Carpal Tunnel?


I've been taking GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 for about just over a month now. At first I noticed slight weight gain, which must have been from water retention, but then it subsided. For the GHRP i've been doing 400mcg/day, twice a day, and for the CJC 300mcg, twice a day, both at those dosages for the past three weeks. Within that time ive noticed a numbing of my right hand, mainly the thumb, index and ring fingers on and off for short amounts of time throughout the day. It wasn't too noticeable so I didn't think about it that much. However, last night I woke up from sleep and I couldn't go back to bed at all because the numbness and cramping sensation was too strong in my hand. My wife who's a nurse told me that carpal tunnel can be a sign of acromegaly.

I've been researching it all morning and it is. But i've been curious as to why all of the sudden last night i was hit so hard? Two days ago I ran out of CJC-1295 and I was only running the GHRP-2 for the past two days, dosages the same as always. Could that be a reason for why it got so bad so soon? Has anyone else noticed this? I didn't think I was taking that high of a dose, but what should I do?


Well-known member
I had the exact same symptoms as you a few years back and just shook it off and ignored it for a couple of months. It was tough, especially when the pain (yes, pain) and numbness got to the point of being debilitating. I'd wake up and for the first hour, I'd have severe pain and tingling in my left hand and could even grip anything. This numbness would stay throughout the day but seemed to get a little better as the day went on. I finally went to the doctor and he did some kind of electrodiagnostic test and said I had moderate to severe carpal tunnel. I was prescribed a NSAID and a wrist brace with a metal plate. Believe it or not, less than a week later with the anti-inflammatory and brace, almost all numbness upon waking was gone. I immediately went off the meds and used just the brace and within a month I was G2G!

If you're hesitant to see your doctor, I'd highly recommned going to your local drugstore and purchasing a carpal tunnel wrist brace. It'll be very uncomfortable trying to sleep with it for the first week or so, but I tell ya, it's a life saver! Good luck bro!


is it due to the acromegaly? if it is why is just my wrist affected by the acromegaly? did you notice any quick size gains from your cycle?


is it due to the acromegaly? did you notice any quick size gains from your cycle?
No to acromegaly & to go ahead and answer the quick size gains question => doesn't happen with gh secretagogues

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