sfearl1's Test Cypionate & DBOL Cycle



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everything is goin great so far. checked blood pressure today and it was 115/64 so i think that falls in the normal range if i'm not mistaken. diets been great. i'm starting to pack on some weight now from the dbol. i'm at 190 but i attribute most of the sudden weight gain to water. my legs are getting pretty damn thick though, and strong as hell too. i'm starting the adex and finasteride today at low doses because the bloat looks like it might be kickin in full gear really soon. pinning 250 test tonight in right delt. luckily tomorrow is my day off so i can rest up and not use my sore shoulder. my left delt was pretty damn sore after mondays shot and tuesdays shoulder workout!


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everything is goin great so far. checked blood pressure today and it was 115/64 so i think that falls in the normal range if i'm not mistaken. diets been great. i'm starting to pack on some weight now from the dbol. i'm at 190 but i attribute most of the sudden weight gain to water. my legs are getting pretty damn thick though, and strong as hell too. i'm starting the adex and finasteride today at low doses because the bloat looks like it might be kickin in full gear really soon. pinning 250 test tonight in right delt. luckily tomorrow is my day off so i can rest up and not use my sore shoulder. my left delt was pretty damn sore after mondays shot and tuesdays shoulder workout!
AWESOME!! welcome aboard man. Once the size comes it's great.


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would .5 of a'dex eod be too small of a dose? what about .25 ed? i want to keep some bloat around.


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would .5 of a'dex eod be too small of a dose? what about .25 ed? i want to keep some bloat around.
.25 ed was perfect for me...........try that first and then if you don't like it try .5 eod.


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why just right? wouldn't you want to spread it out evenly across your right and left delts?
missed this earlier. i didn't want to have to hit both my delts twice this week. seemed better and more efficient just to hit one and then the other instead of bilaterally.


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missed this earlier. i didn't want to have to hit both my delts twice this week. seemed better and more efficient just to hit one and then the other instead of bilaterally.
gotcha. I did it bilaterally bcuz 2.4mls in one delt for me would be seemingly too much. I may start doing biceps bilaterally...anyone do this with success?


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i can fit 2ml in a bicep so i never split it. id rather have one painful bicep than 2.


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I have done quite a few test-enth/cyp cycles and I still get the same damn pain.. I moved from the ass to the shoulder because I was hating having to sit down...lol


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damn what size pin do you use for bi's?
25g, i hit the upper (nearer the delt) outer head, too many little veins and nerves on the inside for my liking. you guys all take it in the ass. injections, i mean....injections from a syringe i mean....you guys all bufu each other


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geez i knew you guys said they get easier, but these injections are almost becoming TOO easy. looks like i'll be doing another one of these:)


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:ntome: .....you said delt right.
LOL yessSSS!!

i think i might have injected a tad bit too low because my arm is sore under the injection spot. not my shoulder. i think the oil must have dispersed downward?? i made sure to massage it in really good and stretch out for about 5-10 minutes after i injected.


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LOL yessSSS!!

i think i might have injected a tad bit too low because my arm is sore under the injection spot. not my shoulder. i think the oil must have dispersed downward?? i made sure to massage it in really good and stretch out for about 5-10 minutes after i injected.
same thing happened to me. I massaged and stretched a bit and it passed


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How them dbols treating you? want to order me some and send them to me for free as a gift :)

did you figure out AIM yet?
well i'm having a hard time finding stuff to wear out of the house now. i guess you could say they're treating me pretty decent in the size department. the only thing i'm wearing are those sh1tty xl shirts you would get for promotional stuff like when you're out at the bar and the beer girls are there. my jeans are all tight as hell in the thighs and ass now so i probably look retarded in all of them (and i wear [or used to wear] stupid expensive diesel and guess sh1t so there goes alot of wasted money down the sh1tter). none of my nice express t-shirts or button-ups fit me. and i haven't even gotten to the 'meat' of the cycle yet. looks like i'll be working on getting a new wardrobe this winter
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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well i'm having a hard time finding stuff to wear out of the house now. i guess you could say they're treating me pretty decent in the size department. the only thing i'm wearing are those sh1tty xl shirts you would get for promotional stuff like when you're out at the bar and the beer girls are there. my jeans are all tight as hell in the thighs and ass now so i probably look retarded in all of them (and i wear [or used to wear] stupid expensive diesel and guess sh1t so there goes alot of wasted money down the sh1tter). none of my nice express t-shirts or button-ups fit me. and i haven't even gotten to the 'meat' of the cycle yet. looks like i'll be working on getting a new wardrobe this winter
that's the one downside of blowing up.
your clothes get so tight it makes you look like you are dressed to hit the gay bar.
and after spending all your money on sups, there is none left for bigger clothes.
guess you are going to have to finally come out of the closet. lol.


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that's the one downside of blowing up.
your clothes get so tight it makes you look like you are dressed to hit the gay bar.
and after spending all your money on sups, there is none left for bigger clothes.
guess you are going to have to finally come out of the closet. lol.
couldnt have said it better lol

but honestly if your growing this much seems you werent ready for this cycle perhaps... i could be wrong. and your making great progess so just keep posting everything you can and maybe ill copy this !!!


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couldnt have said it better lol

but honestly if your growing this much seems you werent ready for this cycle perhaps... i could be wrong. and your making great progess so just keep posting everything you can and maybe ill copy this !!!
yea i see where you're going with this but it just so happens that i was outgrowing alot of my clothes at the beginning of this past summer. since i haven't had a job lately, all i've been wearing have been my gym clothes because thats really the only thing i do (or can afford without a job:trout: ). i recently did a spring cleaning, err 'fall' cleaning of my closet and only about 15% of my wardrobe fits and thats it. trust nycste, i'm not making beginner newbtits gains ya lesbo lol!!!! :nutkick:


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shut up nyc, what do you know?

PS- thats a good sign sfear. Yeah none of my clothes are gonna fit me soon. I don't even own a dress shirt that fits me anymore, my back doesn't fit in any of them
all of my button ups look like the buttons are going to pop off the front when i put them on. and i have an interview monday. i have to find something nice to where quick.


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for casualwear id suggest the gap athletic wear t's and collared shirts. they are the only things that fit me nowadays.

or you could always just put duct tape over your nipples


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my favorite t's are the fruit of the loom 'best' shirts. i found them on ebay for like $20 for a dozen.


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damn man i've got some shrinkage goin on down below. seems like they've already decided its time to take a vacation. i didn't plan for this to happen this early on. i also didn't think that i would need hcg in a basic cycle like this. i mean they are seriously like 3/4 their normal size.


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damn man i've got some shrinkage goin on down below. seems like they've already decided its time to take a vacation. i didn't plan for this to happen this early on. i also didn't think that i would need hcg in a basic cycle like this. i mean they are seriously like 3/4 their normal size.
welcome to the life......I started HCG this week. seems to be helping. I will evaluate it for a few weeks and if need be add another 250IU dose in the week.


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welcome to the life......I started HCG this week. seems to be helping. I will evaluate it for a few weeks and if need be add another 250IU dose in the week.
i hope they don't get any smaller than this!!! LOL :whiner: seriously though...


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damn man i've got some shrinkage goin on down below. seems like they've already decided its time to take a vacation. i didn't plan for this to happen this early on. i also didn't think that i would need hcg in a basic cycle like this. i mean they are seriously like 3/4 their normal size.
igf helps big time with this...........good luck finding it now though......it's going fast!!


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You're probably just more susceptible to it. I'll help you if you give me all your dbols :twisted:
them dbols are the shizzy izzy! i'm at 190 right now. beginning of the summer i was at like 170 and my goal was to be at 190 by the new year. looks like i might have to set another goal. my mom knows what i'm doing but doesn't approve of it. she is all worried and sh1t: "scott i don't think your frame can hold that much weight!! you're starting to look like a freak!" "but mom you don't understand, i have another 10+ weeks on cycle!"


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damn is igf-1 basically done?? at least from the research standpoint??


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update- so today i noticed my right nip is starting to get a tad bit itchy. i've been dosing a'dex for the past couple nights at .25mg. should i hold out on bumping to .5 and see if it resides? i have left over nolva/clomid combo and a new toremifene (definitely don't want to use this til post) on hand but i would rather just leave that out if i could. suggestions? theres no puffiness to it nor any bump or anything. just a little itchy bastard.

besides that everything is fine. weight gain seems to be staying at 190-192 for the time being. i was going to run the dbol 40mg @ 5 weeks but i'm thinking about bumping it to 60 and running it for 4 weeks. any objections to doing that? i've heard great things about dbol at higher doses. also, no hair shedding as of yet. i was wondering if i would have already experienced excessive shedding by now from the dbol or if it hits later in the cycle. tomorrow is only the beginning of week 3. test should be kickin soooooonnn!!!!


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i take a little tamox every 3 days or so on cycle to prevent gyno,and to help lipids.


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i take a little tamox every 3 days or so on cycle to prevent gyno,and to help lipids.
see thats the thing though, the leftover bottle (from my very first SD cycle) i have is a nolva & clomid combo i bought back when i didn't know anything and thought i needed both. i've run tor ever since then. i don't think it would be good to run the clomid like that while on would it?


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see thats the thing though, the leftover bottle (from my very first superdrol cycle) i have is a nolva & clomid combo i bought back when i didn't know anything and thought i needed both. i've run tor ever since then. i don't think it would be good to run the clomid like that while on would it?
dude the clomid DEF isn't gonna hurt anything!!!!!!!!!!! you best run some unless you want to milk yourself!


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everythings been pretty stagnant as of late. weight is the same, lifts are all leveling off, nips are a little tender, bloat is moderate, hair is still there, and injections are a breeze. i upped the dbol to 60mg ed this week so we'll see what happens this week and next. i can already feel the bloat creeping up again. i did my right glute last night (ventroglute). it was a little hard twisting around like that but today there is no sign of soreness so everythings going great. i've felt a heightened since of well being the past day or so so maybe thats a first sign of the test kicking in. plus i went to the mall yesterday and i don't know if i had some kind of alpha male 'pheromone' effect going from lifting an hour before but every female i came in contact with made sure to make eye contact with me, smile, then almost blush or some sh1t. that type of sh1t will put your confidence through the roof real quick! i mean i get the occasional eye contact smile thing with a little hottie but honestly it was like 10 girls. could that be the test?? if so, geeeeeeez i'm never coming off lol. i'm close to being half-way into my third week so i know i'm close. i think i'm going to up my cals and try to start packing on some more weight.


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everythings been pretty stagnant as of late. weight is the same, lifts are all leveling off, nips are a little tender, bloat is moderate, hair is still there, and injections are a breeze. i upped the dbol to 60mg ed this week so we'll see what happens this week and next. i can already feel the bloat creeping up again. i did my right glute last night (ventroglute). it was a little hard twisting around like that but today there is no sign of soreness so everythings going great. i've felt a heightened since of well being the past day or so so maybe thats a first sign of the test kicking in. plus i went to the mall yesterday and i don't know if i had some kind of alpha male 'pheromone' effect going from lifting an hour before but every female i came in contact with made sure to make eye contact with me, smile, then almost blush or some sh1t. that type of sh1t will put your confidence through the roof real quick! i mean i get the occasional eye contact smile thing with a little hottie but honestly it was like 10 girls. could that be the test?? if so, geeeeeeez i'm never coming off lol. i'm close to being half-way into my third week so i know i'm close. i think i'm going to up my cals and try to start packing on some more weight.

thers nothing like that alpha male feeling. As long as we dont get arrogant, egotistical and cocky...but I know what you mean when it's like girls can almost "smell" the testosterone in you
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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dude the clomid DEF isn't gonna hurt anything!!!!!!!!!!! you best run some unless you want to milk yourself!
yes. and i've heard of guys running a low dose of clomid throughout their cycle as an alternative to hcg.
kinda old school - but it works.
just something to keep in mind if the boy decide to go on vacation.


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yes. and i've heard of guys running a low dose of clomid throughout their cycle as an alternative to hcg.
kinda old school - but it works.
just something to keep in mind if the boy decide to go on vacation.
i'll definitely keep this in mind. the boys have done packed their bags, put there sh1t in the car, and are out the door as we speak! i might just do a very low dose every three days like trip suggested. i've got just enough for that but not enough for a whole post cycle so it would be just sitting there anyway so i might as well use it up.


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thers nothing like that alpha male feeling. As long as we dont get arrogant, egotistical and cocky...but I know what you mean when it's like girls can almost "smell" the testosterone in you
seriously there has to be some kind of science behind that! hopefully i get a girl that interviews me for this job i'm trying to get! she'll be like, 'hmmmm, whats that scent you're wearing, testosterone?' haha, 'you're hired' :study:
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Study: Men's Sweat Triggers High Sexual Arousal In Women
February 8, 2007 - 8:07am
WASHINGTON - It looks like the smell women prefer on a man is his own sweat.

Researchers concluded women who sniffed a chemical found in male sweat experienced an elevated hormone level, along with higher sexual arousal and a faster heart rate.

They claim the study represents the first direct evidence that people secrete a scent that influences hormones of the opposite sex.

The study focused on androstadienone, which scientists consider to be a male chemical signal.

Previous research established that a whiff of it affected women's mood, sexual and physiological arousal and brain activation.

Its impact on hormones, however, was less clear.

A derivative of testosterone, it is found in male sweat as well as in saliva and semen. The study, conducted by the University of California at Berkeley, is published in this week's "Journal of Neuroscience."


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good find!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hank Vangut again.


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Study: Men's Sweat Triggers High Sexual Arousal In Women
February 8, 2007 - 8:07am
WASHINGTON - It looks like the smell women prefer on a man is his own sweat.

Researchers concluded women who sniffed a chemical found in male sweat experienced an elevated hormone level, along with higher sexual arousal and a faster heart rate.

They claim the study represents the first direct evidence that people secrete a scent that influences hormones of the opposite sex.

The study focused on androstadienone, which scientists consider to be a male chemical signal.

Previous research established that a whiff of it affected women's mood, sexual and physiological arousal and brain activation.

Its impact on hormones, however, was less clear.

A derivative of testosterone, it is found in male sweat as well as in saliva and semen. The study, conducted by the University of California at Berkeley, is published in this week's "Journal of Neuroscience."
damn right!

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