Calories Burned Having Sex


Calories we burn whilst having sex!
"If you like exercise, you will like this site,
If you loathe to exercise, you will love this site!"

The Act of Insertion

If the man is ready (same vice-versa).........1/4 calories
If the woman is not (same vice-versa).........274 calories


Satisfying Partner (organ size)
Most experts agree that size means nothing. Shape is what counts, and the man with a Shaped organ can write his own ticket. In those rare instances where a man has a genuinely small member, he may have to compensate by working slightly harder, but this is good for weight loss. A man with a really large organ, while he might not have to work as hard once inside, may exhaust himself just trying to convince his partner to let him put it inside.

Normal size............22 calories
Oversize.................15 calories
Tremendous............8 calories
Teensy-weensy.......163 calories


Man on top, woman on bottom (facing each other)..........20 calories
Woman on top, man on bottom.........................................25 calories
Many women find that in addition to its inherent sexual possibilities,
this position affords a better view of the clock.
From the rear (Mysterious variation)..............................40 1/2 calories
Both partners of equal height......................................18 calories
Woman 1 foot taller than a man..................................90 calories
The man will have to make several rigorous leaps into the air
in order to achieve even minimal satisfaction
While in traction.............................................................124 calories
(very useful during ski season)


On a bar stool....................20 calories
Rear of a Honda Civic......38 calories
In a phone booth
Standing.......................14 calories
lying down...................274 calories
On an airliner
Aisle seat....................24 calories
Middle seat.................42 calories
Window seat...............30 calories
In the lavatory.............100 calories


Possible Side Effects of Intercourse
Bouncing........................7 calories
Sliding around................9 calories
Serious Skidding............12 calories
Full cartwheel................20 calories
Whiplash........................27 calories
Knee burn.......................6 calories
Chafed elbows...............5 calories
Chafed nose...................11 calories


Sex Related Noises
Short gasps (per gasp).....................................3 calories
Wheezing.........................................................5 calories
Squeals............................................................4 calories
Ecstatic moaning..............................................11 calories
Low growling..................................................8 calories
Squishing.........................................................10 calories
Shouting...........................................................16 calories
Screaming........................................................18 calories
Urgent begging.................................................22 calories
Any short speech giving partner directions......25 calories
"Please don't stop," "Faster," "Just a little more"
are common examples


Approaching Orgasm
Letting go..........................................................5 1/2 calories
Controlling yourself.........................................79 calories
Digging nails in your partners back back.........11 calories
Trembling........................................................15 calories
Shaking............................................................20 calories
Shuddering......................................................25 calories
Trying to keep eyes open................................33 calories


Real............27 calories
Faked.........160 calories


Orgasmic Intensity Scale
Expression didnt change...............1/2 calorie
Face turned purple........................15 calories
Orchestra swelled.........................6 calories
Magical explosions.......................10 calories
Blazing Sheets...............................25 calories
Earth moved..................................30 calories
Vesuvius erupted...........................47 calories
You began moaning in Latin..........60 calories


Pulling Out
After orgasm...................................1/4 calorie
A few moments before orgasm.......500 calories


Multiple Orgasms
For woman
2......14 calories
5......30 calories
8......47 calories
Depending on greed her rate of recovery a woman can enjoy around 8 orgasms within an hour period without losing consciousness or disarranging her hair. As the number increases, however, she may begin to experience a form of "reduced sanity" that will temporarily interfere with her ability to cook, worship and ride a Moped.
For Men
2......21 calories
3......39 calories
4......57 calories
For a man, its a different situation, perhaps due to physiological and biological reasons. Many men can enjoy up to 4 orgasms in an hour with little discomfort except for the slight ringing in the ears. With few exceptions, however, a man who tries to achieve more than 10 orgasms within that same period is flirting with irreversible brain damage.


Special Orgasms
Clitoral...............15 calories
Vaginal...............21 calories
Penile.................21 calories
Scrotile..............15 calories
Rectal................25 calories
Oral...................30 calories
(can also occur during an especially good meal)


Premature Ejaculation*
During insertion.............................2 calories
During intercourse.........................5 calories
approx.. 2 sec's or 3 thrusts after insertion,
which ever comes first
During foreplay.............................3 calories
Immature ejaculation.....................4 calories
similar to premature ejaculation except male
acts childish and throws a tantrum

*Often caused by an inability to do things right.


Consequences of Premature Ejaculation
Even if you have a good heart, it takes much understanding not to feel like a victim when your partner climaxes after 3 sec's of intensive sex, especially if he immediately sits up to watch the footy on the tv.

For Woman
Frustration..........................................8 calories
Anger.................................................15 calories
Violent mood swing...........................20 calories
Suppressing rage................................25 calories
Not suppressing anger........................65 calories
in extreme cases, this can include cursing, nose tweaks,
and gently massaging partner's head with a tire iron.

For Men
Cursing..............................................10 calories
Apologising.......................................3 calories
Snivelling..........................................5 calories
Pleading for mercy............................8 calories
Begging for another chance...............15 calories

Note how unfair: Men never seem to mind if a woman has an orgasm after 3 sec's of sex.


Possible Side Effects of Good Sex
The first indication that sex was a positive experience will be a buzzing in the pelvic area and a clear complexion. You might also feel pleasantly light, as though you were dozing in a vat of cream cheese. If sex was really terrific, you feel dangerously drained, as though your body had been connected to a large milking machine for several days. Additional reactions include:

Swooning.........................6 calories
Palpitations......................10 calories
Shortness of breath..........5 calories
Perspiring........................8 calories


Possible Side Effects of Bad Sex
A less-than-sunny desposition........1 calorie


Un-entwining............................................3 calories
Regaining motor control of pevis.............7 calories
After especially tiring sex, you may feel numb from below the waist
to the opposite wall. The result will be an inability to walk ( put one foot
in front of the other), which will seriously impair your chances of going
to the bathroom or getting a juice.
Standing up...............................................9 calories
Getting some juice....................................11 calories


Rolling Over and Going to Sleep
After intercourse............18 calories
Classic behavior for shiftless men who believe they've done their job
and are now entitled to a rest. This "rest" may include snoring.
During intercourse.........32 calories
Women find this to be a subtle, yet direct way of suggesting dissatisfaction.
During foreplay.............12 calories
Indicates either an advance case of fatigue or a serious lack of interest.


Trying Again
If the woman is ready...........5 calories
If the man is not....................156 calories


Regular dream.................2 calories
Wet Dream......................16 calories
Add 5 calories if it occurs while in bed with your partner;
Add 20 calories if your partner notices
Wet Trance......................20 calories
Usually occurs in the presence of a sensual hypnotist


Group Sex
Introducing yourself.....................3 calories
Overcoming shyness....................8 calories
Swapping partners
Willingly.................................4 calories
Unwillingly.............................62 calories
Jealousy......................................16 calories
Partner having more fun than you are
Mixed doubles............................26 calories
Being nice to everyone...............100 calories
Anger..........................................10 calories
You suddenly realise that you're wanted for you body and not your mind.
Difficult to cope with, especially if you have a Ph.D.
Finding your clothes....................5 calories


For pleasure only...................................6 calories
For exercise, too....................................10 calories
For relief from tension...........................12 calories
To pass the time.....................................7 calories
To avoid overeating...............................16 calories
To get in touch with inner self...............10 calories
To get in touch with outter self..............10 1/4 calories
To avoid insanity..................................24 calories
To avoid spending money on a date......9 calories

In addition to being a viable alternative to television, shopping and binge's, masturbation is a quick and inexpensive way to get warm.

Your hand(s):
Regular way......................................11 calories
Your finger(s)...................................9 calories
Tweezers..............................................2 calories
An inflatable doll.................................24 calories
Any fruit or vegetable..........................19 calories
except watermelon or a sprig of parsley
A vibrator:
Hand-operated.................................12 calories
Windup............................................9 calories
Electric............................................5 calories
Anything not mentioned here.................50 calories
In a pornographic movie theater
Purchasing the ticket.........................2 1/2 calories
Finding isolated seat.........................78 calories
Adjusting raincoat.............................3 calories


Typical Sex-Related Fears
Partner hates me for what I did............................4 calories
Partner hates me for what I didnt do....................8 calories
Forgetting the instructions in the sex manual.......10 calories
Climaxing too soon.............................................5 calories
Climaxing too late...............................................6 calories
Not climaxing......................................................20 calories
Partner thinks of me as a sex object.....................9 calories
Partner doesnt think of me as a sex object...........47 calories
Partner will neglect to administer last rites
should I not recover from orgasm......................88 calories


Personal Fears
Gigantic cellulite that shake and ripple during orgasm....6 calories
Stretch marks that look like a plowed field........................8 calories
Penis envy.........................................................................72 calories
Body odor of a disgruntled yak..........................................25 calories


Getting Caught
By partner's spouse.........60 calories
By your spouse................60 1/2 calories
Trying to explain.............165 calories
Stuttering.........................28 calories
Throwing-up...................40 calories

Calorie counts here are flexible, depending on type of spouse-whether understanding and open-minded, or narrow-minded and armed


Almost Getting Caught
Trying to remain calm...........................100 calories
Fright (includes trembling)...................66 calories
Leaping out of bed................................25 calories
Getting dressed in one large motion.....300 calories
Thanking partner quickly......................2 calories
Jumping out of window........................15 calories
add 5 calories if window wasnt open
Landing................................................1 calorie
Running very fast.................................50 calories


Now go and find your partner
and lose those calories
and have FUN!



Active member
  • Established
OH ****!!!!!...absolutley OUTSTANDING FIND!!!!

*copied, pasted and saved* :D :D :D

LG. :cool:


Now go find the "Masterbation & Burning Calories" for LG...

:D :D


Here`s Part 2 for you LG

Calories we burn whilst having sex!
Part 2

Over Coming The First Move

According to psychologists, the anxiety produced by the prospect of making the first move, for either sex, is directly proportional to one's fear of asking a delicatessen waiter for a clean glass.

If you are shy....................................................................................15 calories
If you have a morbid fear of success................................................22 calories
If you are an anxious person with a large inferiority complex..........45 calories
If you sell cars..................................................................................2 calories
If you beg..........................................................................................25 calories


Overcoming Resistance
Passive............................................................1 1/2 calories
Passive resistance indicated if partner, while trembling, utters "don't" in a low, meek voice.
"Please dot stop" indicates extremely passive resistance.
Active.............................................................62 calories
Seducing partner (only applies to venal partners)
If you are rich.............................................5 calories
If you are poor...........................................164 calories


Body Contact and Initial Touching
Fumbling...........................................................................................4 calories
Casually rummaging around..............................................................7 calories
Gentle rubbing..................................................................................10 calories
Serious Fondling..............................................................................14 calories
Involved massaging..........................................................................17 calories
Caressing..........................................................................................19 calories
Above the waist under loose-fitting garment such as sweater......21 calories
Below the waist under tight ski pants...........................................46 calories
(stop if the waistband cuts off your circulation)
Squeezing (any part of body except entire head)............................................15 calories


Gentle........................................................10 calories
Heavy........................................................17 calories
Passionate.................................................26 calories
Actually sucking blood.............................41 calories
Recovering shape of nose.........................11 calories
French Kissing
With mouth open...................................18 calories
With mouth closed................................239 calories
Tongue strain........................................65 calories


Removing Clothes
With partner's consent.........................................................................12 calories
Without partner's consent....................................................................187 calories
In Winter (Calories count is for removal of typical winter clothes)..........................25 calories
In summer...........................................................................................3 calories
Removing socks by violently shaking feet..........................................418 calories
(Very impractical and seldom works, but for those interested in high weight loss, its essential)
Unhooking bra
Using two calm hands.....................................................................7 calories
Using one trembling hand................................................................96 calories
(The record here for incompetence is two and half hours and a badly mutilated index finger)
Any attempt to remove pantyhose without first removing slacks..........375 calories
(Add another 100 calories if you are actually successful)


Arousal and Stimulation (advance)
Blowing in partner's ear
Using mouth.........................................9 calories
Using bellows.....................................14 calories
Using blow dryer (low settings)...............2 calories
Nibbling on partner's earlobe.................8 calories
Lust..........................................................15 calories
Talking dirty............................................8 calories


Weight Loss Bonus
Striptease..................................................55 calories
Belly dancing............................................100 calories
Actually dancing with partner's belly.......165 calories
If you are even marginally graceful, stripping to music presents an excellent opportunity to lose weight while arousing your appreciative and leering partner. You must be careful, however, not to ruin the erotic mood by attempting something unsuitable and that might cause you to look foolish. Overweight people would do well to avoid body movements that require excessive swinging and swaying, or leaping.


Holes in underwear
If your rich..................................................2 calories
If your poor.................................................20 calories
Excessive hair in unusual places
Pubic hair extends longer than average.......25 calories
Hair around nipple
For man....................................................1/2 calorie
For woman...............................................88 calories
Cellulites........................................................12 calories


Partner Looked better with clothes on.....................................10 calories
Partner looks better with your glasses off................................10 calories
Partner's body resembles a tubercular chicken........................12 calories
Partner wears corrective underwear.......................................15 calories
Partner's sweater turns out to be hair on his/her chest.............20 calories
Partner turns out to be of the wrong sex..................................100 calories
You don't mind....................................................................1/4 calorie
Inventing complicated but believable excuse for leaving.....5 calories


Licking partner all over
but being careful to avoid all sexually sensitive areas........................................20 calories
Constantly resisting frustrated partner
who is desperately trying to push your head toward sexually sensitive areas.....35 calories

NOTE: Overdoing this procedure will cause your partner to become peevish and attempt to direct your tongue to sensitive areas by grasping and pulling on it, not caring whether your head goes along.


Feather..................................4 calories
Hand.....................................6 calories
Tips of fingers......................7 calories
Frankfurter............................15 calories
Suede cat-o'-nine-tails..........22 calories


Oral Sex
Cunnilingus..............................15 calories
Nosebleed................................5 calories
(can be caused by over-excited partner)
Fellatio....................................30 calories
(Requires almost twice the effort of cunnilingus since it uses more muscles, especially those of the neck, hands and eyes)
Attempting to Breathe..............14 calories
(through a severely stuffed nose)
Toe sucking..............................12 calories


Removing Hair
From tongue.....................3 calories
(A relatively simple operation involving thumb and index finger. Try to be discreet)
From roof of mouth..........8 calories
(Slightly more complicated. Finger and tip of tongue may be necessary)
From soft palate...............14 calories
(Very complicated, especially if it is sticking)
From Uvula......................20 calories
(If hair is wrapped around uvula, it is easily extractable with pliers or a vacuum cleaner. Partner may notice)
From throat.......................23 calories
(Unless there's a small mop handy, you're better off just swallowing the hair. Only 2 calories per strand, no matter what the colour.)


Disposing of Hair
Surreptitiously wiping it on sheet................1 calorie
Wiping it on partner.....................................3 calories
(A good idea, but the hair may come back to haunt you)
Putting it back where it came from...............28 calories

Note: We suggest hiding it underneath your arm until later


Achieving Erection
For a normal healthy man...............2 1/4 calories
For a normal healthy woman..........549 calories
Sustaining Erection
For a man.......................................4 calories
For a woman..................................163 calories


Putting on Condom
With erection................1 1/4 calories
Without erection...........300 calories


Inserting Diaphragm
If woman who does it is
Experienced..............................................6 calories
Inexperienced...........................................73 calories
If a man does it regardless of experience.....680 calories


Male Fantasies
Sex slave to five insomniac starlets...................18 calories
Sex with a Quaker named Melissa.....................14 calories
Casual intercourse with a warm bugle...............9 calories
Foreplay with a model.......................................15 calories
"Love wrestling" with any woman.....................22 calories
Making love with his female boss......................30 calories


Female Fantasies
Wild intercourse with a jolly butcher.................20 calories
Foreplay with a hallucinating accountant............17 calories
Doing it in downtown Sheboygan.......................40 calories
Getting ravished by a senator.............................9 calories
Sex with a Latin dance instructor.......................23 calories
Sex with a virile renegade.................................25 calories


Binding partner with rope (the following knots are favorites)
Sheepshank...............................................7 calories
Slipknot....................................................8 calories
Half hitch..................................................9 calories
Figure eight...............................................11 calories
Square Knot..............................................12 calories
Binding partner with necktie
Windsor Knot...........................................9 calories
Half windsor............................................4 1/2 calories
For the awkward, I suggest
Handcuffs.................................................3 calories
Shackles...................................................6 calories
Leg irons..................................................5 calories
Using high quality whip (per stroke)............3 calories
Using cat-o'-nine-tails..............................27 calories
Thrashing partner with
Shoelace..................................................2 calories
Popsicle stick..........................................2 calories
Feather....................................................15 calories
Spanking (per spank)......................................5 calories


Bizarre Sex Practices
Having partner jump on your face.............................................70 calories
Foreplay while scuba diving....................................................100 calories
Sex on a vibrating bed..............................................................46 calories
(Vibrating beds are usually found in motels frequented by people with back trouble. *smile* )


Additional Erotic Experiences
Watch partner shave
Face, legs or underarms........................................................................4 calories
Private areas.........................................................................................32 calories
Roll around nude in a bakery window......................................................72 calories
Lick a Porsche all over.............................................................................100 calories
Have sex on vinyl sheets...........................................................................18 calories
Record your love cries and play then at your next Tupperware party........82 calories


Masturbation..............................................10 calories
Liking sex...................................................7 calories
Loving sex..................................................20 calories
Never wanting to stop................................30 calories
Sex on your lunch hour...............................3 calories
And you put it on your expense report........20 calories


Partner insists on cuddling dog during foreplay................14 calories
Partner just visited bathroom for seventh time..................10 calories
Partner is taking phone calls.............................................7 calories
Partner is making phone calls...........................................40 calories


Interruptions and Distractions
Somebody going Peek-A-Boo.................15 calories
Noisy neighbours....................................7 calories
Excessive moonlight...............................1/4 calorie
Telephone..............................................4 calories
War.......................................................70 calories
Bed catches fire....................................15 calories
Knock on door......................................10 calories
(Jehovah's Witness selling "The Watchtower")
Resuming where you left off...............30 calories


Fighting off Pets
Tiny nervous dogs weighing less than 8 ounces.........3 calories
Playful Saint Bernard.................................................20 calories
Jealous Doberman......................................................92 calories
Any enraged Mongrel.................................................50 calories
Cat..............................................................................6 calories
Resentful Parakeet......................................................2 1/2 calories


Hope you will be happy losing those calories now and I know your partner will be more than happy when you start putting these guidelines to work ;)


LMAO! Great find. That covers everything. Good work my man.


There`s a few things which I`ve done which don`t appear in there.
But lets leave it at that.


New member
LMAO. How many calories are burned if you fake an orgasm on an eliptcal machine ?


More info

It has been known for many years that sex is good exercise, but until recently nobody had made a scientific study of the caloric expenditure of different sexual activities. Now after original and proprietary research they are proud to present the results.


With her consent....................... 12 Calories

Without her consent.................... 387 Calories


With both hands........................ 8 Calories

With one hand.......................... 22 Calories

With your teeth........................ 85 Calories


With an erection....................... 6 Calories

Without an erection.................... 315 Calories


Trying to find the clitoris............ 8 Calories

Trying to find the G-Spot.............. 192 Calories


Missionary............................. 112 Calories

69 lying down.......................... 178 Calories

69 standing up......................... 312 Calories

Wheelbarrow............................ 386 Calories

Doggy Style............................ 400 Calories

Italian chandelier..................... 972 Calories


Real................................... 112 Calories

Fake.................................. 315 Calories


Lying in bed hugging................... 18 Calories

Getting up immediately................. 36 Calories

Explaining why you got out of bed immediately......816 Calories


If you are:

20-29 years old........................ 36 Calories

30-39 years............................ 80 Calories

40-49 years............................ 124 Calories

50-59 years............................ 972 Calories

60-69 years............................ 2916 Calories

70 and over......................... Results are still pending


Calmly................................. 32 Calories

In a hurry............................. 98 Calories

With her father knocking at the door... 1218 Calories

With your wife knocking at the door.... 3521 Calories


The government announced today that it is changing its emblem to a condom because it more clearly reflects the government's political stance. A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while it's actually screwing you.

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Well-known member
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lol at the last part... pretty funny read man


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  • RockStar
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Searching for something else and found this thread. Insane almost ten year old mega bump!


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