RPM and Beer



I am working out at 2 and was wondering if i took 2 caps of RPM and that started to play beer pong at 7 if the RPM would have an adverse effect, i know that cafffenie dehydrates you but i wondering about the other supps will respond to the beer


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you'll be fine..lol....beer pong, hilarious


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Naringin prolongs intoxication as well. A 12 may hit you like 18, so be careful.


O.G. Appnut
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Rodja is correct. Just be careful man.

Sidenote: After using RPM, you're gonna RULE at Beer Pong. ;)


i took 2 rpm before drinking tonight.....and 4 beers felt like 10......i feel like im pretty sensitive to the naringin when i took it with yohimbine and 2 mg felt like the 6 i normally take


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yes, be careful or you could end up in jail......or so I hear...


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I've not had any obvious side effects from rpm and beer.


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Let me tell you guys, not a good idea to mix beer and RPM. Well, beer I don't know actually, but I had magaritas after taking RPM to keep me up at the tables about a month and a half ago up in Tahoe and it was one of the worst drunks I have ever been. I actually blacked out at a table with my girlfriend and her parents and started walking around throwing my chips at every woman I saw. Luckily the women were nice there and saw who I was with and gave my girlfriends parents my chips to hold on to. It was bad, I tried to motor boat not only this hot chic with big tits (so my girl said), but I also tried to motor boat my girlfriends mom at the blackjack table. That is when her Dad said "time to take him to the room". I only had 4 magaritas too which is nothing for me. So I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to get drunk quicker, harder, and longer (that is the only thing you will get quicker, harder and longer while drunk on RPM, lol) take RPM before alcohol, it kills Red Bull.


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After Saturday, I am not going to be drinking again for a long time...

RPM+UFC+12 Hefeweizen=:sick:


oh **** that explains it. this summer i had some rpm samples and went to go hang out at the lake with friends. i took 2 rpm before i went. i had a few shots and drank a few beers, normally i have a pretty high tolerance. i remember tubing and then ..nothing. my friends told me i was INCOHERENT. i walked into my friends house and passed out on the kitchen table. i literally had to have 2 guys carry me to the car, where i kept saying where's my girlfriend, and she had left like 3 hours before. i woke up later at my friends place with no recollection of that.

naringin + beer imo can be dangerous. id almost be tempted to put a warning on it or something. what i drank was about what i drink just to get buzzed, i haven't blacked out like that in a long long time. not knowing how it multiplies your drunk and drinking like you usually do can lead to some bad times, or good times however you look at it hahah. im just glad i didnt drown


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naringin + beer imo can be dangerous.
Very true, you shouldn't mix it with any drug period. I haven't noticed an effect between the two, but I never pop the rpm right before drinking (it would have been a few beers hours later, after working out).

To be realistic, anytime you drink, you should be incredibly aware of anything you consume. I wouldn't personally be mixing supplements and alcohol.

I made a thread related to this that seems like its going to get ignored:


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Let me tell you guys, not a good idea to mix beer and RPM. Well, beer I don't know actually, but I had magaritas after taking RPM to keep me up at the tables about a month and a half ago up in Tahoe and it was one of the worst drunks I have ever been. I actually blacked out at a table with my girlfriend and her parents and started walking around throwing my chips at every woman I saw. Luckily the women were nice there and saw who I was with and gave my girlfriends parents my chips to hold on to. It was bad, I tried to motor boat not only this hot chic with big tits (so my girl said), but I also tried to motor boat my girlfriends mom at the blackjack table. That is when her Dad said "time to take him to the room". I only had 4 magaritas too which is nothing for me. So I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to get drunk quicker, harder, and longer (that is the only thing you will get quicker, harder and longer while drunk on RPM, lol) take RPM before alcohol, it kills Red Bull.
funniest thing I've read all day .... "tried to motor boat my girlfriends mom" ... classic


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yea, definetly not the highlight of my life, lol. On a side note, I don't think it is the naringin as much as it is the caffiene/chocamine that effects the way we feel when consuming alcohol. It why sparks beer has caffeine in it, and why red bull and vodka are so popular.


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never had any noticeable effect on me. Then again I'm an alcoholic... Hahaha


MST Reppin Hard!
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I had something similar happen on a yohimbine product. I was ridiculously drunk after a few bacardi/diet coke's. I didn't so much motor boat anyone, haha, but it was intense..it normally takes me at least 7 or 8 to be buzzed. I couldn't believe it.


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CTDuece! Welcome over to the best bodybuilding forum on the net! Glad to see you made you way over here! Maybe you can post your log here as well brutha!


MST Reppin Hard!
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CTDuece! Welcome over to the best bodybuilding forum on the net! Glad to see you made you way over here! Maybe you can post your log here as well brutha!
I definitely don't see that being a problem :)

I read a bunch of posts before deciding to join. My problem with a lot of forums is that people like to be jerks for no reason basically, and I don't have time for that. Everyone here seemed to be pretty knowledgeable and friendly enough so I thought i'd give it a shot. Thanks for the welcome!

My cleanse is over right around the end of this month...so i'm totally amp'ed about starting my log up!


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Let me tell you guys, not a good idea to mix beer and RPM. Well, beer I don't know actually, but I had magaritas after taking RPM to keep me up at the tables about a month and a half ago up in Tahoe and it was one of the worst drunks I have ever been. I actually blacked out at a table with my girlfriend and her parents and started walking around throwing my chips at every woman I saw. Luckily the women were nice there and saw who I was with and gave my girlfriends parents my chips to hold on to. It was bad, I tried to motor boat not only this hot chic with big tits (so my girl said), but I also tried to motor boat my girlfriends mom at the blackjack table. That is when her Dad said "time to take him to the room". I only had 4 magaritas too which is nothing for me. So I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to get drunk quicker, harder, and longer (that is the only thing you will get quicker, harder and longer while drunk on RPM, lol) take RPM before alcohol, it kills Red Bull.

That is f'n hillarious.

By the way how did you like Tahoe. Are you from that area?

I went to Tahoe on my honeymoon. It was one of the coolest places I have been. Very relaxing and beautiful scenery.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I've been dying to get out that way. My grandmother swears it's the best place ever.


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I've been dying to get out that way. My grandmother swears it's the best place ever.
Its a blast. Gambling and free liquor. The first night I was there I didn't realize that if you are gambling you can drink for free so I didn't. However, after I realized this I took full advantage and actually won a lot of $$ playing roulette the first time I ever played. My and the wife went hiking every morning. There are a couple of really nice golf courses that overlook the lake.

I really want to go back during ski season!!!. We were there literally a week after they all closed down for the season.

I would recommend everybody check it out at least once. (you WILL want to go back)


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Let me tell you guys, not a good idea to mix beer and RPM. Well, beer I don't know actually, but I had magaritas after taking RPM to keep me up at the tables about a month and a half ago up in Tahoe and it was one of the worst drunks I have ever been. I actually blacked out at a table with my girlfriend and her parents and started walking around throwing my chips at every woman I saw. Luckily the women were nice there and saw who I was with and gave my girlfriends parents my chips to hold on to. It was bad, I tried to motor boat not only this hot chic with big tits (so my girl said), but I also tried to motor boat my girlfriends mom at the blackjack table. That is when her Dad said "time to take him to the room". I only had 4 magaritas too which is nothing for me. So I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to get drunk quicker, harder, and longer (that is the only thing you will get quicker, harder and longer while drunk on RPM, lol) take RPM before alcohol, it kills Red Bull.
Myth, i really wish i had taken your advise seriously lol

Two weekends ago we had a birthday party, had like max 3 shots of tq over a period of 4 hours. Man...i was down like a drugged horse. Ended up being pushed into the pool and swiming for half hour, only to realize i still had my blackberry and wallet in my pocket (actually saw my blackberry float by).

Really messed me up good. I got slapped a few times (dont know why or by who, but i remember some dude saying "damnnnn she slapped you". I also know i talked crap all night, i remember saying something about sudan (the country) "yeah its nice because you get to see all the animals and its nice you know" thats the most interlectual thing i could contribute to the discussion. (my friends from sudan)

Anyway, be careful boys, be real careful.

Edit: Im SERIOUS guys!
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Let me tell you guys, not a good idea to mix beer and RPM. Well, beer I don't know actually, but I had magaritas after taking RPM to keep me up at the tables about a month and a half ago up in Tahoe and it was one of the worst drunks I have ever been. I actually blacked out at a table with my girlfriend and her parents and started walking around throwing my chips at every woman I saw. Luckily the women were nice there and saw who I was with and gave my girlfriends parents my chips to hold on to. It was bad, I tried to motor boat not only this hot chic with big tits (so my girl said), but I also tried to motor boat my girlfriends mom at the blackjack table. That is when her Dad said "time to take him to the room". I only had 4 magaritas too which is nothing for me. So I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to get drunk quicker, harder, and longer (that is the only thing you will get quicker, harder and longer while drunk on RPM, lol) take RPM before alcohol, it kills Red Bull.
I admire the post bro!!!!!...Good true story!!!...LMAO!!!!!!!!!


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I admire the post bro!!!!!...Good true story!!!
i actually thought he was joking. It seems to be exactly as if you took a few red bulls and some drinks at the same time.

Interesting note however, i experienced no hangover whatsoever.


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i actually thought he was joking. It seems to be exactly as if you took a few red bulls and some drinks at the same time.

Interesting note however, i experienced no hangover whatsoever.
It's just a funny story!!!!!! LMAO!!!


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It's just a funny story!!!!!! LMAO!!!
that was my point man, his "story" actually has some basis. It seems to have a effect on drinking, whether via dehydration (which is a definately possibility in my case).

Kinda like having a few monster or red bulls and a drink. (then again i talk crap on red bull anyway , then again i talk crap all the time...so whats new heh!).

SERIOUSLY though, it does have an effect on drinking via directly or indirectly.


i actually thought he was joking. It seems to be exactly as if you took a few red bulls and some drinks at the same time.
it's way beyond that bro. i've drank more than my fair share of redbulls/vodka, but that naringin messed me up. i guess its hit or miss, but when it hits it knocks you the **** OUT


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This is awesome!!!! Wish I had known this a while ago. I dont like to drink when I go out mainly because its expensive, and it kills my game/energy.
I'm a big fan of stims when I go out. I'll just take bunch of RPM and skip the booze. Or just have like 2, and blammo! Instant party!!
On the other hand, you could give a girl some RPM, and be like, "here these are for energy"..........


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Also, I got about 3 hours sleep last night, and RPM kept me awake at work today. Thanks guys!!!!!

BTW, the Dallas area rep, Kim, is cool people!!


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HEAT+RPM is even more fun; I had an awesome time on this combo last weekend. Great mood, energy, increased confidence, and you become a cheap drunk.


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Tried this out last night. Not very smart. I had a crappy night, despite being surrounded by hotness.

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