Squat Experts only i got a couple ?s


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well first of all you all are going to be proud, two weeks in a row ive hit legs, Ive been working legs off and on, usually trying to find short cuts to not do them. In football for HS we had a 1200 pound club and id make that easily by just maxing 300 on squat since my other lifts were really good. SO i finally decided on a routine

1. Squat 5/3/1 try to break my best 1 ORM for squat each workout.
Good Mornings 3 x 6-8
Ham Curls 3-4 sets 6-12 reps
Leg Extentions 4 sets 15
Leg Press 3-4 sets of 20 reps

Main goals is too be able to squat 405 for a max highest i got was 365 with shitty depth tho.. i widened my stance and im in love with squat now so help me with these questions..

1. first i unrack the bar and set it on my lower traps puff my chest out, lower the bar under control and have my lower back flexed? i gues u would call it threwout the movement. any adjustments needed? width is a lil past shoulder width.

2. I find i always pause like maybe a second at the bottom and explode up, kind of like u would when ur tackling someone in football. is this smart or no? It feels alot better on my lower back doing this then a continuous rep.

3. after doing 5/3/1 ill drop to 225 and rep it out to failure today i got 20. would this lead to overtraining? im not concerned with pushing massive weight for hamstring curls or extentions anything like that. thats more for the pump


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Depends how often you do that routine.. I think doing it every 5th or 6th day and you will be fine. Widowmakers are a definite killer on legs and will help you to see growth in no time.


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yea bro i only do legs like once a week, and can u tell me what those widowmakers are?


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Widowmaker is a fancy name for a 20Rep Squat.. Max weight you can do 20 reps for. If you're only working them once a week i'd go balls to the wall. Your quads will thank you :).


I'm no expert, but have read Starting Strength, which has a lot of good info on the basic movements - I think it's 50 some pages on the squat alone... Anyway comments are based on what I remember from that book.

1 - Be sure to start the movement by pushing the hips back. Finding the right foot position and angle is a little different for everyone. You want to breath into your diaphram - feels like breathing into your stomach - this gives a larger/more stable base.

2 - I guess a pause is ok, but you lose some of the stretch rebound coming out of the hole. I recall mentioning that you should start thinking about pushing toward the bottom. Maybe you are dropping too fast if it's hard on your lower back? Not sure about that.

3 - Sounds good to me!

I'm sure others will have more info - might post in the powerlifting forum also.

well first of all you all are going to be proud, two weeks in a row ive hit legs, Ive been working legs off and on, usually trying to find short cuts to not do them. In football for HS we had a 1200 pound club and id make that easily by just maxing 300 on squat since my other lifts were really good. SO i finally decided on a routine

1. Squat 5/3/1 try to break my best 1 ORM for squat each workout.
Good Mornings 3 x 6-8
Ham Curls 3-4 sets 6-12 reps
Leg Extentions 4 sets 15
Leg Press 3-4 sets of 20 reps

Main goals is too be able to squat 405 for a max highest i got was 365 with shitty depth tho.. i widened my stance and im in love with squat now so help me with these questions..

1. first i unrack the bar and set it on my lower traps puff my chest out, lower the bar under control and have my lower back flexed? i gues u would call it threwout the movement. any adjustments needed? width is a lil past shoulder width.

2. I find i always pause like maybe a second at the bottom and explode up, kind of like u would when ur tackling someone in football. is this smart or no? It feels alot better on my lower back doing this then a continuous rep.

3. after doing 5/3/1 ill drop to 225 and rep it out to failure today i got 20. would this lead to overtraining? im not concerned with pushing massive weight for hamstring curls or extentions anything like that. thats more for the pump

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