Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag



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Always great when people make outrageous claims with absolutely no proof at all.
I dont think it's at all accurate to say he has NO proof at all...
i studied graphic design/marketing and it doesn't take a pro to see the problems with the birth certificate.

now they find a substantial law where one does not have to be a natural born citizen to obtain a bc.

will this issue ever make it mainstream? no, and people will still just be demonized as racist birthers...but you really can not say there is no evidence.


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A side note: it's extremely difficult to prove that something did not happen.

Consider this statement: I built a spaceship and flew to the moon between my last two posts.

Try disproving this statement (the moon is only a couple of light-seconds away). Unless you have proof of where I was, you will never be able to disprove my statement.

To prove that the Hawaiian birth certificate is not real, you have to prove that another different birth certificate is real. Nobody has yet produced a [foreign] birth certificate that is certifiably real and accurate. That would disprove the Hawaiian birth certificate (you can't be born in two places at once). Until then, there is just evidence that suggests it might be fake.

But no proof.


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A side note: it's extremely difficult to prove that something did not happen.

Consider this statement: I built a spaceship and flew to the moon between my last two posts.

Try disproving this statement (the moon is only a couple of light-seconds away). Unless you have proof of where I was, you will never be able to disprove my statement.

To prove that the Hawaiian birth certificate is not real, you have to prove that another different birth certificate is real. Nobody has yet produced a [foreign] birth certificate that is certifiably real and accurate. That would disprove the Hawaiian birth certificate (you can't be born in two places at once). Until then, there is just evidence that suggests it might be fake.

But no proof.
There also is evidence of Obama being born overseas which has led to the controversy.

Im not saying that this is "absolute" proof of course, but there is no absolute proof he was born in Hawaii either. Its obvious the document was Photoshopped, although that doesn't necessarily provide evidence of birth place.

Anyways although I bring up the birther issue, I just like using that against him since I dislike his policies. His CIA background and CIA family are a bit more eye opening to me. Whats important is that we do have absolute proof that Obama's allegiance is the the UN and other overseas interests and is a absolute trader to the US constitution.


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New DVD!

Dreams From My Real Father

What are the true origins of Obama's life and politics?

At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.

In Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama's life journey in socialism, from birth through his election to the Presidency. The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years. Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception Trailer

This fascinating narrative is based in part on 2 years of research, interviews, newly unearthed footage and photos, and the writings of Davis and Obama himself. Dreams from My Real Father weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic and speculation in an attempt to fill-in the obvious gaps in Obama's history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for "fundamentally transforming America?" Director Joel Gilbert concludes, "The 'Birthers' have been on a fool's errand. To understand Obama's plans for America, the question is not 'Where's the Birth Certificate?,' the question is 'Who is the real father?'"



Never enough
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A side note: it's extremely difficult to prove that something did not happen.

Consider this statement: I built a spaceship and flew to the moon between my last two posts.

Try disproving this statement (the moon is only a couple of light-seconds away). Unless you have proof of where I was, you will never be able to disprove my statement.

To prove that the Hawaiian birth certificate is not real, you have to prove that another different birth certificate is real. Nobody has yet produced a [foreign] birth certificate that is certifiably real and accurate. That would disprove the Hawaiian birth certificate (you can't be born in two places at once). Until then, there is just evidence that suggests it might be fake.

But no proof.
your logic is incorrect. You don't have to prove the existence of another to prove this one is fraudulent and has been altered.


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your logic is incorrect. You don't have to prove the existence of another to prove this one is fraudulent and has been altered.
It would be easy to make a real birth certificate look fraudulent/altered -- even by accident. The hospital may have not followed state policy. The way it was processed electronically may have split different sets of text onto different layers. Sheriff Crack Squad may have incorrect info. Etc.

You really can't prove it was altered without seeing the original.

Additionally, my logic is absolutely correct in the claim that you can't prove he wasn't born in Hawaii unless you prove that he could not have been in Hawaii at the time of his birth. Realistically, you can only prove this by contradiction e.g. he was somewhere else when he was born.


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I think it's a good possibility he was born in another country. However I think at this point, four years after he was elected, it isn't doing republicans any good. Neither is the jeremaiah wright issue. They are both retread and beat to death issues that middle of the road independents have already heard, and throwing it in their face even more will only make them say enough and actually move close to obama. Which is why romney is not bringing these two issues up, even though people like us know how.important these issues really are.

Romney finally got passionate the other day when obamas anti business comments lit a fire under his ass. Romney needs to keep pouncing on this issue if he wants to win.

And I'm not a big romney fan.

But with romney I'll get about 30% of what I want. Where with obama we will get -30% of what we want and what's good for this country.


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It would be easy to make a real birth certificate look fraudulent/altered -- even by accident. The hospital may have not followed state policy. The way it was processed electronically may have split different sets of text onto different layers. Sheriff Crack Squad may have incorrect info. Etc.

You really can't prove it was altered without seeing the original.

Additionally, my logic is absolutely correct in the claim that you can't prove he wasn't born in Hawaii unless you prove that he could not have been in Hawaii at the time of his birth. Realistically, you can only prove this by contradiction e.g. he was somewhere else when he was born.
Well said.


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It would be easy to make a real birth certificate look fraudulent/altered -- even by accident. The hospital may have not followed state policy. The way it was processed electronically may have split different sets of text onto different layers. Sheriff Crack Squad may have incorrect info. Etc.

You really can't prove it was altered without seeing the original.

Additionally, my logic is absolutely correct in the claim that you can't prove he wasn't born in Hawaii unless you prove that he could not have been in Hawaii at the time of his birth. Realistically, you can only prove this by contradiction e.g. he was somewhere else when he was born.
Hawaiian law has a legal loophole with their birth certificate policy that doesnt correlate to the rest of the country.

There are other inconsistancies with the typewriter print, numbering, they didnt use the term "African" in the 60's. Along with obama's background it's not fair to call the claims outrageous. The situation itself is outrageous about the man.

Nobody knows with absolute certainty where Obama is born, not even Obama may not honestly know and just go by what he was told.


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Arpaio is a clown. Here you have another uneducated man investigating and hoisting up "what if" scenarios, with no definitive proof of anything. Blah...boring.


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Arpaio is a clown. Here you have another uneducated man investigating and hoisting up "what if" scenarios, with no definitive proof of anything. Blah...boring.
A clown? Do you know the man? Do you live in Arizona and see the problem they face with illegal immigration and drug runners first hand?

Bc the actual citizens of arizona are very fond of Arpaio.

You and the "educated" harvard law elites may believe otherwise looking in from a very far distance.


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Arpaio is a clown. Here you have another uneducated man investigating and hoisting up "what if" scenarios, with no definitive proof of anything. Blah...boring.
there's definitive proof that you don't have to be born in Hawaii to get a hawaiian birth certificate. Its part of hawaii's state laws. It doesn't require education to read a published statute.


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Arpaio is a clown. Here you have another uneducated man investigating "what if" scenarios, with no definitive proof of anything. Blah...boring.
I hate Arpaio, he is a scumbag but that doesnt take away from his efforts on Obama's issues and the evidence he has provided.

What definitive proof do you have? Obama and his crew who are all well established and well know liar's telling you where he was born along with a highly questionable photo-shopped document the posted?

What about Lolo Soetoro (Obama's step father) and his CIA operations that led the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Indonesians, why is he hiding this for starters? Do you know anything about Ann Dunham and her work with 5 CIA organizations through the 70's and 80's during the cold war? Why was Obama's SSN# issued in Connecticut where there is no other evidence of him ever being a resident?

There is much about the man that is in question.


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I hate Arpaio, he is a scumbag but that doesnt take away from his efforts on Obama's issues and the evidence he has provided.

What definitive proof do you have? Obama and his crew who are all well established and well know liar's telling you where he was born along with a highly questionable photo-shopped document the posted?

What about Lolo Soetoro (Obama's father in law) and his CIA operations that led the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Indonesians, why is he hiding this for starters? Do you know anything about Ann Dunham worked for 5 CIA organizations through the 70's and 80's during the cold war? Why was his SSN# issued in Connecticut where there is no other evidence of Obama ever being a resident?

There is much about the man that is in question.
or Frank Marshall Davis, the card carrying communist mentor of obama


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A clown? Do you know the man? Do you live in Arizona and see the problem they face with illegal immigration and drug runners first hand?

Bc the actual citizens of arizona are very fond of Arpaio.

You and the "educated" harvard law elites may believe otherwise looking in from a very far distance.
There are quite a lot of people who are also fond of David Duke, so I guess I see the connection.


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Arizona didn't elect Joe Arpaio, the residents of Maricopa County elected him, but county residents don't get the benefit of a sheriff who focuses on local law enforcement issues. He's a showman, not a lawman.


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Arizona didn't elect Joe Arpaio, the residents of Maricopa County elected him, but county residents don't get the benefit of a sheriff who focuses on local law enforcement issues. He's a showman, not a lawman.
you can believe that but yet he still has a higher approval rating in his county than obama does in the US.


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Arizona didn't elect Joe Arpaio, the residents of Maricopa County elected him, but county residents don't get the benefit of a sheriff who focuses on local law enforcement issues. He's a showman, not a lawman.
In my opinion I agree with you he is somewhat of a showman. I think Arpaio is just trying to take advantage of the situation for his own political elevation. That doesnt mean we can invalidate his investigation though, that would have to be done by invalidating the content itself.


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you can believe that but yet he still has a higher approval rating in his county than obama does in the US.
Of course he does, one look at his constituency and it all becomes crystal clear as to why.


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In my opinion I agree with you he is somewhat of a showman. I think Arpaio is just trying to take advantage of the situation for his own political elevation. That doesnt mean we can invalidate his investigation though, that would have to be done by invalidating the content itself.

Like what? Investigating a 95 year old woman about whether or not she made a mistake? Lol. This stuff is laughable at best.


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Like what? Investigating a 95 year old woman about whether or not she made a mistake? Lol. This stuff is laughable at best.
The document splits into multiple layers, the type print isnt consistent with the typewriting of the 60's, the # 9 marks are interesting, nobody ever seen the document other than a few people in Hawaii say they did, by law Obama could be given a birth certificate even if born in Indonesia...

We can start by sending the actual document (not a PDF file from the website) to an independent Forensic team...preferably several of them funded by different unrelated people.

When it comes to the legitimacy of the Presidency in question, you can never go to far to check and these things arent that difficult.


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The document splits into multiple layers, the type print isnt consistent with the typewriting of the 60's, the # 9 marks are interesting, nobody ever seen the document other than a few people in Hawaii say they did, by law Obama could be given a birth certificate even if born in Indonesia...

We can start by sending the actual document (not a PDF file from the website) to an independent Forensic team...preferably several of them funded by different unrelated people.

When it comes to the legitimacy of the Presidency in question, you can never go to far to check and these things arent that difficult.
This has all been looked into with much fervor from the right, and has yet to be fully substantiated. But please, don't let me stop you from continually grasping at "what if" scenarios. Here's a brief overview of his "solid" proof evidence:


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Lol oh so now the people of his county are stupid too?
I wouldn't use the word "stupid" to describe his constituency. What I will say is this, one look at that state and their elected officials, and it's clear that education isn't a fundamental requirement for higher office. Feel free to examine their respective backgrounds...

You can toss around terms like "elitist" or Harvard types, but they sure beat out the alternative. Take a look at the backgrounds of Jan Brewer and Arpaio. One couldn't even get score high enough to get into college, the other studied liberal arts at a community college. I know secretaries that have more qualifications than these two combined.


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This has all been looked into with much fervor from the right, and has yet to be fully substantiated. But please, don't let me stop you from continually grasping at "what if" scenarios. Here's a brief overview of his "solid" proof evidence:
again, even if the supposed document is accurate, it is not proof that Obama was born in Hawaii as hawaiian law allows issuance of birth certificates for people not born there.


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I wouldn't use the word "stupid" to describe his constituency. What I will say is this, one look at that state and their elected officials, and it's clear that education isn't a fundamental requirement for higher office. Feel free to examine their respective backgrounds...

You can toss around terms like "elitist" or Harvard types, but they sure beat out the alternative. Take a look at the backgrounds of Jan Brewer and Arpaio. One couldn't even get score high enough to get into college, the other studied liberal arts at a community college. I know secretaries that have more qualifications than these two combined.
the intellectual elitism argument is comical at best. Bill Gates didn't have a college degree when he started microsoft. George Bush who liberals call an idiot repeatedly had a higher SAT score and better college grades than Al Gore. Liberals only use the education lablel when it suits their self superiority. Please keep in mind, your party gets the largest share of "no high school education" voters as well.


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again, even if the supposed document is accurate, it is not proof that Obama was born in Hawaii as hawaiian law allows issuance of birth certificates for people not born there.
Again, his "evidence" is about as fool proof scotch tape.


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the intellectual elitism argument is comical at best. Bill Gates didn't have a college degree when he started microsoft. George Bush who liberals call an idiot repeatedly had a higher SAT score and better college grades than Al Gore. Liberals only use the education lablel when it suits their self superiority. Please keep in mind, your party gets the largest share of "no high school education" voters as well.
That example is terrible and I'll explain why. Bill Gates was offered full admission to HARVARD and left on his own accord, contrast that with a high school graduate who couldn't get into ANY school. You see the distinction? One guy gained full admission to an IVY and dropped out, the other guy couldn't even qualify for admission into an average school.

Bush had higher SAT scores? ---->


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This has all been looked into with much fervor from the right, and has yet to be fully substantiated. But please, don't let me stop you from continually grasping at "what if" scenarios. Here's a brief overview of his "solid" proof evidence:
This isnt a left or right issue. The issue is with the document...and it all started when I downloaded it from the white-house website.

I dont care who is investigating it, thats not important. As I say over and over again what hand you write with has nothing to do with whats written.

Arpiaio's presentation is just a small part of it, he is a pimple of the investigation. The link you posted covers a small bit of even Arpaio's investigation and its focus is to discredit it rather than having a real discussion and lacks any ambition to further support the investigation. They avoid the specifics to his presentation on Obama's certificate. They just use words such as "obsession, and conspiracy" to discredit the investigation.

As we can also clearly see in the link you provided, they did not mention one word of the mind blowing discovery of the Hawaiian loophole that allows anyone to get a birth certificate. Also, Arpaio is right when he says in that video "Where is the microfilm??


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That example is terrible and I'll explain why. Bill Gates was offered full admission to HARVARD and left on his own accord, contrast that with a high school graduate who couldn't get into ANY school. You see the distinction? One guy gained full admission to an IVY and dropped out, the other guy couldn't even qualify for admission into an average school.

Bush had higher SAT scores? ---->
There is a difference between being offered full admission and actually getting a diploma.

I dont understand your obsession with relating education level to factual evidence anyways...not this again, lol

With your thinking, If some high school dropout in Syria posted a murder of his family today on youtube, bunk news.


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There is a difference between being offered full admission and actually getting a diploma.

I dont understand your obsession with relating education level to factual evidence anyways...not this again, lol

With your thinking, If some high school dropout in Syria posted a murder of his family today on youtube, bunk news.

I won't even address the comment you made up above in bold. :/

The stuff you provide is anything but factual. I'll offer this, you seem to love raising questions and you have others who pander to the same "sources", whether or not any of that constitutes proof, well that's up to whomever interprets your offerings as such. And yes, education to me is a qualifier.


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The stuff you provide is anything but factual. I'll offer this, you seem to love raising questions and you have others who pander to the same "sources", whether or not any of that constitutes proof, well that's up to whomever interprets your offerings as such. And yes, education to me is a qualifier.
the hawaiian state law is very clear that they will issue birth certificates to people not born there, even adopted children of any age. It only requires residency for a year after the birth or adoption for a parent to be able to request a birth certificate.


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The stuff you provide is anything but factual. I'll offer this, you seem to love raising questions and you have others who pander to the same "sources", whether or not any of that constitutes proof, well that's up to whomever interprets your offerings as such. And yes, education to me is a qualifier.
Im not exactly claiming its factual when I state I want forensic tests on the actual document, now am I. What is factual is that we dont know, and you dont know where Obama was born. Whats factual is a birth certificate may be given in Hawaii even if not born there.

Besides all of this, I think the birther story is interesting but these people such as Arpaio should be working on impeaching Obama with all his unconstitutional criminal laws, wars and genocide that are factual. Then we have potential banking and corporate criminal activity he is involved and and should be prioritized over his place of birth. If Obama was born in China I honestly wouldnt care if he was genuine to the oath he took.

Education level has nothing to do with intelligence or agenda. While I agree and promote education, relaying information is something a 7 year old can do. If a 7 year old at Penn State tells their parent that someone touched them in the locker room, should the parent say they arent educated and they dont know what they are talking about? Information can be shared by anyone.


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the hawaiian state law is very clear that they will issue birth certificates to people not born there, even adopted children of any age. It only requires residency for a year after the birth or adoption for a parent to be able to request a birth certificate.
That's your "clear" cut proof? Let me ask you this, can you offer proof that he isn't a citizen, except to raise more questions by discussing a state statute? Could be, might be, but CAN YOU and that's the point, CAN YOU provide clear cut proof to combat what has already been provided as proof of his citizenship?

The release of the certificate in 2008 resulted in a fresh round of questions. It was asserted that the certificate had been digitally forged with Adobe Photoshop and lacked a stamped seal of the state, which led them to demand that Obama release his "original" 1961 birth certificate. Jerome Corsi, author of the book The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, told Fox News that "the campaign has a false, fake birth certificate posted on their website... it's been shown to have watermarks from Photoshop. It's a fake document that's on the Web site right now, and the original birth certificate the campaign refuses to produce.This view was rejected by, which viewed the Obama campaign's hard copy of the Certification of Live Birth and reported that: staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

^^^ Let me guess, is controlled by Marxist rebels sent down by Senator Palpatine and Tom Cruise in order to finish building the death star.



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the hawaiian state law is very clear that they will issue birth certificates to people not born there, even adopted children of any age. It only requires residency for a year after the birth or adoption for a parent to be able to request a birth certificate.
That's your "clear" cut proof? Let me ask you this, can you offer proof that he isn't a citizen, except to raise more questions by discussing a state statute? Could be, might be, but CAN YOU and that's the point, CAN YOU provide clear cut proof to combat what has already been provided as proof of his citizenship?
(Credit below post to EasyEJL)

and the law is accurate

Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an
adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue
a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been
submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual
while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory
or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately
preceding the birth or adoption of such child.


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That's your "clear" cut proof? Let me ask you this, can you offer proof that he isn't a citizen, except to raise more questions by discussing a state statute? Could be, might be, but CAN YOU and that's the point, CAN YOU provide clear cut proof to combat what has already been provided as proof of his citizenship?
No, but there is clear cut proof that a hawaiian birth certificate is NOT proof of being a natural born citizen, and some other documentation is necessary to prove it. If you go to a bar and have to be 21 to drink, its not up to the bar to prove you aren't over 21. The burden of proving birth status isn't on Arpiaio, its on Obama.


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That's your "clear" cut proof? Let me ask you this, can you offer proof that he isn't a citizen, except to raise more questions by discussing a state statute? Could be, might be, but CAN YOU and that's the point, CAN YOU provide clear cut proof to combat what has already been provided as proof of his citizenship?
What was provided? His word and PDF file? You call that clear cut proof knowing Obama is a well known ingenuous liar?


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What was provided? His word and PDF file? You call that clear cut proof knowing Obama is a well known ingenuous liar?
No offense. You seem like a good dude, but I'll take the word of who checked the claims and dismissed them accordingly. Keep raising questions, though, I'm sure it's a lot of fun.


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No offense. You seems like a good dude, but I'll take the word of who checked the claims and dismissed them accordingly. Keep raising questions, though, I'm sure it's a lot of fun.
Obama campaigned on being the most transparent in history.

One of the first 2 executive orders his hiding his history, records and background. This was done on day 1.

Basically Obama's first priority was to bar the release of his birth records which up to today are impossible to obtain (original birth certificate, PDF file released by the administration do not count by far)

Executive Order 13489 of January 21, 2009
Presidential Records

Notice Of Intent To Disclose Presidential Records
When the Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 1270.46 of the NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines providied by the incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any specific materials, the disclosure of which he believes may raise a substantial question of executive privilege.”


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Obama campaigned on being the most transparent in history.

One of the first 2 executive orders his hiding his history, records and background. This was done on day 1.

Basically Obama's first priority was to bar the release of his birth records which up to today are impossible to obtain (original birth certificate, PDF file released by the administration do not count by far)

Executive Order 13489 of January 21, 2009
Presidential Records

Notice Of Intent To Disclose Presidential Records
When the Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 1270.46 of the NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines providied by the incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any specific materials, the disclosure of which he believes may raise a substantial question of executive privilege.”
Again, dismisses the claims. Now let's hear your theories about why chose to do that... (In before youtube video)


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I wouldn't use the word "stupid" to describe his constituency. What I will say is this, one look at that state and their elected officials, and it's clear that education isn't a fundamental requirement for higher office. Feel free to examine their respective backgrounds...

You can toss around terms like "elitist" or Harvard types, but they sure beat out the alternative. Take a look at the backgrounds of Jan Brewer and Arpaio. One couldn't even get score high enough to get into college, the other studied liberal arts at a community college. I know secretaries that have more qualifications than these two combined.
So jan brewer isn't intelligent because she didn't score high enough on a test? You sound insane.

Or are they not qualified because you believe protecting their borders from drug dealers and illegal immigrants is somehow "unintelligent".


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So jan brewer isn't intelligent because she didn't score high enough on a test? You sound insane.

Or are they not qualified because you believe protecting their borders from drug dealers and illegal immigrants is somehow "unintelligent".
Most outside of Arizona and I know many that actually reside in Arizona, view her as an embarrassment to the state.


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Again, dismisses the claims. Now let's hear your theories about why chose to do that... (In before youtube video)
Well, if that website is enough to set aside any questions involving Obama's birth go right ahead, lol


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Well, if that website is enough to set aside any questions involving Obama's birth go right ahead, lol
Oh no, I much rather prefer "infowars" and to those other so called investigative sites. Lol.


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Again, dismisses the claims. Now let's hear your theories about why chose to do that... (In before youtube video)
I just checked the "About Us" section....they are funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

Did you know Bill Ayers was one of the key founders of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and Obama in 1995 was appointed Board Chairman and President?

lol, carry on...


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Oh no, I much rather prefer "infowars" and to those other so called investigative sites. Lol.
But lets discredit Hawaiian law and and Obama's first signed consecutive order and discredit everything due to my infowars affiliation, lol

Lets continue to discredit all sources because they are from people you dont like, even though Ill use a link to breitbart and actually I hate his guts, or Arpaio who I also hate.


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I just checked the "About Us" section....they are funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

Did you know Bill Ayers was one of the key founders of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and Obama in 1995 was appointed Board Chairman and President?

lol, carry on...

You also forgot Senator Palpatine. But your sources are much better, usually funded by the air condition repair guy.


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You also forgot Senator Palpatine. But your sources are much better, usually funded by the air condition repair guy.
Palpatine, thats Darth Vader right there.

So my consistent link to official goverment websites are air condition repair type material?

As Ive stated content > relevance than source (and education level)


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Palpatine, thats Darth Vader right there.

So my consistent link to official goverment websites are air condition repair type material?

As Ive stated content > relevance than source (and education level)
As I've stated, who is behind your sources> said content. Infowars and are sources for information, in the same way Sara Palin is a reputable source for basic geography.

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