Info in eBay PH...bunk or gtg!!!



New member
A/T xtreme tren z...need info! Will keep y'all posted on results and everything. One more time......

I got xtreme tren z from musclemindsnutritionllc off eBay (at my own risk) will be running 3 pills a day....that's 30mg dmz and 90mg trenavar. I am an experienced user with PH, I've had a very successful run with them before the gov't tells me what's best for me.

I just got off of IML msten almost 2 months ago 30mg and put on about 12-13 lbs.

My diet will be about 85% on point (vague, I know) mainly chicken rice potatoes eggs and oatmeal and maybe some steak here and there. I'm 5'6" weight 183. Protein will be around 250-275g, carbs around 300g, fat around 40-60g. I'm not going for strength really, just to see if I get any size whatsoever off an eBay tren z.

Bench 340

Squat 450

Deadlift approx 475

Yes I know this IS NOT a highly detailed info on a cycle. But like I said it's more for information on if you can still get a legit PH off eBay. Again I'm highly experienced with PH, but have never tried tren z. I know what to look for and am in tune with my body, so I'll know if it's bunk or gtg. Hope y'all follow for the next 4-6 weeks.

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