Test, Pheremones, and More Women


Has anyone noticed women giving them more attention when on a cycle of 300mg plus.I'm talking about even in the early stages when you haven't started really putting on the size yet. It seems like there is a definite correlation here.


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Has anyone noticed women giving them more attention when on a cycle of 300mg plus.I'm talking about even in the early stages when you haven't started really putting on the size yet. It seems like there is a definite correlation here.
Yes, the chemical attraction..


My thoughts exactly man. It's one of those weird things that's subtle yet very noticeable. It seems as though other men respond differently to you as well by behaving in a more, not quite submissive way, but just give you more respect.


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Vomeronasal organ in the nose picks up scents of pheromones through bodily fluids (sweat, urine etc). Same thing for testosterone.

It is known if a women smells test the women experiences a slight change in blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and body temperature... basically it induces a small flight or fight response.

Now what's interesting is that the flight or fight response can be interpreted as scary or exciting depending on the situation at hand. A bear in the woods will give me flight or fight and make me scared, a beautiful woman talking to me will give me flight or fight response in the form of "butterflies in my stomach."

So yes, I'll believe it. Although, it is very, very subtle.

It will never make women attracted to you... but it will intensify an attraction if there is one. That's all.


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lol, find the posts I post about Axcite pheromones on the AX section. haha I have stories upon stories of this ****. My girl LOVES my natural smell too. when im on cycle its even worse. she sniffs me randomly and yeah...****in weirdo I call her.


haha Interesting stuff this is. I have had girls who I would normally not think of as being attracted to me actually coming on to me when on cycle. They can definitely smell the test I believe. Some get a little anxious while others get interested.


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haha Interesting stuff this is. I have had girls who I would normally not think of as being attracted to me actually coming on to me when on cycle. They can definitely smell the test I believe. Some get a little anxious while others get interested.
I am on cycle. Was at bestbuy today. Saw this chick that I see at the gym all the time. She was with here hubby (total dork) and she is cute and big breasted.. Anyways, she stares and smiles at me when she sees me. I didnt notice until my bro said that chick is staring at you..


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This could also be due to subtle changes in the way you behave on cycle. Some women might view you as more attractive if you behave more assertively. Test can also increase well being and women will usually find you more attractive if you're obviously in a good mood.


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This could also be due to subtle changes in the way you behave on cycle. Some women might view you as more attractive if you behave more assertively. Test can also increase well being and women will usually find you more attractive if you're obviously in a good mood.
Test or not, I am always assertive:bryce: and in a good mood lol..


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bitches just love the muscles and c0cky/d!ckheadedness....havent met one yet that doesnt....they say they dont like it, but when they hop on ur c0ck every chance they get...u know theyre full of sh!t


I am on cycle. Was at bestbuy today. Saw this chick that I see at the gym all the time. She was with here hubby (total dork) and she is cute and big breasted.. Anyways, she stares and smiles at me when she sees me. I didnt notice until my bro said that chick is staring at you..

haha Niiiice man! I'm telling you it seems like there's definitely something going on that we just don't see


This could also be due to subtle changes in the way you behave on cycle. Some women might view you as more attractive if you behave more assertively. Test can also increase well being and women will usually find you more attractive if you're obviously in a good mood.
Yea man, behavior could definitely be a factor here. I know I always feel like king of the jungle when on. Funny thing is I dont really notice myself acting differently. Was dating this girl very briefly. Began dating her when I was about four weeks into a cycle. We were going through a drive through one night and I was just talking to the guy on the other end. But as soon as the order was taken she said, "I love how c0cky you are." I do not think of myself as a c0cky person at all and know others who would probably vouch for me. Weird stuff dude


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I also read never mix pheramones with aas due to accsess amount of pheramones too much = bad response


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Test or not, I am always assertive:bryce: and in a good mood lol..
bitches just love the muscles and c0cky/d!ckheadedness....havent met one yet that doesnt....they say they dont like it, but when they hop on ur c0ck every chance they get...u know theyre full of sh!t
^^^Yep, I agree with you guys. They do seem to love being treated like ****.

Yea man, behavior could definitely be a factor here. I know I always feel like king of the jungle when on. Funny thing is I dont really notice myself acting differently. Was dating this girl very briefly. Began dating her when I was about four weeks into a cycle. We were going through a drive through one night and I was just talking to the guy on the other end. But as soon as the order was taken she said, "I love how c0cky you are." I do not think of myself as a c0cky person at all and know others who would probably vouch for me. Weird stuff dude
It's a subtle effect, not like what the media portrays. Others will notice it before you, because it isn't like you feel dramatically different like being buzzed or something like that. Even people who have known you for a while and see you every day might not put it together. Instead, as you allude to in your post, people who meet you on cycle might interpret your personality differently than those who have known you for a while.


^^^Yep, I agree with you guys. They do seem to love being treated like ****.

It's a subtle effect, not like what the media portrays. Others will notice it before you, because it isn't like you feel dramatically different like being buzzed or something like that. Even people who have known you for a while and see you every day might not put it together. Instead, as you allude to in your post, people who meet you on cycle might interpret your personality differently than those who have known you for a while.
Yea, people you know seem to pick up on something, but don't necessarily speak out on it because for all they know it could just be in their heads. I've actually gotten some rather strange looks from people in the gym when beginning a cycle. I'll just be talking to them normally, from my perspective anyway, and they will respond quite differently than what is typical for them. Some men who normally wouldn't try to befriend you almost go out their way to or just treat you as one not to be fuked with, and the women are just toooootallly more receptive. Tis awesome

Let's post experiences of these occurences if we we notice them!


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Women like guys with confidence. It's the reason you get hit on more when you have a girlfriend. Test brings on the confidence. And I'm sure some of the above is true too.


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Yea, people you know seem to pick up on something, but don't necessarily speak out on it because for all they know it could just be in their heads. I've actually gotten some rather strange looks from people in the gym when beginning a cycle. I'll just be talking to them normally, from my perspective anyway, and they will respond quite differently than what is typical for them. Some men who normally wouldn't try to befriend you almost go out their way to or just treat you as one not to be fuked with, and the women are just toooootallly more receptive. Tis awesome

Let's post experiences of these occurences if we we notice them!
The only problem is eventually you have to get off and come back to earth. That's why I prefer to think that the changes in how people interact with you on cycle are due more to behavioral changes rather than physiological. This way you know that if you strive to be more alpha all the time off cycle you'll experience similar interactions. :thinking:


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The only problem is eventually you have to get off and come back to earth. That's why I prefer to think that the changes in how people interact with you on cycle are due more to behavioral changes rather than physiological. This way you know that if you strive to be more alpha all the time off cycle you'll experience similar interactions. :thinking:
isnt their evidence that points too more testosterone- more women interested- or take notice at least??

Im not on test- but im on m14add- a hefty dose which equals out to almost 30 mgs dbol after conversion rates

is this occourence only with testosterone or could it happen with this too

because maybe its just me- but alot of females seem to be taking notice of me


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Women like guys with confidence. It's the reason you get hit on more when you have a girlfriend. Test brings on the confidence. And I'm sure some of the above is true too.
god i fukin hate that... well not getting hit on obviously haha. just the fact that i could get laid 2x more when i have a gf


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There is a defnite link between being on cycle and more attention from women. I think it's a combination of more confidence and more pheromones being released. I noticed A LOT more attention during my cycle of Superdrol and it was a pretty big difference because I noticed it and wasn't even expecting it at all. Caught more girls looking at me and more "sexual" attention from girls I already knew who hadn't seemed really into me before. I have a GF so I couldn't use any of this to my advantage but it was still good for my ego lol. I also noticed more attention from guys like TylerDurden said. I had guys going out of their way to introduce themselves for some reason which is extremely rare lol. People were generally more receptive of me as a whole while I was on cycle. Makes me wonder what being on test + superdrol would do for my game ;)


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Has anyone noticed women giving them more attention when on a cycle of 300mg plus.I'm talking about even in the early stages when you haven't started really putting on the size yet. It seems like there is a definite correlation here.
Just posted this in another thread but my wife can actually tell if I ran out of testosterone from my smell she told me it smells like stress or cortisol. Ahh I remember not saying anything waiting to get my script for like 2weeks until my wife finally asked hey are you out of your testosterone or something? Yeah how did you know she said well I can just tell like you kinda smell
Different but idk if it’s just the smell. Enough for me to believe it


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Just posted this in another thread but my wife can actually tell if I ran out of testosterone from my smell she told me it smells like stress or cortisol. Ahh I remember not saying anything waiting to get my script for like 2weeks until my wife finally asked hey are you out of your testosterone or something? Yeah how did you know she said well I can just tell like you kinda smell
Different but idk if it’s just the smell. Enough for me to believe it
Heads up you might catch some guff for bumping a 13 year old thread lol.

I have the opposite as you when I am off my TRT. I was on for almost a decade(actual trt 100-200mg/wk) when I was unemployed, broke with no insurance. So I was OFF for two years and during that time I no longer required deodorant or anti perspirant. I also did NOT need a shower if I did not train. I have ZERO smell. Add the test back and boom I once again smell lol.


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These would be body oder caused by hormones. Not pheromones, which humans lack the organ that senses pheromones. I'm not sure why pheromones keep getting brought up or threads bumped lately.

Also, your carrier oil can effect your body oder, solvents can really change things up too. On tren my skin smelled like maple syrup quite often to the point I could smell myself. Like maple bacon lol. 2x it's happed lol

Stress and diet also effects the way you smell.

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