What about this cycle?


I have been lifting heavy with low reps (6-8) for almost 3 weeks. I have also been using M1T for two weeks of the heavy lifting. I plan to start next week with higher reps (12-14) and I will also be on my last week of M1T. I then hope to continue the higher reps for the first two weeks of my PCT before swapping back to heavy. I am also going to be hitting the cardio harder during the high reps, but still sucking down the protien.

Any opinions on my plan?

BTW, I am also posting this in the prohormones section.


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I've read that you want to do HIT training during PCT to keep the testosterone/cortisol ratio
high, but I'm not sure it makes that much of a difference. I would keep your volume low
and drop the cardio during PCT so you can keep your gains.


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In addition to that you should bump up your calories / stay over maintenance during the PCT.

I doubt you do much with the high reps besides lose the strength gains you made on M1T by not using them. Your PCT should hopefully take care of rasing your test levels, I don't think the HIT makes enough of a difference when you are on some sort of PCT product.


So what exactly do you recommend then? I am going to need to lean up sometime.

Also, you mentioned that I might lose my gains. Which gains, strength or size? So far I have not noticed any real strength gains. But I have gotten bigger. I figure that most of that is water anyhow.


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5111, first, you have only one week less and unless you have some DNP lying around, I don't think you can drop enough of 280lbs in one week to make a difference. Therefore I suggest you use the rest of your cycle to concentrate on building muscle. The best way to do this is by eating above maintenance, especially on the protein.

When you come off M1T you are going to drop A LOT of water weight in my experience (~10lbs possibly given your size). This is natural. You will also lose some strength & muscle because of the sudden drop of androgens in your system. M1T will have shut down your test production totally after that long. This too, while not good, is natural and to be expected.

Now you want to keep your muscle and strength, and to do this you need to do two things.
1) Get your test production up ASAP w/ proper PCT
2) Continue to eat above maintenance during your PCT period, you do NOT want to go below maintenance because your body will use some of your new hard earned muscle for energy. Not good!

I recommend you follow the above protocol, and do PCT for 4 weeks. You should eat as clean a diet as possible, but w/ the above calorie recommendations. Whenever you finish PCT I suggest you begin cutting by now dipping below maintenance calories. Add some HIIT cardio, try an ECY stack & some lipo-6.

Do this for 2-3 weeks and see how weight loss is going. On the above I would aim for 2lbs a week or so, no more or you will drop muscle.

If you do not like the results consider trying clen, triac, UA, DNP, etc. If you go with one of these I would pair them with an androgen, not M1T but possibly M4OHN or 1-test.

Best of luck! (hope this helps!)


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I agree. You should take M1T to bulk/gain strength so focus on this for the rest of your cycle. If you try to lose weight during PCT you'll lose most of what you've gained making your cycle sort of pointless. I'd stay away from DNP unless you're real serious, but clen and triac are good options if you really want to lose pounds. I'd probably go with 1-test if stacking or 1-test and
M4OHN as I've heard M4OHN may not be strong enough alone for triac at least.


Thanks cr4ytonic. I already have the Clomid ready for my post cycle as well as some milk thistle. I gained 10# in the first week so I expect to loose that much in water at least after stopping the M1T.

I planned to continue with the high protien anyway, but I guess I will keep up the calories too.

What about lifting? Should I stick to my 6-8 rep workout throughout my post cycle? That will make 6-7 weeks of heavy lifting. I usually try to cycle it about every 3-4 weeks.


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What about lifting? Should I stick to my 6-8 rep workout throughout my post cycle? That will make 6-7 weeks of heavy lifting. I usually try to cycle it about every 3-4 weeks.
As far as lifting goes I tend to side with the thought of "do what works for YOU." If you find that switching up between low reps and high every 6 weeks of heavy lifting works for you then stay with that. If it hasn't then try staying with the heavy, but I get the feeling that you do this for a reason, that being that it has worked for you.

On a mental perspective, I think that switching a week prior to PCT would atleast give you a week of increased strength (which I'm almost certain you will begin to see) at the higher rep/lower weight so that it doesn't seem as though you've lost a lot of strength. It could appear as such if you were to switch to higher reps/lower weight right at the begining of PCT, which could be demoralizing.



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Glad I could help. The clomid will be fine this time since your cycle is almost done but next time I would go with nolva, if you get any gyno symptoms you can go on it and come off the cycle to combat the gyno.

Cookmic5 is right, you should do whatever works best for you. I find i grow/get stronger in the 6-8 range so I almost never leave it, but I think I am a freak in that regard. I like fighting tooth and nail to keep my gains, even if it is not the best option scientifically speaking.

Some people like to cut back on the volume but keep the intensity when they come off a cycle. I would at least try to move some of the heaver weight for a set when you come off for muscle memory, but do what works best for you. I don't think drastically changing your workout the day you go off would be a good idea though, your body will be in enough shock.


Thanks for all the help guys.

I actually bought both Nolva and Clomid. I figured that I would try the Clomid and just use the Nolva if I saw any gyno. Next time I will just use Nolva.

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