Training on Juice


Hey dont chew me out for this but I just need opinions on this. When on something (Test E):

1) What should your workout look like as far as sets per muscle group:

2) Is overtraining really a concern?

3) Do you still have to keep in mind the basis of your genetics (hard gainer-ecto) and know that your body might take less to breakdown or do you throw all this out the window when on something?

4) What is the best split for growth?

5) Is it bad to do to many compound lifts in a week...example: Squat and Deadlift in the same week

6) Is Smith Machine okay for all powerlifts such as Squat, Bench, Deadlift due to the fact that its safe and provides stability.

Please help with your suggestions


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DONT ROID! question 1-4 are dumb and stupid

5. YES ppl do it without roids so ur safe there.
6. man up and use free weight


DONT ROID! question 1-4 are dumb and stupid

5. YES ppl do it without roids so ur safe there.
6. man up and use free weight
Okay look question 1-4 are perfectly fine 5 wasnt sure due to lower back stress and 6 I use free weights I was just told that Smith is better for stability when lifting heavier. Why would you even bother to comment... ...:FUfinger:


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They're basic questions that, if you don't know them, you shouldn't be using/considering using AAS.


They're basic questions that, if you don't know them, you shouldn't be using/considering using AAS.
Well hell thats why i'm asking. Why cant people on here stop being ass wholes for a minute and answer the damn questions?


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Well hell thats why i'm asking. Why cant people on here stop being ass wholes for a minute and answer the damn questions?
Would you like me to wipe your assh0le (note the spelling) as well?


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I agree with Rodja...

Spend some more time with the basics before jumping on Test
how long have you been lifting? and what are your numbers lookin like?


New member
Wow it looks like every ******* on AM crawled out to give you ****. What a bunch of ****s. As for your questions, nothing wrong with looking for knowledge. Genetics will always come into play and if you're on gear then I wouldn't worry about overtraining. Just use any old split and lift heavy. As far as compound lifts, I would do squat, deads, and bench all at least once in a seven day period. I wouldn't deadlift on a smith machine but squatting and benching are perfectly fine. Cutler, Kovacs and a lot of other good bodybuilders all use smith machines and get huge.

If the guys on here are being *******s it's just because they are elitist douchebags with no better way to waste their time, don't worry about them just make your gains and keep lifting. Good luck with your cycle.


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Wow it looks like every ******* on AM crawled out to give you ****. What a bunch of ****s. As for your questions, nothing wrong with looking for knowledge. Genetics will always come into play and if you're on gear then I wouldn't worry about overtraining. Just use any old split and lift heavy. As far as compound lifts, I would do squat, deads, and bench all at least once in a seven day period. I wouldn't deadlift on a smith machine but squatting and benching are perfectly fine. Cutler, Kovacs and a lot of other good bodybuilders all use smith machines and get huge.

If the guys on here are being *******s it's just because they are elitist douchebags with no better way to waste their time, don't worry about them just make your gains and keep lifting. Good luck with your cycle.
wow,.... Im assuming from the direction of your post that advocating steroids and ph's to kids in high school is perfectly fine as well. I mean who cares if they just started working out, do not know the basics, and have no conception of proper nutrition yet,.... lets just throw them some magic pills, or let them pin to get bigger,... theres nothin wrong that. oh plz.

Please go back to and take your 24 posts with you.


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Wow it looks like every ******* on AM crawled out to give you ****. What a bunch of ****s. As for your questions, nothing wrong with looking for knowledge. Genetics will always come into play and if you're on gear then I wouldn't worry about overtraining. Just use any old split and lift heavy. As far as compound lifts, I would do squat, deads, and bench all at least once in a seven day period. I wouldn't deadlift on a smith machine but squatting and benching are perfectly fine. Cutler, Kovacs and a lot of other good bodybuilders all use smith machines and get huge.

If the guys on here are being *******s it's just because they are elitist douchebags with no better way to waste their time, don't worry about them just make your gains and keep lifting. Good luck with your cycle.
Look at me. You should change your username to bigblondepretentiousdouche. Did you know that blonde with an "e" is the feminine form of the word? You did? Well... then you are a smelly pirate hooker. Go back to your home on Whore Island.
anchorman lookatme.jpg


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Wow it looks like every ******* on AM crawled out to give you ****. What a bunch of ****s. As for your questions, nothing wrong with looking for knowledge. Genetics will always come into play and if you're on gear then I wouldn't worry about overtraining. Just use any old split and lift heavy. As far as compound lifts, I would do squat, deads, and bench all at least once in a seven day period. I wouldn't deadlift on a smith machine but squatting and benching are perfectly fine. Cutler, Kovacs and a lot of other good bodybuilders all use smith machines and get huge.

If the guys on here are being *******s it's just because they are elitist douchebags with no better way to waste their time, don't worry about them just make your gains and keep lifting. Good luck with your cycle.

Man, you're giving away 'advice' without even knowing his stats!

If a kid asks these kind of questions then something's amiss here.

Let him take the flame - it's all part of being a woman.

And if you dont like the Company around here, then fk off!



  • Established
Look at me. You should change your username to bigblondepretentiousdouche. Did you know that blonde with an "e" is the feminine form of the word? You did? Well... then you are a smelly pirate hooker. Go back to your home on Whore Island.
View attachment 29843
"smelly pirate hooker."



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Wow it looks like every ******* on AM crawled out to give you ****. What a bunch of ****s. As for your questions, nothing wrong with looking for knowledge. Genetics will always come into play and if you're on gear then I wouldn't worry about overtraining. Just use any old split and lift heavy. As far as compound lifts, I would do squat, deads, and bench all at least once in a seven day period. I wouldn't deadlift on a smith machine but squatting and benching are perfectly fine. Cutler, Kovacs and a lot of other good bodybuilders all use smith machines and get huge.

If the guys on here are being *******s it's just because they are elitist douchebags with no better way to waste their time, don't worry about them just make your gains and keep lifting. Good luck with your cycle.
no comment.


New member
Wow, you guys really hurt my feelings. Honestly, if the kid is going to take gear then it's not like you're going to do much to stop him, it's his choice and I'm not going to be the one to judge him. He obviously came to the site to look for advice and if you don't want to give it then don't bother.

Rubberring, I thought that I had gotten away from name calling when I left Middle School but apparently once an ******* always an *******.

I though that this site would have people a little more mature than yourselves but I guess I was wrong, looks to me like a bunch of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do than try to feel superior. I hope that it works out for you guys and you have a great life.

Liftw8t, maybe you should look for advice somewhere else where people actually want to help out the younger kids. It seems that this is a place reserved for guys who already know everything.


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Wow, you guys really hurt my feelings. Honestly, if the kid is going to take gear then it's not like you're going to do much to stop him, it's his choice and I'm not going to be the one to judge him. He obviously came to the site to look for advice and if you don't want to give it then don't bother.

Rubberring, I thought that I had gotten away from name calling when I left Middle School but apparently once an ******* always an *******.

I though that this site would have people a little more mature than yourselves but I guess I was wrong, looks to me like a bunch of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do than try to feel superior. I hope that it works out for you guys and you have a great life.

Liftw8t, maybe you should look for advice somewhere else where people actually want to help out the younger kids. It seems that this is a place reserved for guys who already know everything.
we are helping younger kids. were helping the younger kid by telling him not to roid...

but hey whens that next powerlifting competition in which they squat bench and deadlift outta the smith machine? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


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Rubberring, I thought that I had gotten away from name calling when I left Middle School but apparently once an ******* always an *******.
You're right... once a group of 7 asterisks, always a group of 7 asterisks. By the way, I see you capitalized Middle School. So... did you graduate to End School? Oh wait, that noun wasn't "proper"... and neither were your posts.



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firstly, i 100% agree with rodja here. if you don't know most of these things, you shouldn't be injecting. you've ran a cycle of epi before, so again, you should know most of this stuff (how your body recovers, etc). keep in mind that regardless of what anabolic you're on, without the caloric surplus to put on mass, you won't. think of an anabolic as a spectacular nutrient repartitioner with great muscle building potential.

When on something (Test E):

1) What should your workout look like as far as sets per muscle group:
seriously heavy weights. sets of 5 for strength, sets of 8-12 for mass. nothing should change versus your normal workouts, except the amount of weight lifted.
2) Is overtraining really a concern?
no. you still need 1-2 days off per week though.

3) Do you still have to keep in mind the basis of your genetics (hard gainer-ecto) and know that your body might take less to breakdown or do you throw all this out the window when on something?
thrown out the window. endo's have a naturally higher test level than say a mesomorph, and ectos have more GH levels than any other body type. when you overload the system with test (cycling), none of this really applies. if you're an ecto, consider yourself altered to an endo/ecto blend for your cycle.
4) What is the best split for growth?
DC training for mass, 5x5 for strength. also, GVT is great for cycling, as it usually (naturally) leads to overtraining. given you have faster recovery though, you can get away with using GVT for very good gains.
5) Is it bad to do to many compound lifts in a week...example: Squat and Deadlift in the same week
i hope this question isn't serious. i squat/dead/bench 3x per week, then do them with dumbells 2x per week naturally.
6) Is Smith Machine okay for all powerlifts such as Squat, Bench, Deadlift due to the fact that its safe and provides stability.
i guess. its used heavily by DC'ers, but you won't build up stabilizer muscles, which is going to make athletic things still as challenging as they are now, regardless of how much muscle you put on. picking up that linebacker and shoving him out of the way won't work without training the stabilizer muscles to work properly - you can only move that weight on a fixed plane...

dumbells are best for stabilizer muscles, barbells the second, and smith the third. each time you use less stabilizer muscles, the more weight you will lift - at the sacrifice of building those stabilizers. if you actually want to USE your newfound strength for anything applicable outside the gym, make sure you're using dumbells and barbells.

i think (and agree) with every poster in this thread. when looking at question 5, we're left with the impression that you don't know how to train naturally. IMO you should spend some time learning how to do that first, so when you do cycle, you can make the most of it.

the flaming on this thread is because we've seen so many people say "i'm a hardgainer, so i'm going to cycle compound &*^#$" which makes absolutely no sense. what then happens, is they take compound &*^#$ and loose 75-90% of their gains in PCT, because they don't know how to eat, or how to train. if you can't gain naturally, you won't gain unnaturally.
or other applicable threads i'm too lazy to search for.


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Wow, you guys really hurt my feelings. Honestly, if the kid is going to take gear then it's not like you're going to do much to stop him, it's his choice and I'm not going to be the one to judge him. He obviously came to the site to look for advice and if you don't want to give it then don't bother.

Rubberring, I thought that I had gotten away from name calling when I left Middle School but apparently once an ******* always an *******.

I though that this site would have people a little more mature than yourselves but I guess I was wrong, looks to me like a bunch of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do than try to feel superior. I hope that it works out for you guys and you have a great life.

Liftw8t, maybe you should look for advice somewhere else where people actually want to help out the younger kids. It seems that this is a place reserved for guys who already know everything.
It is what it is, b/c every experienced user on this forum knows exactly how dangerous these compounds can be to inexperienced users. Also considering we have a sticky in the anabolics section explaining we do not condone nor approve of the use of steroids/ph's to anyone under 21. The questions make this obvious. It would be different if the guy left out any cycling info and asked simple questions. At that point they would have been answered, simple as that. The OP is more than likely underage, and very inexperienced and shouldn't be touching any of these compounds. Check the many other threads in this sub-forum,.. I see lots of good training advice given, but I wouldn't expect you to know that, given your inherently low post count.

I dont see any overblown or immaturity at all considering the OP's situation. And considering the OP's "immature" 4th post reply, all i see is an ignorant high school kid who wants to get big fast, use ass/ph's as a crutch, b/c he's too fukin lazy to do his research. And anyone who condones all of that (you)... is just as dumbfounded as him, and the reason for all the current bans on these compounds. The only "internet warrior" I see here is you.

So once again,... by all means head over to, and you can flame all day with underage, inexperienced users who wonder if pct is a good idea when they are half way through their 12 week cycle of m-drol.

Good day sir.


New member
Well, I was hoping that maybe you'd be able to count the number of asterisks and see if you knew any choice words that had that many letters in it, guess that would have been too difficult. Seems like maybe you need a little work on your vocabulary.

This obviously isn't going anywhere, I'm glad that suncloud at least saw fit to give some real advice. I'm done trying to fight you guys over the internet, it's kind of lame. The Willy Wonka video was pretty funny though.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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This thread is only going to go downhill. Kudos to Suncloud for bothering to answer all the questions. To the OP, take the advice, really think about your training and which ergogenic aids you need, then do a lot of searching/reading since all the answers are out there. Let's just simmer down guys; the writing is on the wall.


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Good response Suncloud! Well Done! I believe Suncloud's response type are more productive in educating and motivating a young NOOB although I also want to acknowledge the others for having the best of intentions!


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Good response Suncloud! Well Done! I believe Suncloud's response type are more productive in educating and motivating a young NOOB although I also want to acknowledge the others for having the best of intentions!
Actually i have been posting on these boards for about 8 years, i was a moderator on the one of the biggest boards on the net, and i have come to the conclusion that 99% of the posts suncloud posted do not do crap. therefore i would much prefer to mock the original poster than try and help, please do not think i have the best of intentions because i do not.


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Actually i have been posting on these boards for about 8 years, i was a moderator on the one of the biggest boards on the net, and i have come to the conclusion that 99% of the posts suncloud posted do not do crap. therefore i would much prefer to mock the original poster than try and help, please do not think i have the best of intentions because i do not.
Look at me. I don't normally do this, but I felt compelled to tell you something... That was an absolutely refreshing post. I mean, that thing's good. I wanna be friends with it.

jcp, there are literally thousands of other men that I should rep instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I'll rep you.

anchorman lookatme.jpg


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This thread sucks in many ways. The original poster needs to do more research and none of the jokes in response were funny. Fail all around. Except suncloud of course.


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This thread sucks in many ways. The original poster needs to do more research and none of the jokes in response were funny. Fail all around. Except suncloud of course.

I thought i was hilarious.


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...none of the jokes in response were funny. Fail all around. Except suncloud of course.
I used a satellite to search for this guy's sense of humor. Results are below...



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Those responses were pretty funny, but they were making fun of me so I don't know if I should laugh or not. Why do people always make fun of me??



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Wow, you guys really hurt my feelings. Honestly, if the kid is going to take gear then it's not like you're going to do much to stop him, it's his choice and I'm not going to be the one to judge him. He obviously came to the site to look for advice and if you don't want to give it then don't bother.

Rubberring, I thought that I had gotten away from name calling when I left Middle School but apparently once an ******* always an *******.

I though that this site would have people a little more mature than yourselves but I guess I was wrong, looks to me like a bunch of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do than try to feel superior. I hope that it works out for you guys and you have a great life.

Liftw8t, maybe you should look for advice somewhere else where people actually want to help out the younger kids. It seems that this is a place reserved for guys who already know everything.

im witha bro, ill give a 5 yearold advice on gear to the best of my knowing.
sure all those ? have been said else ware, its funny cuz everytime one of these pop up ppl bash em at how they need to do more reseurch and they dont know how to lift and wats yer stats cuz knowing that i will ba able to tell u if ur fit to run gear??? really?!?
ive never told eny one to get on the hormonal path, but if some one asks i will not lie to them about roids, nor will i stear them clear of use because its there choice and if they come on here with the bottle already in there hands(which many do) and get flamed, or dont read enough then they will learn the hard way


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lol, i didn't mean your post was crap, i mean people usually have their mind made up.
That's not true! I've seen plenty on here take advice when on the wrong track.

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