an important lactic acid buffer, a body mass enhancer, as well as a post-exercise recovery agent. As it turns out, some users of standard creatine monohydrate experience bloats and gastro-intestinal problems. Bonding creatine to malic acid appears to solve these problems, while providing users with the accustomed benefits of creatine supplementation. In particular, DiCreatine Malate is a molecular bonding of creatine to malate, the salt form of malic acid, in an approximately
2:1 ratio that effectively supplies the body with adequate amounts of creatine, creatine phosphate and ATP.

Traditionally, malate has been molecularly bonded to minerals, amino acids, and vitamins to improve their stability, their absorbability, as well as their bioactivity. The same principle was realized in dicreatine malate, making this advanced creatine form more PH-stable, more soluble, and significantly more bioavalable than standard creatine monohydrate.
Furthermore, as a Krebs Cycle intermediate, malate not only acts as an effective carrier for creatine, but also directly supports the production of ATP, leading to improved VO2 max and energy metabolism in skeletal muscle cells and heart myocytes. Consequently, dicreatine malate offers a unique and synergistic fusion of ATP-promoting agents, creating a powerful compound for enhancing endurance, strength, and recovery.

The malate bond is significant for another reason. Malic acid is the only Krebs Cycle metabolite that is depleted during times of physical exertion, and is one of the first steps toward physical exhaustion. As a consequence, replenishing malic acid levels via dicreatine malate supplementation plays an incredibly significant role in ATP resynthesis and energy production. As we will see later, malic acid is also involved in important detoxification processes in the body, thereby ensuring more intense workouts, delayed fatigue and muscle failure, and optimal recovery.

This compound needs little introduction. As is well known, Beta-Alanine (the only naturally occurring ß-amino acid) and L-Histidine form the bedrock for the synthesis of the compound L-Carnosine, a very powerful pluripotent dipeptide intricately involved in a variety of deep metabolic processes. Upon consumption or supplementation in sufficient quantities, carnosine is metabolized by the enzyme carnosinase into its precursor amino acids, beta alanine and l-histidine. After absorption into skeletal muscle cells, another enzyme, carnosine synthase resynthesizes carnosine into its constituents, beta alanine and l-histidine.

Why is this of any significance to athletes? First, so-called long-lived cells, for example, nerve cells (neurons) and muscle cells (myocytes) are known to contain high concentrations of carnosine, with the level of carnosine positively correlating with the capacity for high-intensity exercise performance as well as the maximum life spans of animal species. Now, let us take a quick look at muscle fibers. There are two broad types of muscle fibers in humans, Type I
(slow-twitch) with a limited growth capacity, and Type II (fast-twitch) with a high potential capacity for growth. Type I muscle fibers appear to be more prevalent. Although carnosine is also found in Type I muscle fibers, it is preferentially located in Type II muscle fibers responsible for explosiveness and power. This means that by deliberately increasing our cellular carnosine concentrations via supplementation, we can preferentially induce higher carnosine loads in Type II muscle fibers, thus stimulating their growth and our overall muscular capacity.

Furthermore, as is well known, high intensity exercise induces a rise in intracellular H+ (hydrogen ions) and lactic acid levels, signalling the onset of fatigue, muscle failure, and reduced performance. In this connection, carnosine not only acts as a powerful antioxidant in skeletal muscle cells, but also functions as a key pH buffer, inducing the neutralization of lactic acid, and protecting skeletal muscle cell membranes from oxidation within the acidic conditions of muscular exertion. These translate into delayed fatigue and enhanced performance, as well as improved muscular integrity and contractions (due to the activation of myofibrillar-ATPase enzymes responsible for muscle contractions), with carnosine supplementation. Relatedly, carnosine also supports more efficient heart-muscle contractions via the improvement of calcium response (high acidic levels reduce ATP efficiency and obstructs calcium release) in heart myocytes, leading to improved endurance.

To continue, carnosine inhibits the potent destructive actions of oxygen, proteins, lipids, glucose, and trace elements via its powerful anti-glycating, antioxidant, metal-chelating, and aldehyde-neutralizing properties. In particular, carnosine is known to induce a powerful neutralization of the most damaging free radicals, the hydroxyl radical, as well as the superoxide, singlet oxygen, and the proxyl radicals.
Relatedly, carnosine is also a powerful agent against the various causes of destructive protein modifications such as carbonylation, oxidation (including membrane lipid perioxidation), and advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation (the cross-linking of protein and glucose molecules to form non-functioning structures). Furthermore, high brain carnosine concentrations offer effective protection against excitotoxicity, trace-metal toxicity, and oxidation of cell membranes, including the inhibition of plaque formation caused by the cross-linking of amyloid-beta structures.

Why is all this relevant to Beta Alanine? Although carnosine is a chemical combination of beta alanine and l-histidine, beta alanine has been identified as the limiting factor in the synthesis of carnosine. Consequently, beta alanine supplementation is a proven effective approach for super-charging intra-cellular carnosine concentrations.
To summarize, Beta Alanine within DominATP provides you with a convenient and effective way to boost carnosine concentrations. So, with DominATP, you can reap the full benefits of carnosine supplementation that include boosting the synthesis of nitric oxide in endothelial cells for optimal muscle pumps; neutralization of lactic acid and H+ levels in skeletal muscle cells, leading to delayed fatigue, enhanced endurance, superior muscle contractions, and elevated energy levels; strengthening of heart myocytes for improved aerobic capacity and mitochondrial function; pushing your genetic potential by preferentially boosting the capacity of Type II myocytes, and consequently supporting the growth of quality lean mass; obtaining superior anti-oxidant, immune, and anti-aging support.

L-Leucine is the most anabolic and anti-catabolic of the essential amino acids. It belongs to a class of essential amino acids known as branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Besides leucine, BCAAs include l-valine and l-isoleucine. L-Leucine is known to be not only the most powerful amino-acid activator of muscle protein synthesis, but also a very potent substrate for the building and regulation of muscle tissue. In particular, l-leucine serves as the substrate for the endogenous production of the leucine keto-acid, alpha-ketoisocaproate (KIC) as well as ß-Hydroxy ß-methylbutyrate (HMB), two leucine metabolites with anabolic and anti-catabolic properties. Furthermore, l-leucine induces direct anabolic effects on protein metabolism via stimulation of an increased rate of protein synthesis, as well as a reduction of the rate of protein degradation, not only in inactive or resting human myocytes, but also in post-endurance-exercise recovery states. These results are postulated to occur via BCAA/leucine-induced alterations in the signalling pathways modulating protein synthesis, such as Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation and 70-kD S6 protein kinase activation involved in specific mRNA translation.

Supplemental leucine is important because, relative to other amino acids, proportionately more leucine is degraded during high-intensity exercise. Without supplemental leucine, therefore, muscle protein breakdown would occur in extreme cases to compensate for the higher leucine needs induced by high-intensity training. This has implications for fatigue and focus. In particular, with the depletion of plasma BCAA/leucine levels during high-intensity exercise, the tryptophan:BCAA and tryptophan:leucine ratios rise. As a consequence, more tryptophan is shuttled to the brain by the amino-acid transporter (that usually also transports BCAAs/leucine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine), leading to higher production of serotonin, and consequently to mental fatigue and reduced concentration. This result is reversed by leucine supplementation.

Leucine also plays an important role in the elimination of ammonia in skeletal muscle cells, ensuring reduced muscle failure, less fatigue, and extended muscular capacity. Leucine displays the capacity to reduce the impact of an energy deficit on blood sugar levels via the reduction of liver, muscle, and brain glucose metabolism. As a consequence, during periods of leucine supplementation, performance is not severely compromised during periods of low carbohydrate consumption.

So leucine kick-starts protein synthesis, and acts as a substrate for building lean mass; preserves muscle mass from degradation; reduces the onset of fatigue; supports the elimination of ammonia in skeletal muscle tissue; protects blood sugar levels during carbohydrate deficit; and supports the addition of lean muscle tissue.

A non-essential amino acid, citrulline is synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix from ammonia, carbon dioxide, and ornithine. The energy required for this reaction is supplied by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). More precisely, ammonia and carbon dioxide are converted to carbamoyl phosphate, which then produces citrulline by reacting with ornithine. Citrulline is a key substrate in the production of the amino acid l-arginine in the cytosol. Citrulline malate is a powerful ergogenic derived as a chemical combination of citrulline and the salt of malic acid known a malate, a Krebs-Cycle intermediate. Malic acid has been shown to be a key substrate for energy production during both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In particular, malate is oxidized to oxaloacetate in aerobic states, providing reducing equivalents within the context of the mitochondrial malate-aspartate redox shuttle.

In anaerobic states, malic acid can be simultaneously reduced to succinate (also a Krebs-Cycle intermediate) and oxidized to oxaloacetate, leading to a reduction of accumulating reducing equivalents. What does this mean? Malic acid can dramatically boost energy production and endurance by reversing mitochondrial dysfunction induced by hypnoxic (inadequate oxygen supply) states, without any increase in carbohydrate and oxygen use. Furthermore, a deficit in malic acid has been shown to be an important cause of physical exhaustion.
More specifically, supplementation with malic acid directly enhances mitochondrial malate levels, elevates mitochondrial respiration, and ultimately boosts mitochondrial energy production and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) formation. This leads to preservation of muscle mass, as malic acid needs would otherwise (that is, without direct
supplementation) be met by increased synthesis of malic acid via gluconeogenesis and the breakdown of muscle protein.

Intense physical exertion leads to the breakdown of muscle proteins, producing ammonia as a by-product. The produced ammonia either accumulates in muscle cells or in the liver, with a potential for toxicity. As it turns out, this ammonia combines with ornithine and carbon dioxide in the mitochondria to form citrulline, which is ultimately converted to arginine, making citrulline an important substrate for ammonia detoxification and elimination. The hydrolytic enzyme arginase produces urea in the liver from the guanidino group of arginine and other substrates. Urea is excreted from the kidney as urine.

So, citrulline malate, due to its unique composition, is a key substrate for boosting ATP synthesis and creatine-phosphate levels, and consequently for generation of mitochondrial energy, leading to improved aerobic and anaerobic capacity and significantly improved endurance.
Furthermore, by elevating plasma levels of arginine and ornithine, citrulline malate favourably influences nitric oxide synthesis, ultimately inducing significant elevations in endothelial-cell function and vasodilation and reducing accumulated levels of lactic acid. The reduction in lactic acid and hydrogen ion levels, as well as the detoxification of ammonia ultimately support more intense and extended muscular exertion, delay the onset of fatigue, increase muscular capacity with reduced muscle failure, and support rapid recovery from high intensity exercise.

Agmatine Sulfate An endogenous guanido amine synthesized from the decarboxylation of l-arginine by arginine decarboxylase in brain and other tissue, agmatine is a widely distributed multifunctional compound involved several metabolic processes such as selective nitric-oxide synthesis, neuroprotection and neuromodulation, modulation of pituitary peptide hormone synthesis, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant support, catecholamine metabolism, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonism, insulin metabolism, and so on.

But what does all this mean for the bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast? By inducing a significant increase in endogenous nitric oxide levels, by stimulating the secretion of gonadotropins such as luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, by supporting the release of growth hormone, by modulating the body’s insulin response, by producing an anti-glucorcorticoid effect, by acting as a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and immune-system enhancer, agmatine supports an incredibly fertile environment for inducing amplified anabolic effects and anti-catabolic effects that include improved protein synthesis, building of lean mass, inhibition of muscle breakdown, increased strength and endurance, as well as rapid recovery from high-intensity exercise.

That was DominATP for you. You asked for it, we delivered. We invite you to challenge DominATP. Once you do that, we are sure you will find a new training partner in DominATP!




DominATP Question and Answer

Q: What is DominATP? DominATP is a fundamental step forward in so-called, “pre-workout supplementation”.

It is a product that proves significant and immediate increases in the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration, oxidative phosphorylation substrate selection, and aerobic and anaerobic capacity can be made without introducing stimulants. It proves that improvements in VO2 max, Krebs cycle intermediate mobility, cellular proliferation and total anabolic capacity (concomitant increase in protein synthesis rates and decrease in total amino degradation rates) can be made without adrenergic agonists. In short, it is a carefully and synergistically chosen matrix of ingredients meant to elicit maximum effect, with minimal side-effects.

Q: What can I expect from DominATP? As a general sense, the ingredients in DominATP can be considered as fulfilling two distinct, though interrelated, physiological roles:
anabolic roles, and anti-catabolic roles. Thus, you should expect to experience an increase in lean mass retention, improvement in the efficiency of nutrient metabolism, and an increase in total volume while using DominATP – all without supplements.

Q: Are the ingredients in DominATP safe? Absolutely! For the most part, the ingredients in DominATP have been extensively studied in human clinical trials, and have proven safety and efficacy histories.

Q: So, does DominATP have any side-effects? Unless you consider intra and inter-set recovery, increased total volume, strength and confidence side-effects…then no. In seriousness, and as said above, the ingredients in DominATP have established safety profiles verified through years of human clinical trials.

Q: How long can I use DominATP? While no ingredient in DominATP, nor in their combination, presents any particular problem of long-term safety or tolerability, some of DominATP’s ingredients are what is known as, “rate-limited” – that is, their function, whether it be Beta Alanine’s contribution to the synthesis of Carnosine, or Citrulline’s role in endogenous l-arginine synthesis, is limited by a particular pathway, enzyme, coactivator or the like that facilitates the process. In other words, the “rate” the target compound may be produced is “limited” by a certain factor. What does this all mean? That essentially, continual use (and/or an increased
dosage) may not have progressively proportionate effects; thus, while DominATP may be used indefinitely from a safety standpoint, regular “breaks” from the product should be taken at approximately 16 weeks.

Q: When should I take DominATP? Due to the active lives of the compounds, and the pathways in which they operate, DominATP should be taken approximately 45 minutes prior to a workout, when used as a pre-workout supplement.

Q: Can I take DominATP after a workout? Yes, absolutely! DominATP’s perfect combination of anabolic and anti-catabolic catalysts results in its application being both pre and post workout to aid in lean mass retention and addition!

Q: Can I combine DominATP with other pre-workout products? Of course! However, with that being said, understand that an ideal combination would address particular aspects of pre and/or post-workout supplementation that, in your mind, DominATP did not!

Q: Can I combine DominATP with Jack3d? Again, of course! In fact, there is not a better combination for full-on athletic performance than USPlabs Jack3d and DominATP!



DominATP References

ARICIOGLU, FEYZA, REGUNATHAN, SOUNDAR, PILETZ, JOHN E. Is Agmatine an Endogenous Factor Against Stress? Ann NY Acad Sci 2003 1009: 127-132

Bendahan D, Mattei JP, Ghattas B, et al. 2002. Citrulline/malate promotes aerobic energy production in human exercising muscle. Br J Sports Med; 36(4):282-9.

Berkels R, Taubert D, Grundemann D, Schomig E. Agmatine signaling: odds and threads. Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 2004 Spring;22(1):7-16.

Berlett BS, Stadtman ER. Protein oxidation in aging, disease, and oxidative stress. J Biol Chem. 1997; 272(33):20313-6.

Blomstrand, E, J. Eliasson, H. K. R. Karlsson, and R. Kohnke BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) Activate Key Enzymes in Protein Synthesis after Physical Exercise J. Nutr., January 1, 2006; 136(1): 269S - 273S.

Boldyrev A, Song R, Lawrence D, et al. Carnosine protects against excitotoxic cell death independently of effects on reactive oxygen species. Neuroscience. 1999; 94(2):571-7.

Boldyrev AA, Stvolinsky SL, Tyulina OV, et al. Biochemical and physiological evidence that carnosine is an endogenous neuroprotector against free radicals. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 1997; 17(2):259-71.

Callis A, Magnan de Bornier B, Serrano JJ, et al. 1991.Activity of citrulline malate on acid-base balance and blood ammonia and amino acid levels. Study in the animal and in man. Arzneimittelforschung; 41(6):660-3.

Carolyn A. Fairbanks, Kristin L. Schreiber, Kori L. Brewer, Chen-Guang Yu, Laura S. Stone, Kelley F. Kitto, H. Oanh Nguyen, Brent M.
Grocholski, Don W. Shoeman, Lois J. Kehl, Soundararajan Regunathan, Donald J. Reis, Robert P. Yezierski, and George L. Wilcox . Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury. PNAS 97: 10584-10589. 2000.

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  • Established
Love DominATP....I hope this means that it will be around for a long time!!!


  • Established
Believe it or not, this mixes very well with water. Its the only powdered supp I can mix with water, and tastes like lemonade :)

Definitely is a staple in my training arsenal. Just out of curiosity will mixing it in hot water (hot enough to drink) cause any of the nutrients to decompose\degrade\go bad?? Reason I ask is I have heard that mixing creatine with hot water will increase its absorption rate, and wanted to be sure none of the other ingredients are negatively affected.
Last edited:


NATURALLY flavored bulk powder... :)
No artifical colors..

It was said by another company, We add Artifical color "to ehance the consumer experience!"

What are 6 six years old and waking up to watch cartoons:nana:


Believe it or not, this mixes very well with water. Its the only powdered supp I can mix with water, and tastes like lemonade :)

Definitely is a staple in my training arsenal. Just out of curiosity will mixing it in hot water (hot enough to drink) cause any of the nutrients to decompose\degrade\go bad?? Reason I ask is I have heard that mixing creatine with hot water will increase its absorption rate, and wanted to be sure none of the other ingredients are negatively affected.
Yea you probably heard that from me...Will not affect it at all!


  • Legend!
  • Established
Looks detailed; nice job. I'll read it when I have more time :cheers:
Post 1, Citrulline, missing a L. Spellchecking by Steveo
We wanted to see if you would spot it! :thumbsup: and :cheers:


  • Legend!
  • Established
Yea you probably heard that from me...Will not affect it at all!
Besides, the malate bonding delivers relatively superior solubility, absorbability and bioactivity, such that pre-heating is not even necessary.


Board Sponsor
  • RockStar
  • Established
Very nice product, still using it up right now. Right now prob the best non-stim pump powder product out there. Tastes good too........ didn't get much of anything I could notice from the Refresh though. Either way good valued products.


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
Its my staple for prework out hard to find a really good non stim pre workout supp with all the things i want and DominATP hits it perfectly for me. Love this stuff i'm a DominATP whore i tell everyone bout it who works out late like me who need a non stim work out supp.


Well-known member
  • RockStar
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I have to say that DominATP + Refresh is an amazing non-stim pre workout and I am on my second tub. With this one most recently I added in JACK3D and mixed it all up to get a uniform powder, watch out, this is BY FAR the best pre workout I have ever experienced out of the 10 or so I have tried. With or without JACK3D you can't go wrong with this and the addition of Leucine is icing on the cake along with a days worth of creatine in one dose. Mine lasts for 5-6 weeks of workouts 5 times a week; find a better deal out there that is this effective.


Board Sponsor
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  • First Up Vote
  • RockStar
I want to try refresh solo. Any chance it'll ever be sold that way?


I have to say that DominATP + Refresh is an amazing non-stim pre workout and I am on my second tub. With this one most recently I added in JACK3D and mixed it all up to get a uniform powder, watch out, this is BY FAR the best pre workout I have ever experienced out of the 10 or so I have tried. With or without JACK3D you can't go wrong with this and the addition of Leucine is icing on the cake along with a days worth of creatine in one dose. Mine lasts for 5-6 weeks of workouts 5 times a week; find a better deal out there that is this effective.
Great thing about refresh is that it increases focus with stimulating the CNS. I call it a deep concentration and it also increase mental performance and recovery..

Amazing that Refresh is free...Until supplies last that is..


  • Legend!
  • Established
I want to try refresh solo. Any chance it'll ever be sold that way?
You can get Refresh for free with a purchase of DominATP.
Delta Force

Delta Force

  • Established
very nice write up guys, I'll be trying this out although I do like my stims pre-workout :D


  • Legend!
  • Established
very nice write up guys, I'll be trying this out although I do like my stims pre-workout :D
DominATP, as indicated in the Q&A section, stacks nicely with stim-based pre-workout formulas. Alternatively, you can take your stim-preworkout blend, do your workout, and take DominATP post. This is one way to utilize the so-called Anabolic Window of Opportunity. ;)


  • Established
Good to see this product getting some airtime.

Even with the ludicrous shipping charges to Australia, dominATP still represents excellent value for money.

When I switched to evening training, dominATP + Refresh became my new staple.

I have also used it in the bulk P-Slin 'Monsta Shake' scenario - holy grail right there!

I've mentioned it before, but Refresh is a product I would love to see permanent. I would love to take it daily, but currently in 'stash preservation' mode.

Good Work USP! :thumbsup:


Very nice product, still using it up right now. Right now prob the best non-stim pump powder product out there. Tastes good too........ didn't get much of anything I could notice from the Refresh though. Either way good valued products.
How many caps did you use.

You need 4-5 caps.


Well-known member
  • Established
Wait... what does this mean... Are u guys gonna be producing more DominATP now... cause i hope u are... and refresh is fantastic but u have to take 6 to feel the effects... Just go ahead and mass produce this already... its an awesome product with great feedback...


Active member
  • Established
I want to try refresh solo. Any chance it'll ever be sold that way?
bulk refresh yes please
i save my refresh for when im not running any stims, i run domin/jacked together its a great stack


If I remember it was 5 caps (may have used up to 6) I used every time. I was told that would be where you felt the effects the most. Oh well :D
It is not a knock you on your butt effect but a more zoned, interested, and focused effect but again, I tend to agree it will not work for everyone.


Wait... what does this mean... Are u guys gonna be producing more DominATP now... cause i hope u are... and refresh is fantastic but u have to take 6 to feel the effects... Just go ahead and mass produce this already... its an awesome product with great feedback...
It is a very expensive product to Mix and flavor so it just may be a Nutra bulk exclusive....


Well-known member
  • Established
I'm sure even tho its just for sale at nutra... it will fly. I love that stuff, been through almost three tubs now...
Delta Force

Delta Force

  • Established
DominATP, as indicated in the Q&A section, stacks nicely with stim-based pre-workout formulas. Alternatively, you can take your stim-preworkout blend, do your workout, and take DominATP post. This is one way to utilize the so-called Anabolic Window of Opportunity. ;)
Thanks Ike, thats a great suggestion.. I will definitely put this at the top of my shopping list on my next order, I'll run jack3d & pslin pre and DomainATP post workouts! :thumbsup:


  • Legend!
  • Established
Thanks Ike, thats a great suggestion.. I will definitely put this at the top of my shopping list on my next order, I'll run jack3d & pslin pre and DomainATP post workouts! :thumbsup:
Sounds good! ;)
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Amazing Price and Remember this a Flavored Bulk Powder...
I've been telling people that they need to grab some. Damn solid product!

You can get Refresh for free with a purchase of DominATP.
Free? Damn, you cannot beat that.

Great write-up! I love the facts, and the missing, "compared to D-Bol," rhetoric. ;)

I would recommend to everyone that enjoys purity and simplicity to give this a go.


  • RockStar
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DATP, Refresh, Pslin, Waxy maize is my preworkout drink. I add jacked when I want to get crazy....


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not you but steak and eggs sounds great about now


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great product....bought 2 tubs when it came one left.....

killer pre workout:

3 prime, 4 refresh, 2-3 scoops jack3d, 3 scoops DomATP, 3 caps bulk supersaponis....

result=holy cucca balls batman :head::aargh:


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great product....bought 2 tubs when it came one left.....

killer pre workout:

3 prime, 4 refresh, 2-3 scoops jack3d, 3 scoops DomATP, 3 caps bulk supersaponis....

result=holy cucca balls batman :head::aargh:
Awesome! One beauty of DominATP is that it lends itself to a wide variety of stacking options! :food:


  • Established
Here's a nice little AM fasted protocol:

30m PreWO:
1x AP
3x CamphiBolic
4x Refresh
3x Bulk SuperSap
2x Jack3d
2x DominATP

1x DominATP
30g BCAAs

Sip 70% of intraWO mix intraWO, gun the rest immediately after

15min PostWO
1x PSlin

30min PostWO
40g Sugars from Fresh Vege Juice (carrots, beetroot, silverbeet, celery, ginger blend)
60g dextrose

60min PostWO Meal
50g PRO 50g Complex CHO 20g FATS


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Here's a nice little AM fasted protocol:

30m PreWO:
1x AP
3x CamphiBolic
4x Refresh
3x Bulk SuperSap
2x Jack3d
2x DominATP

1x DominATP
30g BCAAs

Sip 70% of intraWO mix intraWO, gun the rest immediately after

15min PostWO
1x PSlin

30min PostWO
40g Sugars from Fresh Vege Juice (carrots, beetroot, silverbeet, celery, ginger blend)
60g dextrose

60min PostWO Meal
50g PRO 50g Complex CHO 20g FATS
nice jake!


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im picking some of this up!! i love the formula and i know it will work cuz i kinda havee made this whit bulk powders on my own.


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I have also used it in the bulk P-Slin 'Monsta Shake' scenario - holy grail right there!
I love the sound of that! I love the muscle fullness from the mass monster shake. I added most of these products on my anyway so this is easier.


  • Legend!
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im picking some of this up!! i love the formula and i know it will work cuz i kinda havee made this whit bulk powders on my own.
Awesome! If you ever try it, we would quite appreciate your feedback. :)


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