When will this "Metro" age end


I try not to judge people. Some cases, I cant help it.

Today in the gym, I was doing BB curls when I hear some guy go to his partner "uhh! I think I just chipped a nail." At first I thought I didnt hear it, or maybe I just didnt WANT to hear it, so I went on. About 5 minutes later he says "uhh (in a hi pitched voice) you MUST check out this outfit at JC Penny, its got the nicest fabric." I have nothing agains gay people, its there choice to be so. Now I have seen this guy bring in his girlfriend every once in a while, but once you start talking about fabric's, your gay dude.

Also, about a week or so ago, I was minding my own business when some kid who I never talked to before comes up to me when I was on the wide grip press machine. He goes "dude you need to chill with the lifting." And I go "why is that." He says "You will look gross and no girls will like you." First of all, are you gay? How do you know girls wont like me and 2, how dare you call me gross. BTW, he proceded to do DB bench with 20's. He was with his friend, maybe he was just trying to look tough by telling me off :rant:

This brings up the queston, when will this metro-sexual age end? Gone are the days when it was cool to be huge and ripped. Now "fabrics" and being skinny and weak are "in." Heopefully this is just a phad, and will die off soon.


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everything is a fad and everything passes ... but why does it bother you so much? just put on some headphones and ignore people, if you let little harmless things like that bother you you're life is going to be pretty miserable


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Afraid this may be here to stay - in some form or another. The men's fashion industry is mainly homosexuals (fact, not a ignorant remark). They decide what's 'fashionable'. They are really pushing this unisex crap. The American trend will likily become whatever Europe is currently doing. I believe 'Eurotrash' is to thank for the emergence of the American Metro culture.


Pityin' fools since '81
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you have to let people do there own thing. i use to be very homophobic, but now i have come to the realization that not everybody in life is going to be like me, and thats actually a good thing.


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no girls dig that crap


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I agree w/ Glen - just buy an MP3 player and put the headphones on.

Block out the retards - that's my motto. (I guess it would be metro's in your motto....)


It doesnt bother me, I just wanted to see what you guys though.
Iron Warrior

Iron Warrior

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There is a definite increase in what I call feminine guys. I also noticed that these guys are rail thin and maybe that's why they think being big and ripped is gross. To them we are what Greg Valentino and other Synthol freaks are to us, just ignore it and you'll be okay.


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I think there might be a little more to this than meets the eye, and that is the emasculation of the American male. I know the lines are grey and there are no absolutes, but these days in our country feminine values rank higher than male ones. People talk of self esteem, understanding, feelings, acceptance and compassion. Short thrift is given dignity, truth, right and wrong, facts and honor. Once more, not that any of these concepts are exclusively masculine or feminine, but I think you get my drift.

There's basically a war on men going on. Lots of kids grow up fatherless, with no suitable replacement. Maybe I'm too traditional but I think there are certain things young boys can learn about being men only by having a fair example nearby to emulate and learn from, a father or father-figure. I think all men should show compassion and understanding, they're admirable qualities, but there needs to be a balance in life and it seems things have swung way too far to the feminine side of the road. Instead of mom and dad running the world, now it's mostly mom. It's evident to me in a lot of things.

One, more feminine men wandering around. Lots of women seem to prefer waifs to guys with a physically dominating presence. One of my best friends used to date waify guys exclusively. Recently her taste has changed, I asked her why and she said she just didn't feel like she was with a man when she was with a smaller guy. Didn't feel safe, like he could handle things, etc. I guess the waifs just didn't inspire confidence in her, and not necessarily because of their physical stature but because the term waif could also be used to describe their personalities. Slight, pale and no real substance.

Two, laws and social policies that force men to walk on egg shells while women can run rampant. Every guy knows that, for the most part, he has to walk on egg shells at the office, because even a misunderstood remark with no ill intent could lead to a sexual harrassment charge. I've seen it happen to more than one guy as I've worked in various places. Once it was a guy who truly deserved a reprimanding because he was a pig. More often than not it was an oversensitive woman or downright maliscious one. One girl I knew, a complete flirt at work with almost every guy, ran one poor kid out of the office. He wasn't the best looking guy, a little awkward too. I had gone to school with him, he was just a bit of a geek is all. But, he had the tenacity to presume that because this girl flirted with every other guy he could flirt too. He wasn't up to her standards and she got him fired as a result. And she made it fairly clear talking to the women in the office that this was indeed her reasoning. Any guy but him, basically. My only comfort in that situation was that some of the women thought she was a slut and a bitch, but a good number of the women there apparently saw no problem with her reasoning, or thought he got what he deserved for not knowing that she was going to use sexual harrassment rules as a shield not to get hit on by guys she found unattractive, as was her 'right' apparently.

Meanwhile with a few exceptions women can basically walk around and say whatever foul, derrogatory crap that pops into their heads, or be as socially aggressive as they like, and have basically no fear of reprisal. This doesn't bother me, but what does bother me is that I have to restrain my own nature and behavior not out of respect but for fear of losing my damn job.

Another point is Father's rights. While making a slight comeback they are still basically ignored. Women can divorce a guy, will almost certainly get the kids and a significant portion of his livlihood whether she needs it or not, or deserves it or not, and then can move across the country with the father having no recourse. Essentially society has devalued fathers so much that once the pregnancy has run its course they really don't count in a lot of people's eyes. They're basically sperm donors.

You can see it in our own little world. Is it steroids that bother people, hormonal manipulation, or the fact that we're doing it to become more male as we see it? Is it the drugs or the fact that they enhance traditionally male aspects of our bodies and personalities? Is it possible a lot of women prefer guys who are waifs because they've been so sheltered from exposure to a genuine Guy that they find the idea and physical reality threatening? Perhaps that's why some as they get older and reality hits them, start looking for more traditional guys, like the friend I mentioned previously. Guys who are more concerned with working well and getting paid for it than with what type of fabric they are wearing. Guy's who'll do the right thing by children and help teach them how to survive in the real world, the basics of which don't necessarily include making sure you don't wear earth tones with black or grey.

It's also evident in the choices women make these days for partners. I've lost track of how many women I know that just keep picking assholes to date. I've lost track of how many times I've heard women say things like, "He's really a nice guy." Never considering that if he were a nice guy it'd be obvious to everyone and they wouldn't need to be told. The problem isn't this behavior, because everyone behaves like this when they're young. You have to learn how to make better decisions as you live. The problem is this behavior continues in a lot of women well past the point at which they should have learned better. And this is because they are indulged to much. Women keep going for the object of their adolescent fantasies, the mysterious bad boy, rather than growing up and making a real decision about who they want to be with for the rest of their lives, if anyone. Then they get pissed when the bad boy doesn't turn into a knight in shining armor. Because they've been so sheltered and indulged by society, the blame is never put on the woman for making shitty decisions about who to be with, but on the guy for somehow not changing his very nature to be with such a wonderful woman. I've lost countless friends to this nonsense, because I have no sympathy for it. You make a stupid decision and bite it, you get what you deserve. You do it twice, you're just a moron.

Take a look at a lot of the TV shows, the sitcoms out there. If they show a family it's either a 'non-traditional' family, or a traditional family where the husband is some dipshit who is always getting into trouble or doing something stupid and getting rescued or barely avoiding getting caught by a brilliant, successful long sufferring wife. Almost never is role of the father taken seriously, either as a disciplinarian or as a vital teacher of the kids, both young men and women.

Now, is all this a big deal? Could be, might not be. Societies always shift this way and that, back and forth with no real harm done in the end. These days however people are much more likely to try and cement social shifts with legislation. That's what scares me about any trend in today's culture. That and the fact that I get sick of seeing and hearing things that would have given the men who raised me a heart attack, and not being able to say anything, even express a contrary opinion, without offending someone to the point that they decide I need to be relieved of my job or a certain amount of freedom.

And as for me, if someone catches me gossiping about an outfit at JC Penny I want them to slap the **** out of me, at least until I get my good sense back.


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In short, CDB means: American men no longer have testicles...and its disgusting...and horribly sad.



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UGH, I need some beer and football. Tomorrow I will read and then watch Fight Club.


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everything is a fad and everything passes ... but why does it bother you so much? just put on some headphones and ignore people, if you let little harmless things like that bother you you're life is going to be pretty miserable
good post :) dont sweat the little things...life is to short!!!!!!!!


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Much more to the point than I was. I need to be more concise.
Yes, yes, yes....now you finally understand my short answers are not lazy, but rather well thought out :D

I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.
- Mark Twain
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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I have seen this guy bring in his girlfriend every once in a while,
hm... i can only wonder what she looked like......lololol....sorry that comes of f as mean, but a real woman likes men NOT a girl with a weenie, that might just be my opinion though....

but once you start talking about fabric's, your gay dude.

He says "You will look gross and no girls will like you."
hes just jealous. im sure all of you muscular men here know that women often give u the "id like to rape u" look when u walk around alot...
one are the days when it was cool to be huge and ripped.
it is cool still, just not spoken


Ectomorph man
  • Established
I try not to judge people. Some cases, I cant help it.

Today in the gym, I was doing BB curls when I hear some guy go to his partner "uhh! I think I just chipped a nail." At first I thought I didnt hear it, or maybe I just didnt WANT to hear it, so I went on. About 5 minutes later he says "uhh (in a hi pitched voice) you MUST check out this outfit at JC Penny, its got the nicest fabric." I have nothing agains gay people, its there choice to be so. Now I have seen this guy bring in his girlfriend every once in a while, but once you start talking about fabric's, your gay dude.

Also, about a week or so ago, I was minding my own business when some kid who I never talked to before comes up to me when I was on the wide grip press machine. He goes "dude you need to chill with the lifting." And I go "why is that." He says "You will look gross and no girls will like you." First of all, are you gay? How do you know girls wont like me and 2, how dare you call me gross. BTW, he proceded to do DB bench with 20's. He was with his friend, maybe he was just trying to look tough by telling me off :rant:

This brings up the queston, when will this metro-sexual age end? Gone are the days when it was cool to be huge and ripped. Now "fabrics" and being skinny and weak are "in." Heopefully this is just a phad, and will die off soon.
F that lol... Being skinny is most definitely in, and if a girl comments that she wants me to be skinny or skinnier an alarm goes off in my head... STAY AWAY.

There's a point I dont want to cross in gaining weight, but I'm nowhere near it... and I cant comprehend someone wanting to look like a drug addict. I like nice pants or shirts as much as the next guy; but commenting on fabrics? thats gay... SERIOUSLY

As for girls liking the whole skinny thing... they can have it. Any kind of change I make to myself, I do for MYSELF. In the past I've had the vanity of wanting to improve my image for others... well its not worth it. Why bring myself down to their level when I worked so hard to get to the level I'm at now? :head:

Dont even let that clueless fool bother you... not on your level man, not even close.


I cant follow up CDB's post, but I have a theory behind the type of girls that like "GIRLY MEN" (in strong german accent)

My friend kevin recently got PLAYED bad by this slut 1 town over. This is the 4th guy shes played in the last year or so. No kevin is the man, doesnt talk about fabrics, but is only about 5'5" and is pretty skinny. I recently noticed that all guys shes played are smaller type dudes.

My observations about girlst that "play" and "use" guys is this: They go for guys they think they can dominate of sorts. This includes smaller, skinny fellas. This goes back to my topic I started a few weeks ago where I go over how appearence dominates 80% of life in my generation.

Now myself and a few "abnormally large" friends of mine as were known around school have steady relationships with girls that actually might keep there virginity untill they are 17 (a rarity in my highschool, im serious).

Bottom line, girls that are just out for a good time and want to use guys go for "easy prey" and thus smaller dudes, while girls that actually want a relationship go for guys they actually might like.


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My friend who spent a semester in London said there would be thousands of completely broke guys living in garages with designer clothes. some would even beg for money


Anabolic Innovations Owner
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I didn't have the patience to read all through that so if this was already said then please forgive me.

Women are becoming men and men are becoming women.

100 years from now there will only be one sex in this country.

Fortunately the women from South America are still women.

Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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Bottom line, girls that are just out for a good time and want to use guys go for "easy prey" and thus smaller dudes, while girls that actually want a relationship go for guys they actually might like.
no no no..... girls that date the metro fruitcakes say they like them but its an EXCUSE because they dont think they can get the hunky, muscular man.....

bottom line:

i dont like muscular guys because they dont like me.


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So much good here.

Girls that go for the skinny metro men want guys they can dominate. They actively seek these guys. If you don't want to approach women and have a shot with them, then you don't want to be big. On the other hand, girls still love real men, but you are going to have to go get your girl, she won't come to you.

I hope that made sense.

Rogue Drone

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I could pen a lengthy tome on this subject, but I'd be preaching to the choir and CDB already hit the major points.

I guess I would just say to "Thine own self be true" and "Be the change you wish to see". I Know I will always be the Rogue Drone in relation to the pacified hive mentality that I see spreading in America, the Land of the Free and the Brave, yeah.

Me thinks the validation of the Docile is exactly won't we don't want.

Thankfully many women, particularly those over 25, still appreciate a masculine man who's a good conversationalist with diverse interests.I think most of the regulars here will have no trouble finding women , maybe not girls, who will appreciate our brand of ways and means. Joke 'em if they can't take a ****, Know what I mean, Jellybean??


  • Established
Thankfully many women, particularly those over 25, still appreciate a masculine man who's a good conversationalist with diverse interests.
I argue that this 95% of women no matter what. the other 5% are feminists who like to push around 'girlie men'.

Rogue Drone

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I really would'nt know, I'm not a TV Star Stud like you, just a frumpy old queen who's hung like a mouse, me and my $7000 dolly don't get out much.


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A little steriotypical, aren't we :nono:
I think this was meant to be representative of other women's thoughts, not an expression of hers. I misread it too on the first run. Then it occurred to me, why would such a woman be spending any time on a message board like this.

And then again, I just realized I may have misread your reply.


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I think this was meant to be representative of other women's thoughts, not an expression of hers. I misread it too on the first run. Then it occurred to me, why would such a woman be spending any time on a message board like this.

And then again, I just realized I may have misread your reply.
I think he was kidding CDB....davisville was the thread starter :lol:


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There has definitely been a "pussification" of males in America. I began to notice this in the early 80's but more than likely, it began in the 70's. Just Thursday, I was watching BIG IDEA w/Donny Deutsch (Douche) and he was talking about how ultimate fighting was barbaric, blah, blah, blah. Then I was reading a mag my GF had lying around and they were talking about how big muscles were "DEFINITELY OUT", as far as fashion. It just seems that anything, remotely masculine, is demonized. Bottom line, guys like to kick the **** out of eachother. People like to watch it. If some dude starts hitting on my lady at a bar, I'm in the fucker's face. If some dude touches my GF at a bar, I'm stepping on his head. Just like gay people say about homosexuality, this is not a choice for me. It's the way my brain is wired. Now don't get me wrong, my motto in life is "Live and let live." If that's your thing, be gay like a mother-fucker. More power to you. But don't blame men for being men!
On a funny side note, last week I was in a conversation with another guy about fabrics. LMAO!!! He complimented the fabric of a jacket that I was wearing but it was ballistic nylon, so it's cool. LMFAO!!


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Thanks to everyone for the affirmation of my subjective feelings for over a decade. Im not the only one who feels compelled to walk the razors edge in this "New society" The fact that we have to be ever mindful of what we say and do or even purchase in public and private, is a noxious reminder that the lynch mob still exists. Im so glad this is a democracy with a constitution that protects us.


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On a funny side note, last week I was in a conversation with another guy about fabrics. LMAO!!! He complimented the fabric of a jacket that I was wearing but it was ballistic nylon, so it's cool. LMFAO!!
Hey, I like a good suit and a confortable shirt as much as any guy. But it's like enjoying Bee Gees music. It's just not something you discuss in public. Unless the fabric in question is ballistic nylon or kevlar, or something similar. That's cool. But some **** you just have to keep to yourself. Prudence is a lost value.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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I think this was meant to be representative of other women's thoughts, not an expression of hers. I misread it too on the first run. Then it occurred to me, why would such a woman be spending any time on a message board like this.
thats exactly what i meant. basically the liking of pussy like men is an excuse for a girls own insecurities within herself....at least to me it seems that way....

kinda like if we were all cartoons....

a confident girl would say she would like johhnny bravo....

an unconfident girl would say that aladin (with metro attitude and clothes)is more attractive....(but shes lying!!! or just weird)


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Fortunately the women from South America are still women.
I spent nearly all of May in Panama. Wow is all I have to say about the women down south. I did miss blondes, though.


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Right next to my humble little sports bar in Nashville, there was a "Boutique" with overpriced womens clothing, it did well. So they moved across the lot to a bigger store, and a "Mens boutique" moved in.

The funny thing is this store is owned bt a WELL known NHL player...man the **** he must get in the locker room...

$120 for a pair of jeans?

They wanted me for a photoshoot when they first opened, and I showed up in my Members mark jeans, anyone know this brand. ;)


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Yeah, those are the crotchless jeans, they call them "Danglers"


As someone else noted there's also the push away from women being feminine. It's wrong to place 'standards' on how a woman should look, for example. "We're all beautiful" -- I have to tell my 250 lb lard ass clients every day that they aren't there for general 'firming and toning' and their ass isn't beautiful, but rather they're going to die unless they lose weight. It's now wrong to say that women should be thin and shapely and that men should be muscular.


As someone else noted there's also the push away from women being feminine. It's wrong to place 'standards' on how a woman should look, for example. "We're all beautiful" -- I have to tell my 250 lb lard ass clients every day that they aren't there for general 'firming and toning' and their ass isn't beautiful, but rather they're going to die unless they lose weight. It's now wrong to say that women should be thin and shapely and that men should be muscular.

It started with the "every child a winner" or some **** in the '70's. Gives off the "everything is good" and "everyone is beautiful" crap. Some how reminds me of my friend who brags about doing a girl that weighs more than his car.


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It started with the "every child a winner" or some **** in the '70's. Gives off the "everything is good" and "everyone is beautiful" crap. Some how reminds me of my friend who brags about doing a girl that weighs more than his car.
You have to admit, that is an accomplishment of sorts.

I'm a little more iffy on the whole everyone should be thin angle. Everyone should be healthy is more to the point for me. Me as an example, I'm carrying around too much fat in my midsection. I can see my own pecker, but it wasn't always so. In college I got real fat. Thing is, even at my fattest I could outrun, outplay in almost every sport, out lift and generally kick the crap out of all my supposedly more in shape friends. And this included games like raquetball and tennis, my two favorites, where a degree of speed and agility is required. A lot of my friends are on medication for high blood pressure, getting sick more often than seems healthy. They don't lift a finger to help themselves, make bad eating choices, etc. But they're thin, and considered by most people at a glance to be more in shape and healthier than me. And even after learning that they couldn't jog across the street without barfing, most people would still consider them healthier than me.

So how is it I'm still fatter than them, but my blood pressure is low, my heart is in good shape, my cholesterol, at least on the last check, was perfect, and etc. on through other health indicators? This actually has something to do with steroids too. It's because people mistake the appearance of something for the actuality of that thing.

Think about it. In our society people can nip, tuck, suck out, lift, stretch, laser and implant things into almost any part of their body in an attempt to give the false impression of youth and health, and they can do this legally with all the health risks associated with these procedures. However, manipulating your hormones a few times a year under the supervision of doctor, which if done properly would result in a genuine improvement in health and fitness, and in my opinion improved appearance often follows from that, well that's not allowed.

Extreme cases aside where a person obviously has to lose weight, there's a healthy weight range for people, and I do think our society focusses way too much on the thinner end as some how being representative of healthier people. It hits everyone, but I think it hits women the hardest and to their detriment. Some women are naturally thin and healthy like that, and they look great. Some are supposed, if that's the right word, to have a more curve in them. But they starve themselves and their breasts disappear, their skin goes bad. They actually get the look like they're shutting down inside. It's pretty horrible.

Weird the turns conversations take. But it's in the vein of this one. As I hate the fact that traditional guys are being marginalized, I also hate the fact that tits and ass (of all healthy sizes) have been replaced with protruding hip bones and deflated chest sacks. Thanfully I'm on Long Island, where a lot of Italian women with that traditional hour glass figure are still romping around. Christ, my boss is one of them. It's torture sometimes. She's a mix of Italian and American Indian. Best of both in all honesty. Makes for a pleasant work environment.


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Simple: Anyone who has a problem with me doing something other than "the norm", **** them and everyone they look like! :nutkick:

So what I own leather pants... :ntome:


You have to understand that this is just one part of the equation which has been progressively tipping the scales socioeconomically. I could draw a long line through the 20th century which lead to the current establishment of women as the "better sex". It is a fact that the "Women's Liberation" or "Suffrage" movement could not have been successful without the support of men. Time has told the tales of great men being manipulated by beautiful and cunning women. It's the age-old story. However, in today's society, it has become the rule of law instead of a personal matter. I don't recognize the term "metrosexual". The fact is that if you act feminine, you are acting female. There is room for an acceptable range of expression, but when you cross the line into adhering to standards which represent a large number of traditional feminine characteristics, you might as well not have an interest in the opposite sex. Individuality is no excuse. Today's society of tolerance preaches that we are to accept everyone regardless of personality or beliefs, except when those personalities buck the status quo. Thus the effeminate man who can't lift a paperweight is generally more socially acceptable than the muscular "man's man". This is desirable to capitalist interests because women are better consumers. Making women appear superior to men helps to stimulate unfettered consumerism. Who goes to all the big sales? Women. If men are trained to accept their free spending habits and even join in the ever-changing fashion parade themselves, all the better for industry. Keep the rats feeding.

Let's not mention the increase in single mothers. The lack of proper sex education and more importantly, social education, has made for a generation of confused children who are having children. I will not accept that a boy does not need a poisitive male influence in his life. A father, a dad, is not a luxury. Boys who grow up without a strong father figure adapt to their mother's ideas of what men should be. Let's take the typical single mother. Having either left or been left by the man in question, she is bitter toward men, often has unrealistic ideas of what men should act like. Her son will grow up distrustful of other men and unsure of himself. He will likely be the type to put the toilet seat down and carry his girlfriend's purse for her. He will most likely be known by the numerous "chick friends" he will amass as a "good listener" and "a nice guy". He will end up a doormat for women who would otherwise have no hold on him. Many women will pass him by because he lacks self confidence and healthy aggressiveness. He's more likely to find himself a "friend" to girls he knows than a dating partner. If he does become aggressive, it will often be negative and overcompensation in trying to define himself as "a man". Such is how many thugs start out. This is what happens with no strong male role model in a boy's life. Let's not forget the girls, who are taught that their lives are spent either bettering themselves and men are unnecessary or that marriage is the goal of their lives. The former turn out cold and dominant. The latter turn out getting involved in serious long term relationships early on and often get married or have children prematurely. Then they end up unhappy and stuck or alone because they never knew to take the time to date around. Women believe that they have a natural intuition about what guy is good for them. Obviously, their radar is broken and someone needs to tell them. However, try telling all this to most people, especially women and you are bound to meet a deaf ear.

It's much like telling fat people that they need to lose weight. The key is "acceptable range of weight". A 300 lb fat person is not in the acceptable range. Neither is someone who is 80 lbs. Health is the best indicator. You're getting fat? Cut out the damn Twinkies and Hot Pockets and try eating small portions of real food. Then get some good exercise more than once a month. That's a start. You're too thin? Increase your caloric and protein intake and start lifting weights. At some point, I guarantee even the most ectomorphic will start to respond.

When people realize that they have been duped by the rampant consumerism in a society where big corporations are king, they may begin to change these ideas. However, that will likely take a long time and a lot of luck.


Ectomorph man
  • Established
...I also hate the fact that tits and ass (of all healthy sizes) have been replaced with protruding hip bones and deflated chest sacks...
Amen!!! :drunk: :cheers:


no no no..... girls that date the metro fruitcakes say they like them but its an EXCUSE because they dont think they can get the hunky, muscular man.....

bottom line:

i dont like muscular guys because they dont like me.
what if the "metro fruitcake" is the biggest and most hard core dude in the gym? what if he likes emo music a lot but will also put in his slipknot cd right after? what if he rocks pink shirts to the clubs and can cause he looks mad pimpish in them?
i think dressing good is one of the most important things a man can do. i always make sure that i am groomed from head to toe.
i have gone tanning, had body hair waxed at a spa, had high lights put in my hair at a salon and yes if i see a really nice shirt or pair of jeans at a store you`re damn right im going to tell my girlfriend or one of my buddies about it.
some people just have more style than others. thats ok, thats the way it should be. but please dont hate on the dude at the end of the bar just cause everything he has on matches, can tell you about Polo`s new winter line and the score of the yankees game, and that his shoes were prob more than your whole outfit!!!!!!:afro:


Simple: Anyone who has a problem with me doing something other than "the norm", **** them and everyone they look like! :nutkick:

So what I own leather pants... :ntome:

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