Time Between Cycles?


  • Established
How often can one safely run a cycle of a methyl compound? I just ran a SD cycle that started 6 weeks ago, ran for 3 weeks, and I'm finishing 3 weeks of PCT. How long should I wait before going onto another cycle?

FYI, I ran a very small amount of SD and 10 mg through most of the cycle (experimented with 20 mg for a few days). If you check my log I ran a slew of compounds to help with cholestorol issues, and ran Milk Thistle all the way from start of cycle through PCT.

Hopefully I'll be setting up an appointment by the end of this coming week for blood work. If this looks good is it technically 'safe' to go ahead on another cycle? Or should I wait a full 3 weeks after PCT is over? Or longer?

The next cycle will probably be one I have mentioned I want to do in a few threads around here:

-- Weeks 1 - 2 :
* Prostanozol, morning and noon (50mg total)
* Superdrol, night (10mg total)

-- Weeks 3 - 4 :
* Prostanozol, morning and noon (50mg total)
* Ergomax LMG, night (10mg total)

What I had also considered doing to ease the stress from methyl compounds is only ONE week on Superdrol, then weeks 2 - 3 on Ergo followed by one week @ 3 caps of Prostanozol. If this would increase the safety (comments please) chances are I'll go this route instead.

Goals are body fat reduction and the possible addition of a few more lean pounds.


Hot Italian Goldmember
  • Established
In general time off = time on + PCT.
But unless you do bloodtests, you would never know if your lipids and enzymes have recovered.


  • Established
In general time off = time on + PCT.
But unless you do bloodtests, you would never know if your lipids and enzymes have recovered.
Sounds solid, I'm hoping to get blood work done in the coming week. We'll see how badly Superdrol treated me.

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