Was I out of line?



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I work a 4 day rotation at the hospital. Last night was my last night for 4 nights, plus I worked a holiday Monday so I get a holiday added on so I was really off for 5 days. I decided I'd pack my four wheeler and truck up and head down to my cousins in Georgia for a few nights and maybe we could do some camping or trail riding or something.

So I get down there and there's this douche bag standing out on my cousins porch talking about how my cousins dog has been getting lose and chasing his farm animals. I got out of the truck and walked on the porch and the drunk guy immediately starts bashing my truck for being a Chevy and I pretty much ignore him. After that, he starts talking crap about Marines. I served 3 years in the Marines and he starts talking about how he was in the Army and the Army is so much better than the Marines. I told him we are all on the same team and our jobs are to watch each others back. I said no branch of the military is better than any other one, we all have the same objective - to serve and protect. I was in combat while in Afghanistan and I am damn proud of what I did overseas for my country so I started getting a little pissed off.

Anyway I walk over to the truck and start unloading my four wheeler and he then starts on the four wheeler. He sees me pulling on the straps and tells me that I am a steroid freak. I told the guy he was starting to get on my nerves he needed to go home. I volunteered to take him home and then he started yelling at me saying I was suggesting he couldn't afford a vehicle. I then grabbed his shirt and told him if he didn't back off I was going to kick his ---.

My wife gets out of the truck and then he starts on her and the sexual things he would do to her. I don't like fighting people at all. I train boxing and grappling and spend a lot of time weightlifting because I was a victim of bullying when I was in school (I was always short and skinny and had braces). I always told myself I'd never stoop to that level just because I am now trained in so many different things. Well anyway I hit the guy and he hit the ground and starts talking about how he's going to call the police and I go to walk off, he jumps on my back and toss him to the ground and put him in a arm bar. The guy starts screaming so I let him and tell him to go home. My cousin then tells me the guy is a prick that likes to start trouble with people.

I kind of feel bad because I don't like the idea of thinking I am bullying someone just because I'm bigger and stronger and do more training. Do you think I was out of line by turning to violence or do you think I should have just got in the truck and walked away? I'm going to head over to the guys house tomorrow and apologize. I still feel bad. How would you have handled it?


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I probably wouldn't have made it as long as you did before I snapped. That guy was just asking for it. In my opinion, you were justified in your actions. BTW, thank you for your service to our country.


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I probably wouldn't have made it as long as you did before I snapped. That guy was just asking for it. In my opinion, you were justified in your actions. BTW, thank you for your service to our country.
Yeah my cousin told me he didn't blame me at all for what I did. I tried several times to get the guy to calm down, but he just refused to act like an adult and attacked me in every form.

I didn't care that he insulted my truck but after he insulted my service in the USMC I kind of got ticked off and then when he started making sexual suggestions towards my wife I had to do something. I mean I don't disrespect her so nobody else has the right to the way I see it.

Thanks for your input on the subject. I am a little more relieved that someone else feels like they would have handled the situation similarly. Thank you for the kind words in regards to my service in the Marines. By the way, the bible verse in your signature is one of my favorite verses.


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It's a great verse, it helps keep me motivated to hit the gym. If someone attacks my family, then there is no turning back. This guy disrespected your wife and I know Marines are a family as well, so twice he crossed a line better left alone. Maybe you gave him the lesson he needed to stop acting like such an idiot.


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I think that you made the right decisions. I'm not a violent person at all, and believe that violence is always the last last LAST resort. In this case, you were in the right, particularly after he insulted your wife. I can take a lot of heat myself, but insult my girls, and that's it. Kudos for you for being the bigger man. And of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't say it - thanks for your service.


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I think that you made the right decisions. I'm not a violent person at all, and believe that violence is always the last last LAST resort. In this case, you were in the right, particularly after he insulted your wife. I can take a lot of heat myself, but insult my girls, and that's it. Kudos for you for being the bigger man. And of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't say it - thanks for your service.
Yeah I tried walking away and I even volunteered to take the guy home. I wasn't meaning he couldn't afford a vehicle, but he was very drunk and it would had been dangerous for him and anyone else on the road for him to drive home. He walked over to my cousins house anyway. I congratulated him on being in the Army before and thanked him for his service, and his response was "hell, someone had to do the fighting while you Marines were over there getting pampered". Thanks for the kind words. Means a lot to know that people appreciate the sacrifices our military has made and continues to make.

It's a great verse, it helps keep me motivated to hit the gym. If someone attacks my family, then there is no turning back. This guy disrespected your wife and I know Marines are a family as well, so twice he crossed a line better left alone. Maybe you gave him the lesson he needed to stop acting like such an idiot.
I certainly hope so. I mean I live in an area where everyone has manners and treat you with respect. I can't remember the last time I had an argument was. I think it was last year when someone ran me off the road, but I mean that was just a couple of yells back and forth out the window. This guy just was looking for trouble. My cousin is a smaller guy. He's tall but really skinny. He's about 6'0" 150lbs. The guy starting the trouble was a little taller than me maybe 6'1" and looked about 240.

I'm considering giving the guy a call and apologizing.

Thank you all for your responses.


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you were extremely justified bro thats not something you should worry about lol


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he was drunk and being a dumb ass.I'd say he got off very easy.


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Not really sure I would have done the same thing , doing nothing pisses people off like that more than a response. I'm curious why didn't you question your cousin of why the guy was there in the first place or at least ask him why he didn't throw him out when he started acting like a douche?
C Rex

C Rex

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Totally justified. And thank you for serving our country, I have a TON of respect for you.


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Totally justified. And thank you for serving our country, I have a TON of respect for you.
Thanks so much.

Not really sure I would have done the same thing , doing nothing pisses people off like that more than a response. I'm curious why didn't you question your cousin of why the guy was there in the first place or at least ask him why he didn't throw him out when he started acting like a douche?
I tried doing nothing several times, but when he crossed remarks towards my wife I HAD to do something. That's a line you just don't cross with people. My cousin said his dog got lose a few days earlier and went on his farm and supposedly chased his animals and pooped in his yard. I'm not sure whether or not the dog really did all of those things he's never chased cats or my cousins chickens.

My cousin told texted me this morning and told me he woke up and there was human crap on his porch. I wonder who did that?

The guy came over to confront him. My cousin is never non-confrontational and was much smaller than the guy. The guy tried changing his voice really deep a lot to be intimidating and after he grabbed a hold of me I realized he was a pretty strong guy; not 400 bench strong or anything like that but natural brute strength.

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