

New member
hey, so first off i'm female and i'm FTM. I been liftin weights and I've been taking 1cc/75mg of tren every other day for like 9 days now.... how long till virilization kicks in? My body is getting very hard, I can already tell that.. but i want to know when the badily changes start happening.


hey, so first off i'm female and i'm FTM. I been liftin weights and I've been taking 1cc/75mg of tren every other day for like 9 days now.... how long till virilization kicks in? My body is getting very hard, I can already tell that.. but i want to know when the badily changes start happening.
Pat Califia must have written a book, because there seems to be more and more of you people around these days.

If I were a chick trying to grow a ****, I'd use a whole lot of test, arimidex and topical DHT. From my research, tren is about the same androgenic to anabolic ratio as test, but it isn't test, and it causes IGF-1 release, which is probably fighting the changes you're trying to make. Virilization is probably a long term process; you're not going to notice much after 9 days.

Yes, this is the weirdest question I have ever answered on any online forum. Thank you, drive through.
