Weight gain progress


New member
hi, this is my first thread and will act as a progress page. I started my weight gain diet 3 weeks ago. I am 20 years old and 5 foot 7. I started at 48 kg and am currently 56kg 3 weeks later. Although i weighed myself on the doctors scale and i was at 59kg. I hope to be 68 to 70kg in around 2 months, when university starts. Ive noticed it takes about 1 to 2 days for me to gain a kg. This could be water mass or something of the sort, however i have filled out significantly. When i was in my final year of school i was at 42kg and was never able to gain any sort of weight. However with a changed diet and weight training routine im finally seeing gains. I eat 4 largish meals a day with about 3 snacks at about 3 hour intervals and train 3 times a week. My diet consists of a lot of eggs and whole milk, carbs like pasta and noodles and vegetables to clean my gutty wutties. Everything cool at the moment. So far the only key to weight gain has been routine, plain and simple eat at the required times and soon your body will adapt and it will be easier to get in all those calories. Also flaxseed oil in your weight gain shakes really maximize their potential. Ill keep those interested posted in the coming days. Peace Out amigos!

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