Should I do cardio??


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Hi, I have currently begun lifting 4x a week. I'm doing a upper lower split. I did my research on diet etc so i have that sorted but I have been thinking when should I be doing cardio? I'm recomping. I'm pretty smashed already after my workouts.

I'm 5'10 and 14.5 stone. So I'm quite over weight. Hardly any is muscle!

Thanks for any feed back!


New member
I would do cardio after your resistance training. Or if you can do cardio in the morning and resistance training in the afternoon, do that instead. And i would do cardio 4-5 days a week for 30 min.
Thanks for the reply, I can do it after my workout. What sort of intensity am I
Aiming for?



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I agree..........AND.........focus on yourt diet. Doet is a LARGE part of the equation when it comes to losing body fat and gaining muscle.

I would do cardio after your resistance training. Or if you can do cardio in the morning and resistance training in the afternoon, do that instead. And i would do cardio 4-5 days a week for 30 min.


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If you want to incorporate cardio, 3 times a week throw in 10-20 hill sprints after you strength train.

It won't take long to complete, and it's awesome for cardiovascular health and general badassery.


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Sometimes when I'm short on time what I'll do is 3 short high intensity intervals on the elliptical. Only takes about 11 mins (1 min warm-up, 3 intervals of 2 min moderate intensity, 1 min high intensity, 1 min cool-down) and I feel better about my workout overall.


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I did cardio today but could only do 10 mins as I
Thought I was going to
Be sick! Just shows how unhealthy i am!


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I did cardio today but could only do 10 mins as I
Thought I was going to
Be sick! Just shows how unhealthy i am!
If you are feeling too trashed to do a really good cardio session after workouts then just do some easy cycling for 10-15 minutes or just walk on the tread mill at a good incline for 10-15 min. Then on two of your off days just do a cardio session. Leave one day completely off. Don't be afraid to only do a little if that is all you can handle. Just keep with it and work on progression.


New member
Hi, I have currently begun lifting 4x a week. I'm doing a upper lower split. I did my research on diet etc so i have that sorted but I have been thinking when should I be doing cardio? I'm recomping. I'm pretty smashed already after my workouts.

I'm 5'10 and 14.5 stone. So I'm quite over weight. Hardly any is muscle!

Thanks for any feed back!
Im not quite sure how many pounds 14.5 stone is, but you said you are "quite overweight"

I would suggest doing light-moderate intensity cardio (treadmill, eliptical, bike, walk through the park) for 30 min 3 days a week for your first 3 weeks, then add a 4th day for 3 weeks. Then, You should be at a moderate pace for 30 min.

If you can not complete the whole 30 min at once you can do it in (2) 15 minute bouts or (3) 10 minute bouts and rest for 5-10 minutes between, for a few weeks. Slowly progressing toward a straight through 30 minute session. If you try to do to much, too soon you may discourage yourself and lose interst. Also, remember to try and do a variety of activities, boredom sucks!

Best wishes!


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I like to jump rope after workouts, but mixing it up is great. Also like going on walks on off days.


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Thanks for the replies guys. Will take it all on and keep you updated!


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Answer: 14.5 st = 203 lb
that still doesnt tell us how much bodyfat you have (bodyfat %)


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Diet is 85% of losing weight. And gaining weight for that matter. Adjust your diet, low carbs, high protein and only healthy fats.

Alpha Mind

New member
Hi, I have currently begun lifting 4x a week. I'm doing a upper lower split. I did my research on diet etc so i have that sorted but I have been thinking when should I be doing cardio? I'm recomping. I'm pretty smashed already after my workouts.

I'm 5'10 and 14.5 stone. So I'm quite over weight. Hardly any is muscle!

Thanks for any feed back!
Does you gym have kettlebells?

A 16kg or 24kg kettlebell is f'n amazing for cardio and makes you strong as an ox. Additionally, if you're doing swings (which is the core movement), you'll notice increases in your deadlift numbers, assuming you're tracking that.

Kettlebells are also far more efficient that most traditional methods of cardio. With 1 kettlebell, I can accomplish in ~10 minutes what 40 minutes on a treadmill or will do for me, not to mention you'll be beastly strong; kettlebell gains are not like regular lifting gains, but I'll bet on a man who does kettlebell snatches over some guy who's a power lifter.

Try it out and let me know what you think. There are decent instructional vids on YouTube from Steve Maxwell if you don't know how to swing.

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