

  • Established
Nice stuff Semper, vids look good. That corner row drop set looked great. I knew you wouldn't be missing that intensity for long. Get after it bro!


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
Nice vids man...i started your split this week and my gym buddies are loving it as well


Nice stuff Semper, vids look good. That corner row drop set looked great. I knew you wouldn't be missing that intensity for long. Get after it bro!
Yeah man! The intensity was just a smidgen off the other day. It's back on track NOW! I like using 25's on the corner rows. Better range of motion. I will be adding some 35's on the end of the stack for next week. I'm bringin it the best I can bro! I DO appreciate the support!


5/9/2008 Leg Day #2

Solid workout this morning! I trained alone today and the intensity was definately in check. After a 5 min warm up on the stationary bike, I hit sub-max leg extensions, superset with dumbbell leg curls for 3 sets of 20 reps. All reps for held at peak contraction for 3 second counts. It literally felt as if my quads and hams were incased in glowing hot coals! I then performed 10 HIIT intervals on a the stationary bike, 45 seconds at a medium pace followed by 15 seconds all out and another 10 min. on the treadmill at 3.0 mph. at zero incline and a 2 minute 30% incline added bonus. I finished up with ghetto donkey calf raises superset with seated calf raises for 2 sets of 20 reps. Chest, shoulders and biceps on tap for tomorrow! ALL IN AND FOCUSED!!!


5/10/2008 Chest-Shoulders-Biceps

Very refreshing solo workout this morning. Tunnel vision with no distractions and was in and out in under an hour. I focused on super slow concentric and eccentric movements and maintained a phenomenal mind/muscle connection. Achieved an awesome pump and vascularity is coming in more with each workout! I'm after a complete road map! We are currently 11 weeks out from peak week and 12 weeks from today is the actual show date! I can't wait for the intensity check next Thursday! IT'S ON!!!


1) Flat DB Press *superset* Decline Pushups: 3 sets
2) Incline Hammer Strength: 3 sets
3) Multi Angle Flyes *superset* Super Slow Pushups: 3 sets

1) Free Motion Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) Side Laterals: 2 sets (rest pause, lost count)
3) Bent Over Laterals: 2 sets (rest pause, lost count)
4) Seated DB Shrugs: 3 sets (3 second paused contractions)

1) High Cable Cambered Bar Curls: 4 sets
2) Single Arm Preachers: 3 sets


New member
Dig the T Bar row. I do the same thing at home!!!

BTW: What show are you doing? Sorry I missed it in yout thread.


5/12/2008 Upper Body

Excellent workout this morning! My workout partner and I started off on what could have been a very bad note on my 2nd working set of rack chins. Not sure exactly what happened or what was on her mind at the time but she accidently dropped the 100 lb dumbbell in my lap, instead of "gently" placing it. NOT too pleasurable! This set a spark for my final set and banged out 6 solid reps with 180 lbs for a personal best. I utilized a different attachment on high cable pulls and really felt the difference in the way it worked mid back and lats. I completely smoked upper body today and can not wait to hit Stl. this Thursday. It's gonna get nasty real quick!


1) Rack Chins: 3 sets (final set, rest pause)
2) High Cable Pulls: 3 sets
3) Single Arm D-Ring Low Cable Row: 3 sets (final set, rest pause)
4) Pullovers *superset* DB Row: 1 set
5) Deep Stretch: 90 sec.

1) Incline Hammer Strength: 3 sets
2) Free Motion Flyes: 3 sets (final set supersetted with super slow pushups)

1) Free Motion Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) Side Laterals *superset* Bent Overs: 2 sets

BI'S/TRI'S (superset)
1) Dbl Arm DB Curl: 3 sets
2) Decline Skull Crushers: 3 sets

1) Concentration Curls: 2 sets
2) Reverse Cambered Bar Pressdowns: 2 sets


  • Established
Not sure exactly what happened or what was on her mind at the time but she accidently dropped the 100 lb dumbbell in my lap, instead of "gently" placing it. NOT too pleasurable!


1) Rack Chins: 3 sets (final set, rest pause)
2) High Cable Pulls: 3 sets
3) Single Arm D-Ring Low Cable Row: 3 sets (final set, rest pause)
4) Pullovers *superset* DB Row: 1 set
5) Deep Stretch: 90 sec.

1) Incline Hammer Strength: 3 sets
2) Free Motion Flyes: 3 sets (final set supersetted with super slow pushups)

1) Free Motion Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) Side Laterals *superset* Bent Overs: 2 sets

BI'S/TRI'S (superset)
1) Dbl Arm DB Curl: 3 sets
2) Decline Skull Crushers: 3 sets

1) Concentration Curls: 2 sets
2) Reverse Cambered Bar Pressdowns: 2 sets
nice! how's your recovery been? intensity still looks great.


No issues with recovery what so ever! I'm very use to higher volume. No worries bro!


5/13/2008 Leg Day!

Beloved leg day this morning! I hit it HARD and to the point! This week, instead of the one legged hacks, I worked in one legged leg press for 2 sets of 15. Had two plates on each side and was more than enough. Very slow, dep and controlled movement. I plan on working both single legged hacks and leg presses in to my next off-season program and progressively go up in weight. Needless to say, my lower body is completely smoked! Outstanding workout!!! Tomorrow will be ab work and low intensity steady state cardio. Need to get my rest on in preparation for Thursday's havoc!!! WE are 11.5 weeks out from tomorrow. CRANKIN IT UP!!!


1) Squats: 3 sets (first set was 1 and 1/2 squats, *really fried up the quads!)
2) Single Leg Press: 2 sets
3) Leg Extensions: 3 sets (3 second paused contractions)
4) Stiff Legged Deads: 3 sets
5) Double Leg Curls: 3 sets (negative eccentrics)
6) Seated Calves: 3 sets (3-2-3 rep cadence


5/15/2008 BACK---TRICEPS (STL Training)

Just got in a little while ago from one hell of a back and tri workout with Bill. We brought the intensity and definately caught a few stares from our yelling at one another. Bill overheard a Jabronie making a comment about Winny-V. Not sure what that was about other than people have no clue about natural bodybuilding and how and why we do what we do. We were both in a zone and damn near puked after our corner row drop set.

The 120 mile drive back home was quite miserable but well worth the pain! My entire back and tri's are fried to the core and couldn't sit still. I look forward to feelin it in the morning!

We took a few video's and will have more as the weeks pass! Next scheduled Stl. Training will be June 12. Let's ROLL!!!!

Recap in a blurr:

1) Rack Chins- 3 rest pause sets 12-15 reps before rest pause
2) Close Grip Lat Pulldowns- 3 sets 12-15 reps with pauses at the bottom
3) T-Bar Corner Rows- 3 sets 12 reps
4) Seated Wide Parallel Grip Rows to Sternum- 3 sets 12-15 reps
5) Nautilus Pullowers- 3 sets 12 reps
6) Close Parallel Grip Lat Pulldowns- facing away from stack 1 set 12 reps

1) Hammer Strength Triceps Dips- 3 sets 15-20 reps
2) 1 Arm Triceps Cable Pulldowns focus on outer head- 3 sets 12 reps

[ame=""]YouTube - Close Grip Pulldowns[/ame]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
Nice vids! Keep up the hard work and is Winny-V something Scivation gives all their amazing athletes :eek: haha just playing but i am really digging this split and so are my workout partners so thanks :thumbsup:


5/16/2008 Light Leg Day

And the intensity has carried over!!! Yesterday's workout was top notch and training with Bill has lit yet another fire! I changed things up for today's leg workout to compensate for yesterday's intensity check and allow for more recovery time. I kept the weights light but checked each rep with great intensity. I was in and out in 45 min. Tomorrow is the 11 weeks out mark! Eleven weeks to dial it on in and lean out the upper back and lower back.... seems as if these areas always come in last for me. There will be no mistakes! I plan on targeting upper back in the weeks to come. Can't wait til June 12th.


1) Narrow ATG Smith Squats: 3 sets--25 reps
2) Dummbell Stiff Legged Deads: 3 sets--20 reps
3) Leg Extensions: 1 set--20 reps (3 second paused peak contractions)

**10 min. stepmill / 7 min. treadmill, walking backwards

**10 min. Extreme Stretching



5/17/2008 Chest-Shoulders-Bi's

Great workout today... I was in the gym a little longer than anticipated but managed to keep the intensity in check. I added in face pulls to burn up the upper traps and rear delts. I haven't done these in a couple of years and KNOW that it will have a huge impact on upper back/trap conditioning. I am taking tomorrow completely off from training.... zero cardio, zero weights!!! I've said I was going to do this a few times in the weeks past but I'm forcing myself to do so tomorrow and shooting for a solid 8-9 hours of sleep. Just listening to my body and giving the CNS a much needed break. I'm already anticiapting Monday's workout and planning on a few video's as well.


1) Incline Hammer Strength *superset* Decline Pushups: 3 sets
2) Gironda Dips: 3 sets
3) Free Motion Flyes *superset* Slow Pushups: 3 sets (three angles)

1) Free Motion Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) Side Laterals: 2 rest pause sets
3) Bent Overs: 2 rest pause sets
4) DB Shrugs *superset* Face Pulls: 3 sets

1) Cambered Bar Curl: 2 sets
2) Dbl Arm Hammer Curls: 2 sets
3) Nautilus Concentration Curls: 2 sets
4) Cocentration 21's: 1 set


  • Established
In case you were wondering, this is what 11.5 weeks out looks like.



  • Established
I am still amazed at your conditioning at this point man; don't believe I have seen anyone this dialed that far out. Definitely an inspiration for me - you have changed my whole philosophy re. how I go about my own prep - I always liked to do it in the shortest amount of time possible (cut corners a little too much last prep), but you have changed my outlook! Keep cracking brother! (enjoy that rest day today tho..)


I am still amazed at your conditioning at this point man; don't believe I have seen anyone this dialed that far out. Definitely an inspiration for me - you have changed my whole philosophy re. how I go about my own prep - I always liked to do it in the shortest amount of time possible (cut corners a little too much last prep), but you have changed my outlook! Keep cracking brother! (enjoy that rest day today tho..)
I'm gettin closer to where I am aiming! I plan on being damn close at approx. 4 weeks out and very slowly fill out. I have plenty of work to do. The leg pic that Bill posted was taken after our back/tri workout. Very flat in the pic. It's coming together slowly! I got a ton of sleep last night and feel awesome today. I'm anxiously anticipating tomorrow's havoc!!! I love this stuff!!!


5/18/2008 Upper Body

Excellent workout this morning! I trained alone and was in and out in about an hour. I'm quite sure that folks at the gym think I'm an a** at this point. Seems everyone wants to stop and talk and ask silly "Have you cut water yet???" "Think you'll be ready?" I give a very short answer along with a blank stare. :D Then there's multiple Jabroni's starin at you like you slapped their grandma. Gotta love it! I really had the mind/muscle connection rollin' this morning on all movements. This is going to be the key that will unlock the stubborn fat areas and etch out deeper striations. Every movement was held at the peak contraction for 1-3 seconds and this created one hell of a burn. I'm feeling completely on point both mentally and physically and ready to tear it up in the coming weeks! The fire is of molton lava!!!


1) EZ Bar Rows: 3 sets (rest pause final set)
2) Med. Grip Pulldowns Mid Skull: 3 sets
3) Narrow Cable Rows: 3 sets (rest pause final set)
4) Pullovers *superset* DB Row: 1 set
5) Weighted Hang X 60 seconds

1) Machine Press: 3 sets (super slow eccentric/concentric)
2) DB Side Laterals *superset* Reverse Pec Dec: 2 sets

1) Decline Press: 3 sets
2) Cable Crossovers: 3 sets
3) Neg/Explosion Pushups: 1 set

BI'S/TRI'S: (supersets)
1) Rope Hammer Curls: 3 sets
2) Overhead Rope Extension: 3 sets

1) Single Arm Preachers: 2 sets
2) Reverse Cambered Bar Pressdowns: 2 sets


Active member
  • Established
Dude mad impressive legs. Better than I have seen on most pros! Keep pushing! I'm rooting for you.


Dude mad impressive legs. Better than I have seen on most pros! Keep pushing! I'm rooting for you.
Means a lot to me coming from someone of your caliber Doug! This inspires me to push it harder! Thanks man!


5/20/2008 Leg Day

WOW!!! Outstanding and productive workout this morning! I slept like a baby last night and the much needed sleep amplified my leg workout! I didn't set any world records but at this point in prep safety is paramount. I need not any mishaps or set backs so weights were kept moderate. One can easily make 135 or 225 feel like 405 by tweaking rep cadence and implementing pauses. I'll be after some numbers this fall! Normally Tuesday's Leg Day is somewhat short but I was super amped up so I decided to rock out a couple of added bonuses to really melt down every single fiber. I've come to favor DB Stiff Legged Deads for the time being. The dumbbells at my gym only go up to 125's so next week I'm attaching 20 lb chains and performing them off a platform for a brutal eccentric stretch. This will be definately be caught on video! After squats I added in 2 sets of single leg, leg presses. My outter quad sweep was fried after these. The last addition was Smith Machine, feet and knees completely together, ATG pause squats for 20 reps. Very satisfied with today's training!


1) Squats: 3 sets (225 x 20, 315 x 15, 225 x 20)
2) Single Leg Press: 2 sets x 15, 12
3) Leg Extensions: 3 sets (paused contractions)
4) DB Stiff Legs: 3 sets
5) Seated Leg Curls: 3 sets (paused contractions)
6) Seated Calves x 1 giant drop set (6 plates)
7) Ghetto Donkey Calves: 2 sets (super slow, paused eccentric/concentric)
8) Smith Machine Squats: 1 set x 20 (ATG, knees and feet together)


  • Established
Great workout man, diggin it. I'm a big fan of those stiff-legged DB deads as well. Keep that intensity burning brother!!


5/21/2008 Cardio/Ab's

I kicked off today's training with various ab work, sticking with 3 sets of 12-15 reps of bodyweight ab training... frog crunches, Gironda crunches, oblique twists, and hyper extension ab crunches (made this up I believe, and smokes the entire abdominal cavity). I then hit the tread mill for 10 minutes at 3.0 mph / 3% incline. Around the 6 minute mark I cranked the incline up to 30%, kept the same speed and tried to blow my heart up for 2 minutes!!! Next up was stationary bike HIIT intervals. I warmed up for 2 minutes and then performed 5 intervals at 45 seconds medium pace, followed by 15 seconds all out, followed by a 3 minute cool down. I completed today's training with 10 minutes of extreme stretching! Very productive workout today and planning on tearin the back and tri's up in the a.m.!!!


5/22/2008 Back - Tri's

The only word that comes to mind after today's back/tricep workout is NUMB!!! My back feels as if someone detached it from my person and beat on it with a 20 lb sledge hammer for about an hour! I had a kick a** workout and didn't want it to end. One thing about this forum that I really appreciate is being able to follow everyone's progress and feed off of their energy and motivation. It's like I have multiple virtual workout partners when I train. Training with Bill on a monthly basis is in a league of it's own. The intensity check during our workout carries over for weeks and I'm fired the frick up!!! It's time to step it up!


1) D-Grip Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets (rest pause on last 2 sets)
2) V-Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets
3) Corner Rows: 3 sets (drop set on final set)
4) Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets
5) Pullovers: 3 sets

1) Overhead DB Extension: 4 sets
2) D-Grip Reverse Pressdowns: 3 sets


  • Established
The only word that comes to mind after today's back/tricep workout is NUMB!!! My back feels as if someone detached it from my person and beat on it with a 20 lb sledge hammer for about an hour! I had a kick a** workout and didn't want it to end. One thing about this forum that I really appreciate is being able to follow everyone's progress and feed off of their energy and motivation. It's like I have multiple virtual workout partners when I train. Training with Bill on a monthly basis is in a league of it's own. The intensity check during our workout carries over for weeks and I'm fired the frick up!!! It's time to step it up!
Hear ya on feeding off others progressions, no doubt! You already know you're a great inspiration for myself, and yeah, seeing these other accomplished guys on here doing their thing is a TREMENDOUS boost for one's drive!
Keep rocking it broham!


5/23/2008 Sub-Max Leg Day #2 - Heart Poppin' Cardio

Today was sub-max leg day #2 of the week. In and out in 50 minutes and literally dry heaved a couple of times. My energy was topped off so I added in two bonuses to really get the heart rate fired up. After (3) sets of leg extensions/lunges/SLD combo, I did a single set of ATG, feet together Smith Machine Squats for 20 followed by a single set of DB stiff legged deadlifts for 20. I then hit up the stepmill for 10 minutes of pure pleasure on level 8 - 10.

Tomorrow I am cutting out the little bit of splenda and Walden Farms products that I use. I've heard and read mixed reviews on the actual calorie contents so I've decided to cut it out completely from here on in. During last year's prep I cut it out about 3 weeks out but I'm hell bent on taking the conditioning to another level and will not take a chance at coming up short. I normally drink (1) diet coke per day and will also put a limit on this as well.


1) Sub Max Extensions *superset* DB Lunges/DB SLD's: 3 sets
2) ATG Smith Machine Squats *superset* DB SLD's: 1 set, 20 reps
3) Stepmill Cardio: 10 minutes, Level 8 and 10
4) Seated Calves *superset* Donkey Calves: 2 sets


  • Established
I think I dry heaved reading that, lol..
Supersets like that for legs just crush me.
Cutting out those little things from diet is admirable, again so far out from showtime.. you're setting a hard pace for me to follow!
Have a great holiday w/e brother..


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
Dang sounds like your leg day went like mine! I crushed some leg extensions at the end of my workout then squeezed 15 reps out ATG on the Smith Machine and i struggled to get to the treadmill :lol:


5/24/2008 Chest - Shoulders - Bi's

Today's training was completely on point. Nothing ultra special to speak of, just a down and dirty intense workout! My mind muscle connection keeps getting better with each workout and this plays a great role in achieving a hellafied pump! I kept things moving along and finished the workout right under one hour. Moving a little faster will aid in conditioning and allow for more recovery time! 10 WEEKS!!! NO MISTAKES!

Run down:

1) Incline Hammer Strength Press *superset with* Decline Weighted Pushups: 3 sets
2) Machine Press: 3 sets
3) Free Motion Pause Crossovers: 3 sets, 3 angles

1) Nautilus Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) DB Side Laterals: 2 rest pause sets
3) Reverse Pec Dec Flyes: 2 paused contraction sets
4) Seated DB Shrugs: 3 sets

1) Dbl Arm DB Curl: 4 sets
2) Nautilus Preacher Curls: 3 paused concentric/negative eccentric sets


5/26/2008 Upper Body

Great workout today! I trained alone again but recruited someone to help me load up on rack chins in which I banged out a PR. I didn't get as many reps as I intended but on my third and final set I hit bodyweight plus 200 lbs for 4 reps and then dropped to bodyweight for 20. Can't wait for off-season time to see what I can do at a heavier bodyweight!!! I promise some ugliness! Not much changed from last weeks upper body day. I'm feelin damn strong on all my lifts and gettin tighter by the day! All I can think about right now is tomorrow's LEG DAY!!!


1) Rack Chins: 3 sets (drop set on final 2 sets, final 200 X 4, bodyweight X 20)
2) D-Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets
3) Close Grip D-Ring Rows: 3 sets (rest pause on final set)
4) Pullovers *superset* DB Rows: 1 set
5) Weighted Hang X 60 seconds

1) Hammer Strength Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) DB Side Lateral *superset* Incline Rear Laterals: 2 sets

1) Incline Hammer Strength: 3 sets
2) Cable Flyes: 2 sets (3 second pause contractions)

BICEP'S/TRICEP'S (superset)
1) Cambered Bar Curls: 3 sets
2) Overhead DB Extension: 3 sets

1) Concentration Curls: 2 sets
2) Reverse D-Ring Pressdowns: 2 sets


5/27/2008 Leg Day

Absurd Leg Day this morning! Focus and intensity were completely in check! My back is pretty beat up from yesterday's havoc so I performed Smith Machine Squats to use less stabilizer muscles. I added in (2) bonus sets of single leg presses with 4 plates X 12 slow reps after finishing up squats. Quads were smoked after these! Great workout to say the least. Tomorrow will be ab's and maybe some very low intensity steady state cardio and REST!


1) Smith Machine Squat's: 3 sets
2) Single Leg Press: 2 sets
3) Leg Extensions: 3 sets
4) DB Stiff Legged Deads: 3 sets (final set 125's + 20 lb chains per dumbbell)
5) Dbl Leg Curl: 3 sets
6) Donkey Calves (w/chains) *superset* Seated Calves: 2 sets

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]


5/29/2008 Back - Triceps

Another intense workout! Blew up the back and fried the tri's! It's all about the mind/muscle connection and feeling the muscle work! I was damn excited to take notice of a few new tricep striations peeking through on the lateral head and long head. PLENTY of time to bring them completely in!!! I did add in a couple sets of lower back extensions concentrating on paused contractions... MUST GET LOWER BACK STRIATIONS!!! IT WILL BE DONE!!!


1) EZ Bar Rows- 3 sets (last (2) sets were rest pause sets)
2) D-Grip Bar Pulldowns- 3 sets
3) V-Grip Pulldowns- 2 sets
4) Corner Rows- 3 sets (final set was a NASTY drop set of 50 total reps)
5) Seated Rows- 3 sets
6) Reverse Machine Pullovers- 3 sets
7) Weighted Stretch X 60 seconds

1) Skull Crushers- 4 sets
2) Single Arm D-Grip Reverse Pushdowns: 3 sets


5/31/2008 Chest - Shoulders - Biceps

Rolled solo this morning at the gym! Not sure what the deal is but lately I can't keep a steady training partner.... Always an excuse it seems! :D I may decide to train completely alone from here on in to be more efficient on the amount of time in the gym. Still to be determined. This mornings workout was top-notch. I didn't ad anything new to the mix but worked each muscle thoroughly and created an intense pump. My mood thus far is suprisingly very good. I'm sure I'll turn in to an irritable beast in the weeks to come! :D Looking forward to this!!!


1) Decline Press *superset* Pushups: 3 sets
2) Incline Hammer Stength: 3 sets
3) Cable Crossovers: 3 sets (3 different angles)

1) Hammer Strength Shoulder Press: 3 sets
2) Seated DB Laterals: 2 sets (both rest pause sets)
3) Reverse Pec Deck: 2 sets (paused contractions)

1) Alternating DB Curls: 4 sets
2) High Cable Curls: 3 sets


6/2/2008 Upper Body

Solid workout this morning! I was in and out in a bit over an hour. This is mostly due to having a partner today. I haven't decided if I'll roll solo from here on in or not. Hate to be a bearer of bad news but it's pretty obvious that their mind isn't where mine is at the moment and I need not be slowed down! It's still to be determined but definately a thought that I'm considering! It's time to crank things up and thin this skin out over the next 8 weeks and some change! I'm bringin it!


1) Braced Incline DB Rows: 3 sets
2) Med. Grip Reverse Pulldowns: 3 sets
3) Seated V-Grip Cable Rows: 3 sets
4) Pullovers *superset* DB Rows: 1 set

1) Free Motion Arnold Press: 3 sets
2) Side Laterals *superset* Reverse Pec Dec: 2 sets (rest pause sets)

1) Incline Hammer Strength: 3 sets
2) Cable Flyes: 3 sets

BI'S/TRI'S (supersets)
1) Cambered Bar Curls: 3 sets
2) Overhead DB Extensions: 3 sets

1) DB Preacher Curls: 2 sets
2) D-Grip Cable Pressdowns: 2 sets

1 set of seated machine tricep dips x 30


  • Established
Semp, you're so zoned in right now, you might be better off w/o a partner. I personally have trained alone for the last 4 years because of those issues (can't find partner on same wavelength); the occasional times I do train w/ somebody it's kinda refreshing, but I'm always glad to get back to my own thing..
Keep bringing it man! Solo or w/ partner, ain't nothing slowing ya down, you got this!


New member

1) Braced Incline DB Rows: 3 sets
2) Med. Grip Reverse Pulldowns: 3 sets
3) Seated V-Grip Cable Rows: 3 sets
4) Pullovers *superset* DB Rows: 1 set

1) Free Motion Arnold Press: 3 sets
2) Side Laterals *superset* Reverse Pec Dec: 2 sets (rest pause sets)

1) Incline Hammer Strength: 3 sets
2) Cable Flyes: 3 sets

BI'S/TRI'S (supersets)
1) Cambered Bar Curls: 3 sets
2) Overhead DB Extensions: 3 sets

1) DB Preacher Curls: 2 sets
2) D-Grip Cable Pressdowns: 2 sets

1 set of seated machine tricep dips x 30

Done in 1 hour! Wow, do you have a faster tempo.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
  • Legend!
  • Established

I ran through the motions of Upper Body (power) Week 1 today - the 55% power exercises were fairly tedious, but I liked the rest of the split.


6/3/2008 Leg

Just got in from an outstanding leg day! I worked with Hack Squats this morning to give my back a rest from traditional squats. Worked up to 4 plates per side, nice and slow, bottoming out with a brief pause for 3 sets of 8 reps. I love to hear the clang on the bottom end of the hack squat machine! Afterwards I decided to implement two sets of narrow stance Smith Machine Squats for sets of 12. My quads were on fire! I trained with my partner and suprisingly finished the workout in about 40 min!!! Conversation was intentionally kept to a minimum! :D Very pleased with today's training! I have cardio and ab-work tomorrow and plan on doing nothing for the remainder of the day!!! Time to get caught up on rest!


1) Hack Squats: 3 sets
2) Narrow Stance Smith Machine: 2 sets
3) Leg Extensions: 3 sets (paused contractions)
4) DB SLD's: 3 sets (can't get enough of these)
5) Seated Leg Curls: 3 sets (paused contractions)
6) Free Motion Calves: 2 sets, 30 reps
7) Standing Calves: 2 sets, 30 reps


6/4/2008 Cardio - Ab Work

Great training today! In and out in about 40 min. I'm rollin' solo with training from here on in. I could sense that my partner's mind wasn't completely in it and her job "suddenly" wants her to come in to work at an earlier time. Imagine that! So, it worked out for the best.

I must say that I've noticed that my mood has changed ever so slightly the past few days. I've got control over it and I know that it's a temporary issue! Maybe just a tad on edge at

I nailed abs with various ab exercises... frog crunches, cable crunches, incline twists, and incline crunches. Cardio entailed 10 HIIT intervals on an elliptical. The first five were 30 sec all out / 30 sec normal pace, the next set of 5 were 15 sec all out / 45 sec normal pace. I then hit the treadmill for 15 min. of low intensity steady state cardio @ 3.2 mph, zero incline. Managed to work up a pretty decent sweat.

Nothing else planned today other than grocery shopping and REST!!!


6/5/2008 Back - Chest

A new Semper was born this morning! I managed to get almost 8.5 hours of sleep last night and I completely feel like a different person. As sad as it is to say, it's been well over a year since I've slept over 6 hours and since the beginning of prep I've averaged 4-5 hours per night. Just a habit that I'm working on and it IS changing NOW! More rest = More recovery = better conditioning = an honest run at a Pro Card! I also started a new protocol today that was designed to give me a little less volume and more recovery time. Today was the first day and completely smashed it! I'm also rollin' solo from here on in so my workouts will indeed be shorter in length which is also a plus being this deep in prep. My focus and determination is better than it's ever been. I'm damn excited to hit it with Bill next Thursday!

New Protocol:
Day 1: Upper body (power)
Day 2: Lower body (power)
Day 3: rest and/or cardio/ab's
Day 4: Back & Chest
Day 5: Lower Body + HIIT Cardio
Day 6: Shoulders & Arms
Day 7: Rest/Abs

Today's Training:

: Back & Chest

1-Barbell Rows- 3 sets (paused contractions)

2-Corner Row-3 sets(paused contractions)

3-Rack Chins-3 sets(paused contractions)

4-Close Grip Cable Pulldowns-3 sets(paused contractions)

5-Seated D-Ring Rows (single arm)-2 sets(paused contractions)

6-Weighted Hangs- 60 seconds

1-Incline Hammer Strength-3 sets(paused contractions)

2-Decline Press-4 sets(paused contractions)

3- Free Motion Flyes-3 sets(paused contractions/super deep stretch)

4-Weighted Stretches: 60 seconds


  • Established
Nice tweak in your protocol Semp, looks good..
Are you using PowerFULL? I've always had those same problems sleeping (you're the first one that I've ever noticed to be affected to same extent as myself); PowerFULL sure did help with this.. I don't think I'll EVER be able to get 8 hours/night regularly tho, just not cut out for it!


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
You copying me :confused: j/k but i just switched to that split this week!


6/6/2008 Legs/HIIT Cardio

This mornings training was absolutely goes down as one of THE most intense/SICK workouts that I've had. I completely smashed quad's/ham's/calves and topped things off with (12) HIIT intervals on a rowing machine with a 45sec easy / 15sec all out split. I've come to the conclusion that rowing cardio, IMO, is as brutal as it gets as far as HIIT goes and will work wonders for dialing in my upper back. I kept things rollin and finished up the workout in 45 min. Tomorrow it's Shoulder's/Bi's/Tri's!


1- ATG Smith Machine Squats: 3 sets
2- Single Leg Press: 3 sets
3- Leg Extensions: 3 sets
4- DB Lunges: 1 set (length of gym and back)
5- DB Stiff Legged Deads: 3 sets
6- Seated Leg Curls: 3 sets
7- Free Motion Calves: 2 sets

HIIT- Rowing Machine: 12 intervals, 45/15 split



6/7/2008 Shoulder's/Bi's/Tri's

BLEW IT UP TODAY!!! Fantastic workout! I really love the new split. Seems if I'm able to get a much better pump by giving shoulder's/bi's/tri's their own day. I couldn't believe the pump that I had goin! Damn good things are coming I say! I'm fired up for the next 8 weeks and then it's GROW TIME, in which I'm anticipating a great deal! My goal now is to make my fellow competitors realize they could have done much more!!!


1- Arnold Press: 3 sets
2- Machine Shoulder Press: 3 sets
3- Seated DB Laterals: 2 sets
4- Incline Rear Delt Raises: 2 sets

BI'S / TRI'S (supersets)
1- Seated Dbl Arm DB Curl: 4 sets
2- Overhead Rope Exten: 4 sets

1- Close Grip Cable Curl: 3 sets
2- Neutral Grip D-Ring Pushdowns: 3 sets

*Cardio/Ab Work tomorrow!!!


BLEW IT UP TODAY!!! Fantastic workout! I really love the new split. Seems if I'm able to get a much better pump by giving shoulder's/bi's/tri's their own day. I couldn't believe the pump that I had goin! Damn good things are coming I say! I'm fired up for the next 8 weeks and then it's GROW TIME, in which I'm anticipating a great deal! My goal now is to make my fellow competitors realize they could have done much more!!!


1- Arnold Press: 3 sets
2- Machine Shoulder Press: 3 sets
3- Seated DB Laterals: 2 sets
4- Incline Rear Delt Raises: 2 sets

BI'S / TRI'S (supersets)
1- Seated Dbl Arm DB Curl: 4 sets
2- Overhead Rope Exten: 4 sets

1- Close Grip Cable Curl: 3 sets
2- Neutral Grip D-Ring Pushdowns: 3 sets

*Cardio/Ab Work tomorrow!!!
Word on the streets is that you got ahold of some Prime!

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