Opinion on which route?


New member
I'm on my 7th week of my test (300mg week) tren ace (50mg ed) and Dbol (50mg ed weeks 1-4)

I went from 248 to 268 by week 5 and now I'm down to 264 and looking leaner. My question is I am going to take this cycle to 12 weeks. I'm around 10% body fat and want to lean out as much as possible for aesthetic purposes. I am debating running either Anavar or Winny the final 4 weeks. What do you guys think? Worth it or not? Should I stop the Tren at week 8 and the final 4 weeks be test and anavar it winny? Or keep the Tren during one of those two compounds? Also what advantages/disadvantages do those compounds have when being used with tren that can help me decide which is the better route? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

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