Injury week into cycle. What would you do?



So today is 1 week exactly into my first cycle of Mecha @ 100mg and Stano @ 800mg a day. Planned it for 6wks.

Last saturday I went snowboarding and took a hard fall. The next day I woke up and could hardly move my right arm from shoulder pain. Yesterday, it felt a lot better but still had a sense I "tweaked" something. Went in for an x ray and I have a minor tear of my ac joint. Sports rehab chiro told me to only train legs for a while in fear I could make the tear worse.

Should I just ditch this cycle and do a 5wk cycle in a couple months? And if so, should I even bother with a serm/pct having only been a week in? Haven't felt much yet. Or should I continue and try to make the best of it knowing I will have to use much lighter weights? What would you do?


Well-known member
If you can "only" train legs and are only a week in I would dump the cycle. Shouldn't need to pct at this point.

If you can still do back, shoulders, chest and legs I would keep it going.

I had a similar injury and I could do everything except any type of arm curls(arms day) and dumbbell side raises(shoulder day). I made adjustment and made the best of it.

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