Summer Bulking Cycle


  • Established
Hey everyone, I started a cycle about a week ago and am looking for some input and advice from all you knowledgeable folks.

I am running Androfactorys Bulk-up -started that a week ago. Running this as a base. Running 6 caps per day. If I continue running it at this dose I only have enough to last 6 weeks.

I started halo yesterday. I am planning on running this for 6-8 weeks. I am starting out at 50mg/day for the first 4 or 5 days and will then bump it to 75mgs for a few weeks or so and will most likely bump up to 100mgs for the last 2-4 weeks.

Now for some of the questions I have. I had been taking soy lecithin for about a month before starting this cycle and have been continuing to take the SL. Should I keep taking the SL for another week or two while I wait for the halo to kick in? Or just stop now and save it for pct?

Next question. I am considering pulsing superdrol 3-4 days per week preworkout. How much benefit do you think that would add to the cycle? Should I go for it or save it for a future cycle? If I am going to pulse it I was thinking to take 20mg preworkout.

Last question right now. Should I keep on taking 6 caps per day of the bulkup and have it run out before I'm done with the halo? Or should I reduce the dose so that it will last the whole cycle?


Well-known member
Keep taking the SL it's dirt cheap , don't pulse anything , I'm not sure what's in the bulk up but I'm guessing 1 andro and 4 andro but I would say there's no right answer but I'd personally stack it with the halo how long till you get the halo


  • Established
I have plenty of halo on hand to dose as high/long as I want.

The bulkup is like andromass.

Thanks for your input on the SL. There is no negative to taking sl with halo is there? I workout first thing in the morning so I have been taking the SL and halo together before working out.


Well-known member
No SL is something you can run year round , and id start the halo now and make the bulk last as long as your on the halo , drop the idea of SD and save it for later


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  • RockStar
  • Established
I agree. Don't pulse the SD unless you don't have enough to run a cycle of it. No negatives that I can think of.

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