Too Many Vitamins?


New member
My parents are getting kinda nervous. I have bicuspid and tricuspid regergatation in my heart (I dont exactly know the whole deal with that). I have been ordering a bunch of supplements, vitamins, etc. and they have been going past their eyes. They scheduled an appointment with my doctor to look at everything I am taking. Keep in mind I work fulltime at a strenuous job (outdoors), and workout mon, wed, fri. Here's the list...

Optimum Nutrition

-Flaxseed oil (AM/PM)
-Fish oil (AM/PM)
-Melatonin (days I really need sleep)
-Casein (1 scoop, PM)
-Pro Complex (1 scoop, AM)
-100% Whey (1+ scoop, during the day)
-Glycomaize (1 scoop, only with my PWO protein)

I pretty much stopped taking the glycomaize because it made me throw up too many times.

-AST Multi-pro 32x (AM/PM)
-BSN Cellmass (will start taking in a month, just ended my size-on cycle)

I have been taking Superpump250 and Jack3d together for awhile, and I just started taking Dymatize Xpand (4 caps before workout).

Seems like too much, but I need your guys take on it. Always have been alcohol, drug, PH and steroid free. Starting mid-September, during college and not working, I will gradually work my way back into a 4-5 day routine.
Zero V

Zero V

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My parents are getting kinda nervous. I have bicuspid and tricuspid regergatation in my heart (I dont exactly know the whole deal with that). I have been ordering a bunch of supplements, vitamins, etc. and they have been going past their eyes. They scheduled an appointment with my doctor to look at everything I am taking. Keep in mind I work fulltime at a strenuous job (outdoors), and workout mon, wed, fri. Here's the list...

Optimum Nutrition

-Flaxseed oil (AM/PM)
-Fish oil (AM/PM)
-Melatonin (days I really need sleep)
-Casein (1 scoop, PM)
-Pro Complex (1 scoop, AM)
-100% Whey (1+ scoop, during the day)
-Glycomaize (1 scoop, only with my PWO protein)

I pretty much stopped taking the glycomaize because it made me throw up too many times.

-AST Multi-pro 32x (AM/PM)
-BSN Cellmass (will start taking in a month, just ended my size-on cycle)

I have been taking Superpump250 and Jack3d together for awhile, and I just started taking Dymatize Xpand (4 caps before workout).

Seems like too much, but I need your guys take on it. Always have been alcohol, drug, PH and steroid free. Starting mid-September, during college and not working, I will gradually work my way back into a 4-5 day routine.
Your main vitamins are AST Multi-Pro, which I liked I have used it before.

The rest is a bunch of extra supps, not really harmful, but wasted. With all that scooping you should weigh more than 145.

Cut back on all the extra. What kind of lifting experience to you have(years, etc)?

Between flax/fish oil whats your total Omegas intake?

I never liked BSN or Dymatize. Though have used melatonin before for rest.

Just dont think all this will make you grow at all. 90% of it comes down to your food and lifting, the supplements mostly just make you feel better.


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Why Fish AND Flax? That's a lot of protein powder everday, have you tried getting your protein from whole foods?


New member
I just started taking AST Multi-pro, been taking Opti-Men by ON for the past couple months day and night.

I weigh about 152 right now. I gotta get my BF% calculated but it can't be much more than 5% if that.

Started lifting 5 days a week January of 2008, until the summer started up with my job, then gradually stopped mid-July. Started again December 2008, weighed in at 118 lbs, and have been working out hard ever since.

I eat when I can, but I try to every 3-4 hours. At my work I only get one lunchbreak, which is at 12 noon.


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Dude with heart issues lay off the stimulant products.


New member
I heard somewhere online (yeah I know, take it with a grain of sand) that it was healthy to take both. So I do.

I eat a bowl of cereal, likes oats and grains and stuff, and a banana every morning. Then I usually have lunchmeat or a random meat (beef, pork, turkey, chicken) for lunch. Something in between and then whatever my mom cooks for dinner. When college starts, I am going to follow a strict diet full of protein and complex carbs.


New member
I really want to. But after work man, holy crap, I need something. Mondays and Fridays kill me because I work, come home at 6 or so, take my Pre-WO, lift, and then it's hard to get sleep. Saturday's are busy as hell, and I'm like a zombie. And of course there's the occasional late night outing.

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