Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag



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I'm talkin military walking down our streets taking our guns away and shipping us to camps or straight up just killing civilians. Watch the movie "The Crazies" this is what it will be like(besides the zombie like disease of course).
Yes I understand...thats why I stated they can clamp down much harder.

Just a couple of many examples of how we are already in martial law (not level 10 though...)

In 2008 the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team became the first active duty military sect that legally may be deployed for domestic use which virtually eliminated the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which protected the American Citizens from the Military acting upon them. This is a clear evidence that martial law is being further implemented here in America in further stages.

Ill add in 2010 Barry Sotoro (Barrack Obama) signed and executive order (which is a dictator's order) "Executive Order 13528"

Its purpose was to build a state/national police partnership. The partnership combines government national military force and domestic police agencies.

Here is the catch and whats ultra worrisome to me...The executive (president) will have full control over this national security force.

With the addition of Obama's civilian military force which is being funded by the health care bill (page 1312) out of all things (geez)....well thats a long story.

What exactly does level 7 mean? I am not that well versed on all this stuff. I didn't realize there were different levels I guess.
Lets say at level 10 cities are burning.


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All this sh!t is insane. I can't believe how real this stuff is getting. And those who think everything is just peachy needs to open their eyes.


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All this sh!t is insane. I can't believe how real this stuff is getting. And those who think everything is just peachy needs to open their eyes.
Whats insane is that you can download Obama's birth certificate directly from the White House website, use a photo-shop program and split the birth certificate into multiple layers.

Another 2-3 weeks I should (well the public should) get a hold of explosive evidence on this forgery.



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All this sh!t is insane. I can't believe how real this stuff is getting. And those who think everything is just peachy needs to open their eyes.
sad isn't it!!! we have become a country of wusses. at least the arabs have some balls!!!


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sad isn't it!!! we have become a country of wusses. at least the arabs have some balls!!!
And the worst of it all is....They cancelled football because of snow last year, wtf? What the hell would General Patton have to say about this?


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And the worst of it all is....They cancelled football because of snow last year, wtf? What the hell would General Patton have to say about this?
don't get me started on football-the super bowl is to be held in indy this year. i was gonna try to get tickets to go to my 1st sb.:grumpy:


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All this sh!t is insane. I can't believe how real this stuff is getting. And those who think everything is just peachy needs to open their eyes.
At the same time people have in essence been saying what you are saying for the last 200 years.


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At the same time people have in essence been saying what you are saying for the last 200 years. can say if there really was an "Adam and Eve" I bet they be saying the same stuff back in the day.


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More on Patriot act 4 year extension
Patriot Act to Be Extended to 2015 in Congressional Accord

Congress to authorize perpetual war with no enemies and no end

(Personal note: Obama already launched the Libya war without authorization from they want to make this type of executive order legal)

"Here's what it does in a nutshell: the legislation would allow the president to unilaterally authorize military action, in the name of "fighting terrorism," anywhere in the world and in the United States. Once upon a time, when the U.S. Constitution was still valid, Congress - not the president - was solely authorized to declare war. Once that declaration was formally made, the president, in his role as commander-in-chief, was responsible for the war's prosecution."

Learn more:

Quote of the day:

“Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. … No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

-James Madison 1775 on the eve of the American Revolution


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New Details On Al Qaeda Pentagon Lunch: Defense Dept. Was “Impressed” With Terrorist’s Presentation

Top Pentagon lawyer booked known extremist as featured guest speaker

Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
May 20, 2011

New details have emerged in the case of the Al Qaeda front man who was invited to a Pentagon lunch just months after the 9/11 attacks.

As we previously reported, official government documents obtained by Fox News last year revealed that Al-Qaeda terror mastermind Anwar Al-Awlaki, the man who helped plot the aborted Christmas Day underwear bombing, the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bombing attempt, and who also preached to the alleged September 11 hijackers, dined at the Pentagon on February 5, 2002.

The documents included the minutes of an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November 2009, that stated Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of the military’s “outreach to the moderate Muslim community” in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.

Awlaki was vetted before he was invited to attend a luncheon at the Pentagon in the secretary of the Army’s Office of Government Counsel. His appearance at the meeting was deliberately engineered despite Awlaki’s ties to three of the alleged 9/11 hijackers – Nawaf al-Hazmi, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Hani Hanjour – who were identified as the suicide pilots that slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

Following the Fort Hood shooting it was also revealed that shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan had been in contact with Awlaki before the rampage. Awlaki preached to both Hasan and the 9/11 hijackers at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia in 2001. to read a portion of the documents.

The revelations, which were left unexplained by the Pentagon, served as yet more evidence pointing to the long documented suggestion that the US born Yemeni national turned radical imam is a double agent intelligence operative.

Now Fox News has obtained more details ( on the Pentagon event, including an internal Department of Defense email that describes the event in detail.

The email was sent to over 70 members of staff by a lawyer from the Pentagon’s Office of the General Counsel.

It describes Awlaki as the featured guest speaker on “Islam and Middle Eastern Politics and Culture.”

“I have reserved one of the executive dining rooms for February 5th, which is the date he (Awlaki) preferred,” the defense department lawyer wrote in the e-mail.

“He (Awlaki) will be leaving for an extensive period of time on February 11th.” the email continues.

The lawyer, who was responsible for vetting Awlaki, goes on to write that she “had the privilege of hearing one of Mr. Awlaki’s presentations in November and was impressed by both the extent of his knowledge and by how he communicated that information and handled a hostile element in the audience.”

It is inconceivable that a top Department of Defense lawyer was unaware that Al-Awlaki was interviewed at least four times by the FBI in the first eight days after the Sept. 11 attacks because of his ties to the three hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Hani Hanjour.

Confirmation that Awlaki met with Pentagon officials after having inspired the very 9/11 hijackers that are blamed for flying a commercial airliner into the Pentagon provides yet more startling evidence that the highest levels of Al-Qaeda are completely penetrated and run by the US military industrial complex, which via patsy handlers like Awlaki is staging false flag attacks to boost their own domestic and geopolitical agenda.

The new documents were gleaned via a Freedom of Information Act request. Fox News is scheduled to air a program entitled Secrets of 9/11, which will cover the Awlaki case tonight (Friday 20 May 2011) at 10 p.m. ET.

Fox News Reporting: Secrets of 9/11 1 minute preview


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After the White House released the blatently forged birth certificate (see post 253 above,) Donald Trump quietly just let it go after the next day which made me seriously suspicious.

Author Jerome Corsie Ph.D. from Harvard in political science with his newly released publication Where's the Birth Certificate?, Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President (9781936488292): Jerome Corsi: Books
will soon (within a 2-3 weeks) be releasing the details as to who forged the newly released birth certificate.

Corsi has now new accusations that Donald Trump conspired with Obama...which helps answer questions as to why Trump had let the issue go after the blatant forgery of the Birth Certificate. The White House is currently working on breaking 1st Amendment laws and is attacking Jerome Corsi and his latest publication and having his book pulled from the shelves.

Also new bombshell...Kenyan government confirmed that Obama's Kenyan birth record has been criminally altered. Corsi to release documents as evidence in next week or 2. (Info on part 2 of video interview below)

Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy

Article below posted by
Paul Joseph Watson
May 23, 2011

As he prepares to release shocking new evidence and name the people who he claims were behind the forgery of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate, author Jerome Corsi sensationally accused short-lived Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of “working with Obama” to neutralize the birther controversy.

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show, Corsi said that he now completely discounted the apparent efforts of Donald Trump to force the release of Obama’s birth certificate, stating, “I’m completely convinced at this point Donald Trump was subterfuge, that he…. was working with Obama.”

Trump’s role according to Corsi was to “beat the drums big” and craft a false resolution to the controversy in order to make the press “go to sleep” and get his $60 million dollar television contract with NBC, owned by General Electric, which is closely allied with the Obama administration.

Regarding who actually helped the administration create the forgery, Corsi pointed out that “they were stuck with the guys who were close to them,” because putting out a proposal for outside experts to forge the document would have been far too risky.

“I’m pretty well on the trail of linking the characteristics of this document to someone who’s going to have a lot of explaining to do,” said Corsi, adding that he was “hot on the trail” of one individual who “may have had a hand in this,” and that his identity would be released this week.

“The forger is someone who does not work in government, he works in the media and is close to the administration and would have been within the circle of friends that may have been called on to do the forgery or participate in the forgery,” said Corsi.

Corsi said that the information contained in his book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?, and the new revelations he was about to unleash would mean the Obama administration “would not survive,” because the evidence proves the administration has tried to preserve itself using “criminal fraud”.

I got a call about three weeks before it was released from one of my sources in Hawaii and I was told that the new long form birth certificate had been forged, had been slipped into the log book,” said Corsi, noting that efforts to create the fake began shortly after reporter Mike Evans let slip that Hawaii Governor and close friend Neil Abercrombie had been shocked at his failure to find Obama’s long form birth certificate, and were timed to pre-empt the release of Corsi’s book.

During the interview, Corsi listed numerous examples of where the new birth certificate was clearly forged, including an obvious misspelling on the stamp and a “smiley face” that appears in the signature of the doctor once the document is blown up to 800 per cent, both of which don’t occur in the hundreds of other examples of the signature that Corsi has studied.

The letters in the document also share identical pixelations despite the fact that they are purportedly from a typewriter, which would produce different pixelations if transferred to an electronic document every time. The identical pixelations prove that the document was created on a modern computer.

Another aspect of the birth certificate pointing to forgery is the fact that the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of ‘kerning’ – where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect – this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960′s typewriters.

“The administration will not show the original, in 1961 there were no computers, where’s the original paper birth certificate if it exists?” asked Corsi, adding that the original document needs to undergo forensic analysis. Corsi visited the Hawaii Department of Health as well as the Kapi’olani Medical Center in an attempt to see the original certificate or patient records for Obama’s mother Ann Dunham, but was told that police would be called if he didn’t vacate the premises.

During an interview with a Denver radio station last week, Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.

“I’m going to be telling the entire world about this scandal over the next few weeks,” Corsi said in a separate interview. “This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.”

In an effort to derail the success of Corsi’s book, Esquire Magazine then put out a hoax article claiming that publisher Joseph Farah had ordered the book to be pulled from store shelves. Farah is considering whether to launch a lawsuit in response.

Watch Corsi’s full interview with Alex Jones below.

Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 1/3

Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 2/3

Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 3/3
Last edited:


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Corsi To File Criminal Charges Against White House Over Obama Birth Certificate

Paul Joseph Watson
May 24, 2011

Jerome Corsi has told a Cincinnati radio station that he is preparing to file criminal charges against the White House for producing a fraudulent birth certificate, as the controversial author of Where’s the Birth Certificate? closes in on the people within Obama’s inner circle he claims were behind the hoax.

Scrubbed Interview: Corsi Will File Criminal Charges Against White House - 5/22/11
Listen now to what Obama and crew are trying to hide

“We believe the birth records released by Barack Obama on April 27th, the so called long form birth certificate, is fraudulent,” Corsi told radio host Bill Cunningham.

“I’m working on filing criminal charges on the White House, I think there will be criminal charges filed very soon for having fraudulently produced a birth certificate,” said Corsi, adding that he would seek an FBI investigation.

Corsi re-affirmed the fact that he was close to identifying the individual who played a key role in forging the birth certificate, as well as the source document which the White House used to create the composite fake.

According to The Birther Report, the Clear Channel radio station on which Corsi appeared, 700 WLW later scrubbed the interview from their audio archives, a claim that was also carried by World Net Daily. The You Tube video above was made by a listener.

Clear Channel was also behind the removal of a billboard that was part of a World Net Daily campaign to bring attention to the birther issue in November 2009.

As we reported yesterday, Corsi is closing in on the people within Obama’s inner circle who were responsible for creating the fraudulent document that was released by the White House in electronic format and contains a plethora of errors and clear evidence of manipulation.

“I’m pretty well on the trail of linking the characteristics of this document to someone who’s going to have a lot of explaining to do,” said Corsi, adding that he was “hot on the trail” of one individual who “may have had a hand in this,” and that his identity would be released this week.

In a new development, WND reports that Obama’s Social Security number was issued in Connecticut, a state in which he never lived.

“The first three digits of Obama’s SSN are 042. That code of 042 falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049,” states the report ( .

“There is obviously a case of fraud going on here,” says Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels. “In 15 years of having a private investigator’s license in Ohio, I’ve never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly.”

Daniels said that Obama decided to hide his identity in the 80′s by taking a Social Security Number he couldn’t possibly have acquired without breaking the law.


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Washington Blog
Monday, May 23, 2011
People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing

Preface: This essay does not argue that bombs brought down the Twin Towers or World Trade Building 7. It simply addresses the often-made argument that no one could have planted explosives without people noticing.

Tightrope walker Philippe Petit snuck into the World Trade Center with a friend in 1974 with massive amounts of equipment, smuggled the equipment to the top floor and rigged up a highwire for his tightrope walking stunt without being detected.

In 1978, the 59-story story Citicorp building was secretly retrofitted at night over the course of several months without the knowledge of tenants, the general public, or the media:

The Secret Retrofit of the Citibank Tower in 1978 video from Discovery's "Science Channel"

In 2009, Raw Story noted:

A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggled live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detected, a leaked tape revealed Wednesday.

In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every single federal building they probed without any difficulty — 10 in all.

And see this. (

In fact, there is additional evidence that bombs could have been planted in the World Trade Center without anyone knowing: (note, below links were found with "way back time machine" please wait few seconds to load)

The chief electrical engineer who wired the World Trade Centers (Richard Humenn) says that people working on the elevators could have planted explosives:

Richard Humenn P.E. - WTC Chief Electrical Design Engineer

Mechanical engineer Gordon Ross, in his talk on the destruction of the Twin Towers, pointed out that (

“Those [core] columns which were situated adjacent to and accessible from inside the elevator shafts failed at an early stage of the collapse.

Those columns which were remote from the elevator shafts, and not accessible from the elevator shafts, survived the early stages of the collapse."*

Indeed, a top demolition expert says that with access to the elevator shaft, a team of loading experts would have access to the columns and beams:

Tom Sullivan - Laddare/Sprängämnesexpert - Svenska Undertexter

According to USA Today: "On Sept. 11, ACE Elevator of Palisades Park, N.J., had 80 elevator mechanics inside the World Trade Center".

And NIST itself says that, on 9/11, "Elevators 6A and 7A were out of service for modernization". (NIST NCSTAR 1-8, p.97).

In addition, Ace worked in and around structural steel:

A run of approximately 80 vertical feet, employed over 300 running feet of 2-1/2" x 8" and 2"x 2" trough raceway. This run traveled through plaster ceilings, concrete floors and around structural steel.

Indeed, there had been numerous elevator renovation and and asbestos removal projects in the 6 years prior to 9/11 which allowed access to core building structures, including:

These are just a few of the known, public examples of opportunities to plant bombs. There were undoubtedly many additional opportunities available to skilled operatives.

And as experts such as one of the world's top structural engineers - Hugo Bachmann, Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Department of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - notes, there could have been tenants of the World Trade Centers who planted bombs in their own, rented space, before moving out and vacating their office spaces.


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This is a follow-up to my post on the 4 year extension of the "Patriot Act."

The 4th Amendment is basically irrelevant today...Its nice to see some people in government still sticking up for our constitution and argue against the extension of the "Patriot Act"

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on PATRIOT ACT
May 23, 2011



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A Warning from Ron Paul

Ron Paul House Floor Speech: Republic Almost Completely Dead

Post by:
May 26, 2011

The Defense Authorization Act or H.R. 1540, aka The Forever War Act of 2012, was overwhelmingly approved by the House of Representatives earlier today on a vote of 322 to 96.

The Senate will now vote on its own version and then the two bills will need to be reconciled before going to Barry Obama for his signature into law.

The law authorizes the United States to use military force anywhere it says there are terrorists, including within the borders of our own country. It represents the largest hand-over of unchecked war authority from Congress to the executive branch in modern American history.

The founders were seriously opposed to handing this much power over to executive, fearing tyranny. If enacted into law, this provision will make Obama a dictator who can wage war without the consent of the American people. "

Ron Paul Quote:
"The Last Nail The last nail is being driven into the coffin of the American Republic. Yet, Congress remains in total denial as our liberties are rapidly fading before our eyes. The process is propelled by unwarranted fear and ignorance as to the true meaning of liberty. It is driven by economic myths, fallacies and irrational good intentions. The rule of law is constantly rejected and authoritarian answers are offered as panaceas for all our problems. Runaway welfarism is used to benefit the rich at the expense of the middle class. Who would have ever thought that the current generation and Congress would stand idly by and watch such a rapid disintegration of the American Republic? Characteristic of this epic event is the casual acceptance by the people and political leaders of the unitary presidency, which is equivalent to granting dictatorial powers to the President. Our Presidents can now, on their own:
1. Order assassinations, including American citizens,
2. Operate secret military tribunals,
3. Engage in torture,
4. Enforce indefinite imprisonment without due process,
5. Order searches and seizures without proper warrants, gutting the 4th Amendment,
6. Ignore the 60 day rule for reporting to the Congress the nature of any military operations as required by the War Power Resolution,
7. Continue the Patriot Act abuses without oversight,
8. Wage war at will,
9. Treat all Americans as suspected terrorists at airports with TSA groping and nude x-raying.
And the Federal Reserve accommodates by counterfeiting the funds needed and not paid for by taxation and borrowing, permitting runaway spending, endless debt, and special interest bail-outs.
And all of this is not enough. The abuses and usurpations of the war power are soon to be codified in the National Defense Authorization Act now rapidly moving its way through the Congress. Instead of repealing the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), as we should, now that bin Laden is dead and gone, Congress is planning to massively increase the war power of the President. Though an opportunity presents itself to end the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, Congress, with bipartisan support, obsesses on how to expand the unconstitutional war power the President already holds. The current proposal would allow a President to pursue war any time, any place, for any reason, without Congressional approval. Many believe this would even permit military activity against American suspects here at home. The proposed authority does not reference the 9/11 attacks. It would be expanded to include the Taliban and "associated" forces—a dangerously vague and expansive definition of our potential enemies. There is no denial that the changes in s.1034 totally eliminate the hard-fought-for restraint on Presidential authority to go to war without Congressional approval achieved at the Constitutional Convention. Congress' war authority has been severely undermined since World War II beginning with the advent of the Korean War which was fought solely under a UN Resolution. Even today, we're waging war in Libya without even consulting with the Congress, similar to how we went to war in Bosnia in the 1990s under President Clinton. The three major reasons for our Constitutional Convention were to:
1. Guarantee free trade and travel among the states.
2. Make gold and silver legal tender and abolish paper money.
3. Strictly limit the Executive Branch's authority to pursue war without Congressional approval.
But today:
1. Federal Reserve notes are legal tender, gold and silver are illegal.
2. The Interstate Commerce Clause is used to regulate all commerce at the expense of free trade among the states.
3. And now the final nail is placed in the coffin of Congressional responsibility for the war power, delivering this power completely to the President—a sharp and huge blow to the concept of our Republic.
In my view, it appears that the fate of the American Republic is now sealed—unless these recent trends are quickly reversed.
The saddest part of this tragedy is that all these horrible changes are being done in the name of patriotism and protecting freedom. They are justified by good intentions while believing the sacrifice of liberty is required for our safety. Nothing could be further from the truth.
More sadly is the conviction that our enemies are driven to attack us for our freedoms and prosperity, and not because of our deeply flawed foreign policy that has generated justifiable grievances and has inspired the radical violence against us. Without this understanding our endless, unnamed, and undeclared wars will continue and our wonderful experience with liberty will end."


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Was that you today in union square?
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Yes I understand...thats why I stated they can clamp down much harder.

Just a couple of many examples of how we are already in martial law (not level 10 though...)

In 2008 the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team became the first active duty military sect that legally may be deployed for domestic use which virtually eliminated the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which protected the American Citizens from the Military acting upon them. This is a clear evidence that martial law is being further implemented here in America in further stages.

Ill add in 2010 Barry Sotoro (Barrack Obama) signed and executive order (which is a dictator's order) "Executive Order 13528"

Its purpose was to build a state/national police partnership. The partnership combines government national military force and domestic police agencies.

Here is the catch and whats ultra worrisome to me...The executive (president) will have full control over this national security force.

With the addition of Obama's civilian military force which is being funded by the health care bill (page 1312) out of all things (geez)....well thats a long story.

Lets say at level 10 cities are burning.
Really? You're going to base your facts off of wiki? That's pretty pathetic and sad. Wiki is bs and anybody can go in there and edit articles or type what ever they want. And that is not true about the 3rd ID. First of all, they are spread too thin in Iraq and Afghanistan and second of all, that's what the national guard is for, if it comes to that.

And about Bin Laden, yes he is dead and was shot in the head and chest. I got in touch with the Lt that was in charge of Red squad, which was the squad of team 6 that went in after him, and the one that shot him and saw the video from his helmet cam.

And no president or cabinet would sacrifice thousands of American lives, like you people claim that was what 9-11 was about, just so we can go to war with a foriegn country. You people that think that are pretty stupid, imo.


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Really? You're going to base your facts off of wiki? That's pretty pathetic and sad..
Your just making it easy on yourself by picking and choosing weaker points of my debate.

And no president or cabinet would sacrifice thousands of American lives, like you people claim that was what 9-11 was about, just so we can go to war with a foriegn country. You people that think that are pretty stupid, imo.
Lyndon Johnson did...Gulf on Tonkin incident August 2, 1964 = 60,000 American dead on a war that was started on a false flag attack.

You can call it a conspiracy theory, which many did for decades until the government unclassified it and admitted it back in 2003.

President+Fake Attack= War and 60,000 dead soldiers, thousands more injured and 1 million Vietnamese slaughtered.

So what makes me stupid to think that when its already been done?

And about Bin Laden, yes he is dead and was shot in the head and chest. I got in touch with the Lt that was in charge of Red squad, which was the squad of team 6 that went in after him, and the one that shot him and saw the video from his helmet cam.
Prove it, why should I take your word for it?

There are far more reputable people who have confirmed Bin Laden being dead in 2001 that anyone you know.


Lyndon Johnson did...Gulf on Tonkin incident August 2, 1964 = 60,000 American dead on a war that was started on a false flag attack.

You can call it a conspiracy theory, which many did for decades until the government unclassified it and admitted it back in 2003.

President+Fake Attack= War and 60,000 dead soldiers, thousands more injured and 1 million Vietnamese slaughtered.

Prove it, why should I take your word for it?

There are far more reputable people who have confirmed Bin Laden being dead in 2001 that anyone you know.
All falsified documents. Believe me or not, I really don't care because I know what I saw. And that 2001 crap is bs. No true reputable person has claimed he was dead in 2001. Videos and documents can so easily be edited. And what difference are you making? It's people like you and the rest of your conspiracy buddies that make me sick because I've been fighting in this war on terrorism just so you can sit on your a$$, drinking your mocha frappuccino and posting all this crap.


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All falsified documents. Believe me or not, I really don't care because I know what I saw. And that 2001 crap is bs. No true reputable person has claimed he was dead in 2001. Videos and documents can so easily be edited.
Right, so now the government falsified their own documents admitting that they went to war on a fake false flag attack? Is that what your saying?

And dont forget Operation Northwoods

9/11 isn't the first time the government planned to stage false flag terror and blame it on other governments. Operation Northwoods was placed on Kennedy's desk, but he refused to follow along with it fortunately.

Operation Northwoods - Proposals to have the CIA attack terrorism in US cities and elsewhere.



Again, wikipedia crap and Operation Northwood never existed.


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Again, wikipedia crap and Operation Northwood never existed.
The government unclassified, why are you denying everything that goes against your beliefs when the very people you support are admitting it? You dont need wikipedia to know about Operation Northwoods...these are public documents from the government.

Why dont you go to the Library of Congress and look at the documents yourself?


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Here, I have LBJ saying it on a tape recording in regards to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, what else do you want? You still claim falsified documents?

If you still dont believe it I cannot have any respect for your opinion in any way.

LBJ Tapes - Gulf of Tonkin Staged as Pretext to Expand Vietnam War


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I've been fighting in this war on terrorism just so you can sit on your a$$, drinking your mocha frappuccino and posting all this crap.
Im not posting "crap" for no reason, Im doing it for you, the American people, and our Military service members. Here I am defending 60,000 troops that died for no reason and you call this crap? When government deny's their criminal activity you support it, when they admit to it you debunk them. Your trust in government is quite inconsistent and you only pick and choose what to believe based off your biases.

And how do you fight a "War on Terror?"

Terrorism is a tactic, you cant declare a war on a tactic. Its impossible.

Terrorists are criminals, you cannot declare a war on a idea. It makes no sense, there is no war. There is no war on terror, its incoherently impossible. What happened to crime and good old fashioned police work? All the money going to some bogus war on terror and here at home crime and murders have been going up due to funds going to the wrong place, what is the real danger here? Terrorism is fought with old fashioned police work, not by declaring "war on terror"

And they say, "They attacked us because they hate our freedom," so now we all need less freedom which means we lost doesnt it? For starters Im referring to the Patriot Act.

Are we safer now than we are 10 years ago? Id say where is the end you seek where you drop the flag and declare victory?

How are we going to keep paying for this "War on Terror" borrow more money from the Chinese and have our children pay them back? This country is beyond broke. I think many people have more issues to worry about that a silly "War on Terror"


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Im not posting "crap" for no reason, Im doing it for you, the American people, and our Military service members. Here I am defending 60,000 troops that died for no reason and you call this crap? When government deny's their criminal activity you support it, when they admit to it you debunk them. Your trust in government is quite inconsistent and you only pick and choose what to believe based off your biases.

And how do you fight a "war on terror."

Terrorism is a tactic, you cant declare a war on a tactic. Its impossible.

Terrorists are criminals, you cannot declare a war on a idea. It makes no sense, there is no war. There is no war on terror, its incoherently impossible. What happened to crime and good old fashioned police work? All the money going to some bogus war on terror and here at home crime and murders have been going out due to funds going to the wrong place, what is the real danger here? Terrorism is fought with old fashioned police work, not by declaring "war on terror"

And they say, "They attacked us because they hate our freedom," so now we all need less freedom which means we lost doesnt it? For starters Im referring to the Patriot Act.

Are we safer now than we are 10 years ago? Id say where is the end you seek where you drop the flag and declare victory?

How are we going to keep paying for this "War on Terror" borrow more money from the Chinese and have our children pay them back?
war on terror is akin to war on drugs-total bullshiit.


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All falsified documents. Believe me or not, I really don't care because I know what I saw. And that 2001 crap is bs. No true reputable person has claimed he was dead in 2001. Videos and documents can so easily be edited. And what difference are you making? It's people like you and the rest of your conspiracy buddies that make me sick because I've been fighting in this war on terrorism just so you can sit on your a$$, drinking your mocha frappuccino and posting all this crap.
So the other documents are falsified, but the ones you saw weren't? "Videos and documents can so easily be edited."

And why is some guy on the internet named "JerseyDrew77" more reliable than wikipedia? Seems like he could just make up anything he wanted.


So the other documents are falsified, but the ones you saw weren't? "Videos and documents can so easily be edited."

And why is some guy on the internet named "JerseyDrew77" more reliable than wikipedia? Seems like he could just make up anything he wanted.
If you knew me or what I do for work, then you wouldn't have made that stupid and ignorant comment. I read and write intel. reports, it's part of my job. So no, the documents that I have seen are not falsified. Also, helmet cams in the military, at least the ones in SF, are encrypted which prevents them to be tampered with. So nice try with that one. And wikipedia is not realible at all but if you want to believe that, then go ahead.


Im not posting "crap" for no reason, Im doing it for you, the American people, and our Military service members. Here I am defending 60,000 troops that died for no reason and you call this crap? When government deny's their criminal activity you support it, when they admit to it you debunk them. Your trust in government is quite inconsistent and you only pick and choose what to believe based off your biases.

And how do you fight a "War on Terror?"

Terrorism is a tactic, you cant declare a war on a tactic. Its impossible.

Terrorists are criminals, you cannot declare a war on a idea. It makes no sense, there is no war. There is no war on terror, its incoherently impossible. What happened to crime and good old fashioned police work? All the money going to some bogus war on terror and here at home crime and murders have been going up due to funds going to the wrong place, what is the real danger here? Terrorism is fought with old fashioned police work, not by declaring "war on terror"

And they say, "They attacked us because they hate our freedom," so now we all need less freedom which means we lost doesnt it? For starters Im referring to the Patriot Act.

Are we safer now than we are 10 years ago? Id say where is the end you seek where you drop the flag and declare victory?

How are we going to keep paying for this "War on Terror" borrow more money from the Chinese and have our children pay them back? This country is beyond broke. I think many people have more issues to worry about that a silly "War on Terror"
Terrorism is not a tactic, it's a selfish act against humanity. Terrorists are not in the same class as your average criminal, that's not even debatable. You are declaring war on the terrorist, terror is just an abreviation. Terrorism is not fought with old fashioned police work. Have you even been to the middle east like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia where terrorism is in full effect? Have you even dealt with these people in the flesh? I have and these terrorists don't fight in a conventional way. They dont go by the Geneva Convention and don't care how or who they kill. So your good old fashion police work won't do sh$t over there. And they didn't attack us because they hate or freedom, they did it to make a point. And just the documents that you are posting up I am saying are falsified just to show people how ridiculous and stupid this thread is.


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If you knew me or what I do for work, then you wouldn't have made that stupid and ignorant comment. I read and write intel. reports, it's part of my job. So no, the documents that I have seen are not falsified. Also, helmet cams in the military, at least the ones in SF, are encrypted which prevents them to be tampered with. So nice try with that one. And wikipedia is not realible at all but if you want to believe that, then go ahead.
Even if you really did see a video that is no evidence that it was Bin Laden that was murdered. I believe there was a raid, but they took out a civilian.

Im showing you documents and tapings that are available at the Library of Congress and your still attached to this wikipedia idea.

Terrorism is not a tactic, it's a selfish act against humanity. Terrorists are not in the same class as your average criminal, that's not even debatable.
So are serial killers, rapists, murders, etc....Why dont you declare a war on them too?

Terrorism is not fought with old fashioned police work. Have you even been to the middle east like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia where terrorism is in full effect? Have you even dealt with these people in the flesh? I have and these terrorists don't fight in a conventional way. They dont go by the Geneva Convention and don't care how or who they kill. So your good old fashion police work won't do sh$t over there. And they didn't attack us because they hate or freedom, they did it to make a point. And just the documents that you are posting up I am saying are falsified just to show people how ridiculous and stupid this thread is.
No stupid people in a cave are hijacking planes and crashing it into our buildings through our defense, its impossible. If it happens on our home land its all about old fashioned police work. They are attacking us here not over there in some cave.

Ive supplied you with plenty of evidence that the government staged the entire attack. If you want to fight a war on terror you can start with **** Cheney and questioning him why the transportation security testified that **** Cheney gave the stand down order when the plane was 10 minutes away from the Pentagon.

And speaking of Afganastan, how about the Military and CIA stop growing all the poppy plants. In 2001 the poppy production was almost eliminated by the Taliban and now Afgan supplies 90% of the worlds population and the Military is helping the locals grow it.

Now your stuck on "falsified" documents, go to the Library of Congress and steal these documents since you think they are fake so the public cant view them anymore.


So why are you basing your argument on a video you saw then? Could it have been staged or edited?
No, it couldn't. Like I said in my previous post, helmet cams are encrypted which prevents them from being tampered with or edited. And the helmet cam recording started when they were in the blackhawks in flight to the mansion that Bin Laden was living in. And those guys would not risk throwing away their careers by making sh$t up and writing false reports about their mission. Writing a false intel. report and mission debrief will suffer major consequences under the UCMJ.


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No, it couldn't. Like I said in my previous post, helmet cams are encrypted which prevents them from being tampered with or edited. And the helmet cam recording started when they were in the blackhawks in flight to the mansion that Bin Laden was living in. And those guys would not risk throwing away their careers by making sh$t up and writing false reports about their mission. Writing a false intel. report and mission debrief will suffer major consequences under the UCMJ.
Their careers are safe...they are only told to run orders.

The only thing they risk is their credibility with the American people since they covered up the operation as fast as possible by dumping the body and lying saying that muslims are buried at sea out of religious tradition.

I know the government isnt stupid enough to kill Bin Laden. If he is your #1 man, and torture led to information to his capture, woudnt the government want to be responsible and catch him alive? Then they can torture him so he can reveal all the information about all the other terrorists to prevent another terrorist attack everybody is so concerned about.

Isnt it a tragedy that we had our # 1 guy, and interrogating him can lead to the capture of other terrorists and planned operations? I dont think so, the military is not that stupid.

You have to understand that when the White House releases old video's of Bin Laden and claim they are new and from this "compound" we know this is just a huge cover up. Just more lies its endless.

MSNBC ran the video under the headline New Video Shows Bin Laden In Gold Robe. However, these tapes are almost identical to footage first released by the Pentagon front group SITE in September 2007. In that footage, Bin Laden also appears with a dyed beard and is wearing exactly the same clothes. The only thing that differs is the color of the background, but in other tapes the background is the same brown color as the 2007 tape. As computer expert Neal Krawetz’s analysis revealed, fake backgrounds are often used on purported “Al-Qaeda” tapes, where a blue screen is used to superimpose the figure of the speaker over a pre-selected backdrop.

The footage in these tapes purports to show Bin Laden making recordings in late 2010, and yet he looks identical to how he appeared in tapes first released in 2007.



Even if you really did see a video that is no evidence that it was Bin Laden that was murdered. I believe there was a raid, but they took out a civilian.

Im showing you documents and tapings that are available at the Library of Congress and your still attached to this wikipedia idea.

So are serial killers, rapists, murders, etc....Why dont you declare a war on them too?

No stupid people in a cave are hijacking planes and crashing it into our buildings through our defense, its impossible. If it happens on our home land its all about old fashioned police work. They are attacking us here not over there in some cave.

Ive supplied you with plenty of evidence that the government staged the entire attack. If you want to fight a war on terror you can start with **** Cheney and questioning him why the transportation security testified that **** Cheney gave the stand down order when the plane was 10 minutes away from the Pentagon.

And speaking of Afganastan, how about the Military and CIA stop growing all the poppy plants. In 2001 the poppy production was almost eliminated by the Taliban and now Afgan supplies 90% of the worlds population and the Military is helping the locals grow it.

Now your stuck on "falsified" documents, go to the Library of Congress and steal these documents since you think they are fake so the public cant view them anymore.
I'm done talking to you, because you just proved to me that you are an idiot. The military and CIA are not growing poppy plants. The Taliban employ these local farmers to grow the stuff for them so that they can fund their organization. The military and CIA can so easily go in and destroy all these crops but we choose not to because we are trying to build a good relationship with the locals. We know it's wrong but our main objective is the Taliban and by getting in good with the locals, they will eventually help us in locating Taliban members. Plus, by leaving the fields alone, we can watch and see who all comes there to collect the stuff and then we just follow where they go to lead us to more Taliban members.


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I'm done talking to you, because you just proved to me that you are an idiot. The military and CIA are not growing poppy plants. The Taliban employ these local farmers to grow the stuff for them so that they can fund their organization. The military and CIA can so easily go in and destroy all these crops but we choose not to because we are trying to build a good relationship with the locals. We know it's wrong but our main objective is the Taliban and by getting in good with the locals, they will eventually help us in locating Taliban members.
Im an "idiot" Oh my gosh do you realize what you are just saying? So its ok for the Military and the CIA to help the locals grow it and export it, but we the American people are criminals if we get caught with it. 90% of the worlds population's poppy plants and you think this is your job?

Do you know how much money is involved when it comes to 90% of the worlds poppy production? Follow the money, where do you think those billions of dollars are going?

Lets spend billions of dollars growing poppy plants, and then we can spend billions of more tax dollars fighting it with the war on drugs on our home land? great!

Here is the Military admitting it to helping the afgans grow the poppy!!!



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I'm done talking to you, because you just proved to me that you are an idiot. The military and CIA are not growing poppy plants. The Taliban employ these local farmers to grow the stuff for them so that they can fund their organization. The military and CIA can so easily go in and destroy all these crops but we choose not to because we are trying to build a good relationship with the locals.
So you wanna call me an idiot over and over again when I supply multiple admissions from the military that they are helping to grow the poppy?

I have a blast for you here vvv now continue to attempt to insult my intelligence because I have an endless supply of resources to prove you wrong.

Its American policy to help the afgans grow poppy!

US Military Helping Afghan Farmers Grow Opium Poppies! The Military encourages poppy production!

Evidence-1 example Military even paying afgans $1,000 on video after their own afgan forces destroy their poppys our tax dollars to to them for re-reimbursement. Much more in this short video Military is running the biggest drug operation in the history of mankind.

So its ok for the Military and CIA to grow poppy for heroin, but we will spend billions on the "war on drugs" here at home so we can arrest you if they catch you with it.

This is how the CIA funds its operations off the books...but lets arrest the Taliban who tried to eliminate all poppy production (2001 almost all poppy wiped out, its a fact) we dont want the Taliban making money just the CIA and White House.



Their careers are safe...they are only told to run orders.

The only thing they risk is their credibility with the American people since they covered up the operation as fast as possible by dumping the body and lying saying that muslims are buried at sea out of religious tradition.

I know the government isnt stupid enough to kill Bin Laden. If he is your #1 man, and torture led to information to his capture, woudnt the government want to be responsible and catch him alive? Then they can torture him so he can reveal all the information about all the other terrorists to prevent another terrorist attack everybody is so concerned about.

Isnt it a tragedy that we had our # 1 guy, and interrogating him can lead to the capture of other terrorists and planned operations? I dont think so, the military is not that stupid.

You have to understand that when the White House releases old video's of Bin Laden and claim they are new and from this "compound" we know this is just a huge cover up. Just more lies its endless.
You obviously don't know much about how the military works. Which is fine, the majority of people that are not in the military don't. You're right the military isn't stupid. But if you think Bin Laden would talk in an interrogation, you are so wrong. When it comes to that, the majority of the American people are pretty stupid and naive. He would not give up one bit of information. I have done many interrogations and it's not easy like everybody back at home thinks. I know that everybody thinks interrogations go down like on CSI or Law and Order. Well they don't. These terrorists don't break right away like they do on those TV shows and I have spent hours and I mean hours like 18 hours straight interrogating people before they eventually give you something to go off of. Some don't break until days later, others within a few hours. And the careers I was referring to were the ones on the SEAL team that did the mission.


Im an "idiot" Oh my gosh do you realize what you are just saying? So its ok for the Military and the CIA to help the locals grow it and export it, but we the American people are criminals if we get caught with it. 90% of the worlds population's poppy plants and you think this is your job?

Do you know how much money is involved when it comes to 90% of the worlds poppy production? Follow the money, where do you think those billions of dollars are going?

Lets spend billions of dollars growing poppy plants, and then we can spend billions of more tax dollars fighting it with the war on drugs on our home land? great!

Here is the Military admitting it to helping the afgans grow the poppy!!!

Yeah, you are an idiot because as I stated before and as that Marine in your video states, we don't help them grow the poppy plants, we try to help them find other crops to grow and other means to make money. We tolerate it because we are trying to win the locals hearts and minds and by providing them with security and not destroying their crops, the locals don't hate us.


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You obviously don't know much about how the military works. Which is fine, the majority of people that are not in the military don't. You're right the military isn't stupid. But if you think Bin Laden would talk in an interrogation, you are so wrong. When it comes to that, the majority of the American people are pretty stupid and naive. He would not give up one bit of information. I have done many interrogations and it's not easy like everybody back at home thinks. I know that everybody thinks interrogations go down like on CSI or Law and Order. Well they don't. These terrorists don't break right away like they do on those TV shows and I have spent hours and I mean hours like 18 hours straight interrogating people before they eventually give you something to go off of. Some don't break until days later, others within a few hours. And the careers I was referring to were the ones on the SEAL team that did the mission.
Right...give up before trying. It takes too long. It takes too long to interrogate and get information that may save the United States from another major terrorist attack that can cost the lives of thousands if not millions of Americans.

You "have the man" who is the #1 criminal on the planet, but dont even try your torture tactics which so many in the White House support and prove to be effective. Your telling me thats how the military works?

**** Cheney would even disagree with you.

Bin Laden is flesh and blood just like the rest of us....If any information he would spill it will be all his CIA connections which I can prove over and over again.

By the way, there is no evidence Bin Laden had anything to even do with 9/11. Nothing. Not that I like him, he still is (or was until his death in 2001) a CIA operative.


So you wanna call me an idiot over and over again when I supply multiple admissions from the military that they are helping to grow the poppy?

I have a blast for you here vvv now continue to attempt to insult my intelligence because I have an endless supply of resources to prove you wrong.

Its American policy to help the afgans grow poppy!

US Military Helping Afghan Farmers Grow Opium Poppies! The Military encourages poppy production!

Evidence-1 example Military even paying afgans $1,000 on video after their own afgan forces destroy their poppys our tax dollars to to them for re-reimbursement. Much more in this short video Military is running the biggest drug operation in the history of mankind.

So its ok for the Military and CIA to grow poppy for heroin, but we will spend billions on the "war on drugs" here at home so we can arrest you if they catch you with it.

This is how the CIA funds its operations off the books...but lets arrest the Taliban who tried to eliminate all poppy production (2001 almost all poppy wiped out, its a fact) we dont want the Taliban making money just the CIA and White House.

You people and the news tends to misinterpret everything. When ever the military destroys anything of the locals, whether it be a farm animal, house or even their damn poppy field, we pay them to reimburse them of the damages that we caused. It has nothing to do with us funding them to make poppy fields. And the Taliban has never tried to eliminate their poppy fields because that is a major funding for their organization.


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You people and the news tends to misinterpret everything. When ever the military destroys anything of the locals, whether it be a farm animal, house or even their damn poppy field, we pay them to reimburse them of the damages that we caused. It has nothing to do with us funding them to make poppy fields. And the Taliban has never tried to eliminate their poppy fields because that is a major funding for their organization.
Well thank you for spending billions of dollars creating 90% of the worlds population's poppy plants, so we can spend billions of dollars more on the war on drugs on our homeland.

There is nothing better that can be accomplished in 10 years in afganastan.

Do you know President Karzai's brother is the #1 poppy drug lord in Afganastan? Continue supporting his family too, make sure all his poppy is safe. But be sure to criminalize the American people if they get caught with a $20 piece of heroin in their car.


Right...give up before trying. It takes too long. It takes too long to interrogate and get information that may save the United States from another major terrorist attack that can cost the lives of thousands if not millions of Americans.

You "have the man" who is the #1 criminal on the planet, but dont even try your torture tactics which so many in the White House support and prove to be effective. Your telling me thats how the military works?

**** Cheney would even disagree with you.

Bin Laden is flesh and blood just like the rest of us....If any information he would spill it will be all his CIA connections which I can prove over and over again.

By the way, there is no evidence Bin Laden had anything to even do with 9/11. Nothing. Not that I like him, he still is (or was until his death in 2001) a CIA operative.
Wow, that is just rich. Keep it coming because all you are doing is just proving your ingnorance. Like I said, if you have never done an interrogation yourself, then don't come to me with that bs about trying to interrogate Bin Laden. And why should you or the American people give a rats a$$ how we extract the information from these a$$holes that are terrorists trying to kill innocent people? Terrorists have no rights and don't follow the Geneva Convention.


Well thank you for spending billions of dollars creating 90% of the worlds population's poppy plants, so we can spend billions of dollars more on the war on drugs on our homeland.

There is nothing better that can be accomplished in 10 years in afganastan.

Do you know President Karzai's brother is the #1 poppy drug lord in Afganastan? Continue supporting his family too, make sure all his poppy is safe. But be sure to criminalize the American people if they get caught with a $20 piece of heroin in their car.
Until you've been there or even fought in any kind of a war, then don't come to me with your righteous bs on how we should do things. War isn't pretty and has never been and never will be.


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And why should you or the American people give a rats a$$ how we extract the information from these a$$holes that are terrorists trying to kill innocent people? Terrorists have no rights and don't follow the Geneva Convention.
Because we pay your salary and we have a right to know how our money is spent.

Most importantly its the American peoples responsibility to make sure our Military isnt put in harms way for no reason.

We also have a right to extract information which is has been in the works proving the government was involved with the terrorist acts of 9/11 so your focus is on something rather irrelevant.

Please read the U. S. Constitution...Every man has rights. Geneva convention is bs NWO globalist garbage...The U. S. Constitution is the American way not some global organization and their laws.


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Until you've been there or even fought in any kind of a war, then don't come to me with your righteous bs on how we should do things. War isn't pretty and has never been and never will be.
Are you claiming a Military dictatorship with this statement?

We are tax payers, we fund your operations...we are as much involved with this as you are. To not be involved is to be an ignorant American.

War isnt pretty, and its up to the American people to protect the troops from shoddy corrupt criminal government thats puts them in wars based off of false flag operations and lied to invade other countries (WMD's and Iraq for example.)

The troops best protection are the taxpayers supporting them. Im a patriot, and you have no right telling me not to be involved with my country.


Because we pay your salary and we have a right to know how our money is spent.

Most importantly its the American peoples responsibility to make sure our Military isnt put in harms way for no reason.

We also have a right to extract information which is has been in the works proving the government was involved with the terrorist acts of 9/11 so your focus is on something rather irrelevant.

Please read the constitution...Every man has rights. Geneva convention is bs NWO globalist garbage...The constitution is the American way not some global organization and their laws.
The constitution only pertains to Americans living in America, you dumba$$. Also, the government pays our salary and we get taxed just like you so don't give me that bs. If you want to get technical, the military pays it's own salary from the taxes that gets taken out of our paychecks. And the Geneva Convention was put into effect to protect soldiers, not just American soldiers but all that follow it no matter what country you are from.


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The constitution only pertains to Americans living in America, you dumba$$. Also, the government pays our salary and we get taxed just like you so don't give me that bs. If you want to get technical, the military pays it's own salary from the taxes that gets taken out of our paychecks. And the Geneva Convention was put into effect to protect soldiers, not just American soldiers but all that follow it no matter what country you are from.
Constitution is our guide for Foreign Policy, its obvious you dont know much about it.

The Government get their money from the American tax payers, thats how they have money to pay you.

You claim the Military pays its own salary because they tax your saying you get taxed more than you make so you lose money?


Are you claiming a Military dictatorship with this statement?

We are tax payers, we fund your operations...we are as much involved with this as you are. To not be involved is to be an ignorant American.

War isnt pretty, and its up to the American people to protect the troops from shoddy corrupt criminal government thats puts them in wars based off of false flag operations and lied to invade other countries (WMD's and Iraq for example.)

The troops best protection are the taxpayers supporting them. Im a patriot, and you have no right telling me not to be involved with my country.
Military people are tax payers also so we pretty much fund our own operations. And don't worry, I'm pretty sure we can take care of ourselves. Everybody knows, or at least should know, when joining the military that their is a 90% chance that they will be deployed to go fight in some war when there is one taking place. You can support your country but when you make some wacked out claims about the military supporting a drug trade, that's taking it too far and is out of proportion.


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And the Geneva Convention was put into effect to protect soldiers, not just American soldiers but all that follow it no matter what country you are from.
You stand up for the Geneva convention and you dont even believe in its policies...(or even know it if you think this is just about the troops)

Grave breaches

"willfully depriving someone of the right to a fair trial"

So there you go, you support the Geneva convention but dont follow it.

Military people are tax payers also so we pretty much fund our own operations. And don't worry, I'm pretty sure we can take care of ourselves. Everybody knows, or at least should know, when joining the military that their is a 90% chance that they will be deployed to go fight in some war when there is one taking place. You can support your country but when you make some wacked out claims about the military supporting a drug trade, that's taking it too far and is out of proportion.
You cannot fund your own operations by taxing 25% of your paychecks. Government has to come up with the money to pay you in the first place so then they can tax you. That tax money isnt enough to cover 100% of salary. Your thinking impossible economics.

Im not making wacked claims...the Military is making the claims themselves, dont be mad at me. I have them on record admitting their support for the poppy production and its up 90% of the entire world supply. Who is getting all the profits? I know who is but who do you think is?

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