Quick Question: Anabeta/hella


New member
Hey guys, its been a while since i posted and have a quick question. My hella cycle ended almost 2months ago and I managed to keep 7 of the 10lbs i gained, pct went smooth no problems, clomid/forma/intimidate/n2g and the reason and to get to my question. I picked up anabeta elite during the promo they had few weeks back to run in pct I still got one bottle of Anabeta but i havent opened it. I was impressed with hella and wanted to give it another go, on the 26th of this month will be my tenth week since my last dose of hella but I am wanting to wait a lil longer before jumping at it again. My question is can/should I run Anabeta then jump into hella back to back from Anabeta again? or should I just save this bottle for pct once i finish hella again?

On a side note, Id like to add that while I was on clomid I did not expirience any of the emotional sides that I had read regarding it, I really felt nothing, but I also dont think I picked up some bunk #*!*, it was pharmaceutical grade clomid. Is this normal not to experience it? I was really expecting it.

Thanks guys!

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